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Created September 18, 2014 19:42
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Loads sample data into database
<?php namespace Endata\Data;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Ingredient;
use Nutrient;
use Composition;
use Settings;
use Plant;
use Formula;
use FormulaIngredient;
class Sample {
public $plant_id = 0;
public $id = 0;
public $currency_id = 0;
public $weight_id = 0;
public $sample = true;
* [create description]
* @param [type] $id [description]
* @param [type] $currency_id [description]
* @param [type] $weight_id [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function create($key, $id, $currency_id, $weight_id, $sample = true)
$dir = '/sample_data/' . $key;
$s = new Sample();
$nutrients = $s->csv_to_array(app_path() . $dir . '/import_nut.csv');
$ingredients = $s->csv_to_array(app_path() . $dir . '/import_ing.csv');
$compositions = $s->csv_to_array(app_path() . $dir . '/import_compositions.csv');
$formulas = $s->csv_to_array(app_path() . $dir . '/import_formulas.csv');
public function setSample($sample) {
$this->sample = $sample;
public function isSample() {
return $this->sample;
public function setId($id) {
$this->id = $id;
public function setCurrencyId($currency_id) {
$this->currency_id = $currency_id;
public function setWeightId($weight_id) {
$this->weight_id = $weight_id;
public function id() {
return $this->id;
public function currencyId() {
return $this->currency_id;
public function weightId() {
return $this->weight_id;
* [initAccount description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function initAccount()
$settings = new Settings();
$settings->account_id = $this->id();
$settings->currency_id = $this->currencyId();
$settings->weight_id = $this->weightId();
$location = new Plant();
$location->account_id = $this->id();
$location->name = "Warehouse";
$this->plant_id = $location->id;
* [importNutrients description]
* @param [type] $nutrients [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function importNutrients($nutrients)
$rows = [];
foreach ($nutrients as $nutrient)
$rows[] = array(
'account_id' => $this->id(),
'name' => $nutrient['nutrient'],
'unit' => $nutrient['unit'],
'code' => $nutrient['code'],
'created_at' => DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'),
'updated_at' => DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')
* [importIngredients description]
* @param [type] $ingredients [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function importIngredients($ingredients)
$rows = [];
foreach ($ingredients as $ingredient)
$rows[] = array(
'account_id' => $this->id(),
'name' => $ingredient['ingredient'],
'price' => Sample::randomFloat(),
'plant_id' => $this->plant_id,
'dry_matter' => $ingredient['dm'],
'code' => $ingredient['code'],
'created_at' => DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'),
'updated_at' => DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')
* [importCompositions description]
* @param [type] $compositions [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function importCompositions($compositions)
$account_id = $this->id();
$nutrients = Nutrient::where('account_id', $account_id )->get();
foreach ($compositions as $composition)
$ingredient = Ingredient::where('name', $composition['ingredient'])
->where('account_id', $account_id )->first();
$rows = [];
foreach ($nutrients as $nutrient)
$value = $composition[$nutrient->name];
if(!$value) { $value = 0; }
$rows[] = array(
'account_id' => $account_id,
'nutrient_id' => $nutrient->id,
'ingredient_id' => $ingredient->id,
'value' => $value);
* [importFormulas description]
* @param [type] $formulas [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function importFormulas($formulas)
$account_id = $this->id();
foreach($formulas[0] as $key=>$value)
if($key != 'ingredient')
Sample::createFormula($account_id, $key, $formulas);
* [createFormula description]
* @param [type] $account_id [description]
* @param [type] $name [description]
* @param [type] $formulas [description]
* @return [type] [description]
function createFormula($account_id, $name, $formulas)
$myFormula = new Formula();
$myFormula->account_id = $account_id;
$myFormula->name = $name;
foreach ($formulas as $formula)
$ingredient = Ingredient::where('name', $formula['ingredient'])
->where('account_id', $account_id )->first();
$forIng = new FormulaIngredient;
$forIng->formula_id = $myFormula->id;
$forIng->account_id = $account_id;
$forIng->amount = $formula[$name];
$forIng->ingredient_id = $ingredient->id;
* Convert a comma separated file into an associated array.
* The first row should contain the array keys.
function csv_to_array($filename='', $delimiter=',') {
if(!file_exists($filename) || !is_readable($filename))
return FALSE;
$header = NULL;
$data = array();
if (($handle = fopen($filename, 'r')) !== FALSE)
while (($row = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, $delimiter)) !== FALSE)
if (!$header) {
$header = $row;
else {
if (count($header) > count($row)) {
$difference = count($header) - count($row);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $difference; $i++) {
$row[count($row) + 1] = $delimiter;
$data[] = array_combine($header, $row);
return $data;
* [randomFloat description]
* @param integer $min [description]
* @param integer $max [description]
* @return [type] [description]
function randomFloat($min = 0, $max = 10) {
return number_format(($min + mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min)), 2);
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