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Last active July 26, 2020 11:50
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  • Save ricardocosta/e44f6896afb6a642b3f95e712857cde3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ricardocosta/e44f6896afb6a642b3f95e712857cde3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Export / Import Github labels

Export / Import Github labels

A collage from several other gists.

To export labels from a repository:

  1. Go to the repository's labels page
  2. Run the following code in the browser's console:
var labels = [];
  .forEach(function (element) {
      name: element.textContent.trim(),
      description: element.getAttribute("title"),
      // using style.backgroundColor might returns "rgb(...)"
      color: element
        .replace("background-color:", "")
        .replace(/color:.*/, "")
        // github wants hex code only without # or ;
        .replace(/^#/, "")
        .replace(/;$/, "")

console.log(JSON.stringify(labels, null, 2));


To import the resulting labels to another repository:

  1. Go to the repository's labels page
  2. Delete all existing labels
  3. Run the following code in the browser's console:
function updateLabel(label) {
  var flag = false;
    .forEach(function (element) {
      if (
        element.querySelector(".label-link").textContent.trim() ===
      ) {
        flag = true;
        element.querySelector(".js-new-label-name-input").value =;
        element.querySelector(".js-new-label-description-input").value =
        element.querySelector(".js-new-label-color-input").value =
          "#" + label.color;
        element.querySelector(".js-edit-label-cancel ~ .btn-primary").click();
  return flag;

function addNewLabel(label) {
  document.querySelector(".js-new-label-name-input").value =;
  document.querySelector(".js-new-label-description-input").value =
  document.querySelector(".js-new-label-color-input").value = "#" + label.color;
  document.querySelector(".js-details-target ~ .btn-primary").disabled = false;
  document.querySelector(".js-details-target ~ .btn-primary").click();

function addLabel(label) {
  if (!updateLabel(label)) addNewLabel(label);

// The labels resulting from the export operation
    name: "wip",
    description: "Work in progress",
    color: "a8d3da",
    name: "bug",
    description: "Something isn't working",
    color: "ef6c57",
    name: "documentation",
    description: "Improvements or additions to documentation",
    color: "f4eeff",
    name: "duplicate",
    description: "This issue or pull request already exists",
    color: "383e56",
    name: "enhancement",
    description: "New feature or request",
    color: "ffe3b0",
    name: "help wanted",
    description: "Extra attention is needed",
    color: "aacdbe",
].forEach(function (label) {


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