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Last active October 14, 2018 00:16
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django project creation automatized (virtualenv, django installation and startproject)
from termcolor import colored
import clipboard
VIRTUALENV_NAME = input("Name for Virtual-Environment: ")
DJANGO_VERSION_TO_INSTALL = input("Django Version: ")
DJANGO_PROJECT_TO_CREATE = input("Project Name: ")
amp = " &&"
# Note "WEBDEV-DJANGO" is just an alias I made in my .zshrc file:
command = "WEBDEV-DJANGO"
command += amp + f" python3 -m venv {VIRTUALENV_NAME}"
command += amp + f" cd {VIRTUALENV_NAME}"
command += amp + " source bin/activate"
command += amp + " pip3 install --upgrade pip"
command += amp + f" pip3 install Django=={DJANGO_VERSION_TO_INSTALL}"
command += amp + " pip3 freeze > requirements.txt"
command += amp + f" echo '- Django Version being used: {DJANGO_VERSION_TO_INSTALL}' >>"
command += amp + " echo '- To activate the virtualenv just type <source bin/activate>' >>"
command += amp + " echo '- To install the requirements type: <pip3 install -r requirements.txt>' >>"
command += amp + " echo '- To deactivate the virtualenv just type <deactivate>' >>"
command += amp + \
f" ./bin/django-admin startproject {DJANGO_PROJECT_TO_CREATE}__with_{DJANGO_VERSION_TO_INSTALL.replace('.','_')}"
command += amp + f" cd {DJANGO_PROJECT_TO_CREATE}__with_{DJANGO_VERSION_TO_INSTALL.replace('.', '_')}"
print("\n", command, "\n")
print(colored("The", "red"), end=" ")
print(colored("command", "yellow"), end=" ")
print(colored("was", "blue"), end=" ")
print(colored("successfuly", "green"), end=" ")
print(colored("copied", "magenta"), end=" ")
print(colored("to", "cyan"), end=" ")
print(colored("the", "red"), end=" ")
print(colored("clipboard", "yellow"), end="")
print(colored("!", "blue"), "\n")
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