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Last active December 7, 2018 16:04
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// Portguese(pt) localization of
// Localized name: Portuguese
// Top navigation
nav: {
pattern_search: "Busca por padrões",
database: "Navegar no banco de dados",
about: "Sobre",
facebook: "Página do Facebook"
// tooltips for blue buttons in top right corner
menu: {
settings: "Configurações",
share: "Compartilhar busca atual",
help: "Clique aqui, se você não sabe o que fazer",
old: "Versão antiga da busca por padrões",
// selection group
selection: {
title: "Seleção:",
full: "Todo o tabuleiro",
around: "Pedras nos cantos",
tooltips: {
full: "Seleção de todo o tabuleiro",
around: "Seleção das pedras nos cantos"
// filter (search in) group
filter: {
title: "Buscar em:",
all: "Todos os jogos",
modern: "Jogos modernos",
new: "Jogos mais recentes",
tooltips: {
button: "Buscar em",
all: "Procurar em todo o banco de dados",
modern: "Jogos de 2000 até hoje",
new: "Jogos até um ano atrás"
// big blue control buttons
control: {
title: "Controle da busca:",
clear: "Limpar",
undo: "Desfazer",
redo: "Refazer",
search_w: "Procurar B",
search_b: "Procurar P",
tooltips: {
clear: "Limpar a posição",
undo: "Busca anterior",
redo: "Próxima busca",
search_w: "Buscar próxima das brancas",
search_b: "Buscar próxima das pretas",
auto: "Auto-busca",
stop: "Parar a busca"
// continuation block
continuations: {
title: "Próximas jogadas encontradas",
caption: "%{games} jogos pró encontrados em %{time} s",
games: "Número de jogos",
winrate: "Percentual de vitórias"
// matching games block
games: {
title: "Jogos correspondentes",
caption: "Mostrando %{smart_count} ocorrência de %{games} jogo |||| Mostrando %{smart_count} ocorrências de %{games} jogos",
year: "Ano",
tip: "Selecione qualquer jogo acima para visualizá-lo.",
black: "Pretas",
white: "Brancas",
back: "Voltar a busca"
// statistics block
statistics: {
title: "Estatísticas de posições",
caption: "Estatísticas avançadas sobre a posição atual",
probability: "Probabilidade de vitória",
popularity: "Popularidade",
black_wins: "Nessa posição as pretas conseguiram vencer %{count} jogo, |||| Nessa posição as pretas conseguiram vencer %{count} jogos,", // this string and the 'statistics.white_wins' string are rendered in row (divided by space)
white_wins: "brancas venceram %{count} jogo. |||| brancas venceram %{count} jogos.",
popularity_desc: "This plot shows popularity of this position through years.",
lost: "Jogos perdidos",
won: "Jogos vencidos",
unknown: "Resultado desconhecido",
games: "Games played",
popularity_na: "Search again one more time to render the plot. |||| Search again ±%{smart_count} more times to render the plot."
// kifu player and info
player: {
title: "Replay the game",
edit_mode: "Modo de edição",
score_mode: "Modo de pontuação",
coordinates: "Mostrar (esconder) coordenadas",
about: "Sobre esse visualizador",
about_desc: "This sgf / go kifu viewer is based on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">WGo.js</a> library. It is easy to use and you can insert into your website.", // write some pretty advert for me in your language :-)
game_info: "Game information",
date: "Data",
event: "Evento",
komi: "Komi",
result: "Resultado",
score_help: "Click on stones to mark them dead or alive. You can also set and unset territory points by clicking on them. Territories must be completely bordered.",
share: "Compartilhar",
pernament_link: "Permanent link",
share_twitter_text: "Check this game between %{black} and %{white}!",
download: "Download SGF",
tooltips: {
first: "First move",
previous: "Previous move",
move_number: "Current move number / Jump to move",
next: "Next move",
last: "Last move",
menu: "Menu"
// settings modal dialog
settings: {
title: "Settings",
board: "Board:",
coordinates: "Display board's coordinates",
plots: "Plots:",
continuation_plot: "Display continuation plot",
language: "Language:",
language_auto: "Auto detect",
other: "Other:",
sound: "Play sound when placing a stone",
litemode: "Lite mode",
litemode_desc: "(for better performance)",
save: "Save changes"
// share modal dialog
share: {
title: "Share current search",
text: "Position on Waltheri's go pattern search",
link: "Link of the search:",
html: "HTML:",
social: "Share on social sites:",
facebook: "Share on Facebook",
twitter: "Share on Twitter",
twitter_text: "Check out this position!",
copy_confirm: "Copied!",
error: "There is some error and sharing service is not currently working."
