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Last active August 14, 2023 13:41
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How to display an X11 application on remote Ubuntu system
Based on this page:
How to display an X11 application on remote Ubuntu system
display-host: ubuntu linux running X11 server
app-host: other linux with an X11 application
On the display-host:
1. Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add the xserver-allow-tcp=true line below. If you don't have this file copy the contents below and create a new file.
2. Restart X11 with sudo restart lightdm.
3. Check to see which port X11 is listening on with sudo lsof -i. We'll use this later to set the DISPLAY variable on the app-host.
If the line looks like TCP *:x11 (LISTEN), your DISPLAY variable will end in :0.
If the line looks like TCP *:x11-1 (LISTEN), your DISPLAY variable will end in :1.
If the line looks like TCP *:x11-2 (LISTEN), your DISPLAY variable will end in :2.
and so on.
4. Login and start the X11 session if it isn't started automatically.
5. Run `xhost +' (Note: You could be more specific here with your xhost argument. See the man page.)
On the app-host:
1. If export DISPLAY=ip-address-of-display-host:0 or whatever colon-number suffix is appropriate based on your sudo lsof -i test above.
2. Run the X11 application (eg: xclock &)
You should see the X11 application running on the app-host, but displayed on the display-host.
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