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Created December 4, 2012 03:57
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// sample to use: php dbf2mysql.php > {filename}.sql
$db = false;
if($argc >= 2) {
$table = 'table';
$iconvFrom = '866';
$iconvTo = 'UTF-8';
$delimetr = ',';
$file = end($argv);
$opt = getopt("t:l:c"); #print_r ($opt);
$table = (empty($opt['t']))? $table : $opt['t'];
$db = dbase_open($file, 0);
if ($db) {
$info = dbase_get_header_info($db); #print_r($info);
$fields = dbase_numfields($db);
$records = dbase_numrecords($db);
if (isset($opt['c'])) {
$sql = array();
$sql[] = 'CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '` (';
$columns = array();
foreach ($info as $i) {
if ($i['type'] == 'character') {
$type = 'VARCHAR('. $i['length'] . ')';
} elseif ($i['type'] == 'number') {
$type = 'INT(10)';
} elseif ($i['type'] == 'date') {
$type = 'DATETIME';
} elseif ($i['type'] == 'memo') {
$type = 'VARCHAR(500)';
$columns[] = ' `' . strtolower($i['name']) . '` ' . $type;
$sql[] = implode(',' . PHP_EOL, $columns);
$sql[] = ');' . PHP_EOL;
echo implode(PHP_EOL, $sql);
$records = (empty($opt['l']))? $records : $opt['l'];
$sql = array();
$sql[] = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '`';
$columns = array();
foreach ($info as $i) {
$columns[] = '`'.strtolower($i['name']) . '`';
$sql[] = '(' . implode(', ', $columns). ') VALUES';
$values = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $records; $i++) {
$row = dbase_get_record_with_names($db, $i); #print_r($row);
$line = array();
foreach ($info as $j) {
$line[] = "'" . addcslashes(iconv($iconvFrom, $iconvTo, trim($row[$j['name']])), "'") . "'";
$values[] = '(' . implode($delimetr, $line) . ')';
$sql[] = implode(', ' . PHP_EOL, $values) . ';';
echo implode(PHP_EOL, $sql);
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