// help popovers
help: {
selection: {
title: 'Choose selection mode',
content: 'You have three options. <strong>Full board</strong> button selects the whole board, so every field and stone on the board matters. <strong>Around stones</strong> button selects only area around stones. This is useful, when you are looking for joseki. Third option is a <strong>manual selection</strong> - you can select any part of the board you want, just click on the board with mouse and drag.'
filter: {
title: 'Specify search',
content: 'You can restrict your search to games of certain age. If you select <strong>modern games</strong>, a position will be searched only in pro games played in 21<sup>st</sup> century. Option <strong>new games</strong> narrows a search set even more.'
board: {
title: 'Setup position',
content: 'By <strong>clicking</strong> on the board you can setup position you want. After each click the pattern search will find all occurrences of the position among professional go games. You can also hold <kbd>shift</kbd> (or <kbd>ctrl</kbd>) key while clicking to immediately insert black (or white) stone.'
continuations: {
title: 'Found continuations',
content: 'In this table you can see list of continuations, which have been played in professional games. You can also see some statistics, the higher winning ratio the more successfull move.'
games: {
title: 'Matching games',
content: '<p>In this table you can see list of games, which contain searched position. Click on them to see your position in actual game. Then you can replay them on the small board using mouse wheel, or on a big board which will open after tapping the small board. For performance reasons there is 50 games at the most.</p><p>Now try to click on %{icon} in the top right corner.</p>'
statistics: {
title: 'Statistics',
content: '<p>In this column you can see various statistics for the current position.</p><p>Now try to click on %{icon} in the top right corner.</p>'
games_button: {
title: 'Matching games',
content: 'Click on this button to see matching games. You will be able to replay them as well.'
control: {
title: "Control buttons",
clear: "Clear board (all previous searches will be lost)",
undo: "Get previous search (undo)",
redo: "Get next search (redo)",
search_w: "Find white continuations (and matching games)",
search_b: "Find black continuations",
auto: "Enable/disable auto search. If checked searching will start after each move automatically. Please uncheck this option, if you want just try your variantion on the board."
share: {
title: 'Share your search',
content: 'If you click on this button, your search gets saved and you will be able to share your search with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or whatever social site kids now use.'
fb_like: {
title: 'Like it',
content: 'If you enjoy Waltheri\'s go pattern search I\'d be happy if you liked it on Facebook and shared it with your friends.',
// error messages
errors: {
timeout: {
title: "Oh snap! Searching reached timeout.",
text: "It seems the server is under big pressure. Please try again in a moment."
offline: {
title: "Oh snap! Search failed.",
text: "It seems you are offline. Check your internet connection and try again."
other: {
title: "Oh snap! Search failed.",
text: "There's probably some temporary error on the server side. However if this message keeps poping out, or displays just for the current position, please send message on this email:"
javascript: {
title: "Oh snap! An error occured in the application.",
text: "<p>If you would like to help to solve it, please send information about how it happend and the following message on this email:</p><pre>%{stack}</pre>"
plots: {
error: "Plot couldn't be loaded.",
loading: "Loading cool plot..."
// general stuff used on multiple places
general: {
close: "Close",
na: "not available",
back: "Back",
next: "Next"
// database section
db: {
sections: {
recent: "Recently added",
players: "Browse by players",
advanced: "Advanced search"
game_list: {
title: "Games",
count: "(%{count}&nbsp;game) |||| (%{count}&nbsp;games)",
load_more: "Load more games",
list_view: "List view",
tile_view: "Tile view",
table_view: "Table view",
recent: "Recent games",
advanced: "Advanced search",
replay_game: "Replay game",
download_sgf: "Download game as SGF"
player_info: {
na: "Currently we don't know anything about <strong>%{player}</strong>. <a href='#'>Learn</a> how to add some info.",
loading: "Loading info...",
origin: "This text comes from <a href=\"%{link}\">%{name}</a>. You can find more info there or edit it."
browser: {
more_between: "More games between <strong>%{player1}</strong> and <strong>%{player2}</strong>",
more: "More games of <strong>%{player}</strong>"
players: {
title: "List of players"
filter: {
player1: "Player 1",
player2: "Player 2",
older_than: "Older than %{year}",
newer_than: "%{year} - present",
black_won: "Black won",
white_won: "White won",
black_half: "B + 0.5",
white_half: "W + 0.5",
black_res: "B + Res",
white_res: "W + Res",
jigo: "Jigo"
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