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Forked from aclima93/LeakCheckTestCase.swift
Created August 10, 2021 08:28
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Automated detection of memory leaks in Unit Tests
class LeakCheckTestCase: XCTestCase {
private var excludedProperties = [String: Any]()
private var weakReferences = NSMapTable<NSString, AnyObject>.weakToWeakObjects()
// MARK: - SetUp
override func setUpWithError() throws {
try super.setUpWithError()
// NOTE: Before running the actual test, register which properties already have values
// assigned to them. These should be constants which we don't need/want to setup every time
// and can be excluded from the memory leak search.
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
mirror.children.forEach { label, wrappedValue in
guard let propertyName = label else { return }
if isSomeValue(wrappedValue) {
excludedProperties[propertyName] = wrappedValue
// NOTE: Just before the test ends and executes the tearDown, create a weak reference for each object.
// After the tearDown, check if those properties are `nil`. If they aren't, we have a leak candidate.
// Ignore any non-reference type (e.g. structs and enums) during this stage.
addTeardownBlock { [unowned self] in
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
mirror.children.forEach { label, wrappedValue in
let propertyName = label,
self.excludedProperties[propertyName] == nil,
else { return }
// NOTE: We need to unwrap the optional value to check its underlying type.
let unwrappedValue = self.unwrap(wrappedValue)
if Mirror(reflecting: unwrappedValue).displayStyle == .class {
self.weakReferences.setObject(unwrappedValue as AnyObject, forKey: propertyName as NSString)
// MARK: - TearDown
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
mirror.children.forEach { label, wrappedValue in
guard let propertyName = label else { return }
// Lazy-loaded properties can present themselves as false-positives, so we filter them
guard !propertyName.hasPrefix("$__lazy_storage_$_") else { return }
// Ignore excluded properties
guard excludedProperties[propertyName] == nil else { return }
// NOTE: If the value is something, e.g. not `nil`, then we either are just not resetting the
// value to `nil` during tearDown, or we have a potential leak.
if isSomeValue(wrappedValue) {
XCTFail("📄♻️ \"\(propertyName)\" is missing from tearDown, or is a potential memory leak!")
// check the weak reference we created before the tearDown
weakReferences.keyEnumerator().allObjects.forEach { key in
if let objectName = key as? NSString, weakReferences.object(forKey: objectName) != nil {
XCTFail("🧮🚰 \"\(objectName)\" is a potential memory leak!")
try super.tearDownWithError()
// MARK: - Utils
private func unwrap<T>(_ any: T) -> Any {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: any)
guard mirror.displayStyle == .optional, let first = mirror.children.first else {
return any
return unwrap(first.value)
private func isSomeValue(_ wrappedValue: Any) -> Bool {
// NOTE: This weird syntax is due to the fact that non-optional `Any` can be `nil`, even
// though it does not conform to Optional. So `<some nil Any> == nil` returns true or
// won't even compile, depending on how it's done.
// This case comparison using the optional protocol, however, does work.
// I've also seen it done using `String(describing: <some Any>) == "nil"`,
// but it feels more hacky.
// NOTE: swiftlint attempts to fix `Optional<Any>.none` as `Any?.none`
// but the compiler doesn't like that, so we disable the rule just this once.
// swiftlint:disable:next syntactic_sugar
if case Optional<Any>.some(_) = wrappedValue {
return true
return false
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