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Created September 2, 2013 20:14
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# Model Record (Protuário)
class Record < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :patient
has_many :appointments
attr_accessible :data, :patient_id
# Model Appointment (Cosulta)
class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :record
has_many :asos, :dependent => :destroy #Atestado de Saúde Ocupacional
has_many :complementary_exams, :dependent => :destroy #Exames Complementares, pode existir ou não em uma Consulta
has_many :declarations, :dependent => :destroy #Declaração de comparecimento/permanência no consultório médico
has_many :attests, :dependent => :destroy #Atestado
has_many :requisicao_exames, :dependent => :destroy #Requisição para exames laboratoriais e de imagem
accepts_nested_attributes_for :complementary_exams, reject_if: :all_blank, :allow_destroy => true
attr_accessible :record_id, :altura, :anamnese, :categoria_exame,
:conclusao, :data, :imc, :ordem_exame, :pa, :peso,
:pulso, :status, :complementary_exams_attributes
validates_numericality_of :peso, :altura
before_create :increment_ordem_exame
def increment_ordem_exame
self.ordem_exame = (self.class.last.nil?) ? "1" : ((self.class.last.ordem_exame.to_i) + 1).to_s
before_create :imc
def imc
self.imc = (self.class.nil?) ? 1 : ((peso.to_f) / ((altura.to_f) **2))
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