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Created January 13, 2015 07:19
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Quil/ClojureScript sketch showing the intersection of wandering circles
(ns quil-js.circles
(:require [quil.core :as q :include-macros true]
[quil.middleware :as m]))
(deftype Circle [x y radius x-move y-move line-color fill-color alpha])
(defn draw-circle [circle]
; (.log js/console (str "Drawing " x "," y " with " overlap))
(q/fill (.-fill-color circle) (.-alpha circle))
(q/ellipse (.-x circle) (.-y circle) (* (.-radius circle) 2) (* (.-radius circle) 2))
(q/stroke (.line-color circle) 150)
(q/ellipse (.-x circle) (.-y circle) 10 10))
(defn random-circle
"Return a random circle"
(random-circle (q/random (q/width)) (q/random (q/height))))
([x y]
x y (+ (q/random 100) 10)
(- (q/random 4) 2) (- (q/random 4) 2)
(q/color (q/random 255) (q/random 255) (q/random 255))
(q/color (q/random 255) (q/random 255) (q/random 255))
(q/random 255))))
(defn circle-overlap-distance
"Calculates the overlap distance between two circles. If negative, they overlap"
[circle1 circle2]
(let [x1 (.-x circle1)
y1 (.-y circle1)
radius1 (.-radius circle1)
x2 (.-x circle2)
y2 (.-y circle2)
radius2 (.-radius circle2)
distance (q/dist x1 y1 x2 y2)
radii (+ radius1 radius2)]
(if (and ; Are they the same circle?
(== x1 x2)
(== y1 y2)
(== radius1 radius2))
(- distance radii))))
(defn circles-overlap? [circle1 circle2]
(< (circle-overlap-distance circle1 circle2) 0))
(defn mid-point
"Calculates the mid point between two coordinates"
[circle1 circle2]
(let [x1 (.-x circle1)
y1 (.-y circle1)
x2 (.-x circle2)
y2 (.-y circle2)]
{:x (/ (+ x1 x2) 2)
:y (/ (+ y1 y2) 2)}))
(defn calculate-circle-overlaps
"Returns a list of maps with the overlap amount for each circle, only for those where they overlap"
[circle circle-list]
(map (defn f [c] {:overlap-amount (circle-overlap-distance circle c) :mid-point (mid-point circle c)}) circle-list)
(filter #(< (:overlap-amount %) 0))))
(defn calculate-overlaps [circle-list]
(loop [circle (first circle-list)
others (rest circle-list)
acc []]
(if (or (nil? circle) (empty? circle-list))
(recur (first others)
(rest others)
(conj acc (calculate-circle-overlaps circle (rest others)))))))
(defn overlaps-any? [circle circle-list]
(some #(circles-overlap? circle %) circle-list))
(defn set-overlap [circle circle-list]
(let [overlap (overlaps-any? circle circle-list)]
(assoc circle :overlap overlap)))
(defn update-circle-position
"Updates a circle's position"
(let [x-move (.-x-move circle)
y-move (.-y-move circle)
x (.-x circle)
y (.-y circle)
radius (.-radius circle)
new-x (+ x x-move)
new-y (+ y y-move)]
(> new-x (+ radius (q/width))) (->Circle (- radius) new-y radius x-move y-move (.-line-color circle) (.-fill-color circle) (.-alpha circle))
(< new-x (- radius)) (->Circle (+ (q/width) radius) new-y radius x-move y-move (.-line-color circle) (.-fill-color circle) (.-alpha circle))
(> new-y (+ radius (q/height))) (->Circle new-x (- radius) radius x-move y-move (.-line-color circle) (.-fill-color circle) (.-alpha circle))
(< new-y (- radius)) (->Circle new-x (+ (q/height) radius) radius x-move y-move (.-line-color circle) (.-fill-color circle) (.-alpha circle))
:else (->Circle new-x new-y radius x-move y-move (.-line-color circle) (.-fill-color circle) (.-alpha circle)))))
(defn draw-circles
(dotimes [n 5]
(draw-circle (random-circle))))
(doseq [circle circles] (draw-circle circle))))
(defn draw-midpoint [{overlap :overlap-amount {x :x y :y} :mid-point}]
(q/stroke 0 10)
(q/ellipse x y (- overlap) (- overlap)))
(defn draw-midpoints [midpoints]
(doseq [midpoint midpoints] (draw-midpoint midpoint)))
(defn mouse-clicked [state event]
(assoc state :circles (conj (random-circle (:x event) (:y event)) (:circles state))))
(defn setup []
(q/background 240)
(q/frame-rate 30)
(q/stroke-weight 1)
(q/fill 150 50)
{:circles (take 100 (repeatedly random-circle))})
(defn update-with-midpoints [state]
(let [circles (:circles state)]
(assoc state :circles (map update-circle-position circles)
:midpoints (->> (calculate-overlaps circles)
(defn draw-wandering-midpoints [{midpoints :midpoints}]
(q/fill 240 2)
(q/rect 0 0 (q/width) (q/height))
(draw-midpoints midpoints))
(q/defsketch hello-quil
:title "Concentric"
:size [512 384]
:host "random_circles" ;; the id of the <canvas> element
; setup function called only once, during sketch initialization.
:setup setup
:update update-with-midpoints
:draw draw-wandering-midpoints
:mouse-clicked mouse-clicked
; This sketch uses functional-mode middleware.
; Check quil wiki for more info about middlewares and particularly
; fun-mode.
:middleware [m/fun-mode])
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