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Last active January 14, 2023 14:02
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typealias ResponseWithCacheMaybe = AnyPublisher<ResponseDto.EmployeeServiceAvailability, AppErrors>
/// No cache API call
public func requestWithoutCache(param: String) -> ResponseWithCacheMaybe {
let requestDto = FRPSampleAPI.RequestDto.Employee(someParam: param)
let apiRequest = sampleRepository2.requestSampleJSON(requestDto)
return apiRequest.mapError({$0.toAppError}).eraseToAnyPublisher()
/// - parameter cachePolicy: chacheNoLoad || noCacheDoLoad || cacheElseLoad || cacheAndLoad
public func requestWithCacheMaybe(param: String,
cachePolicy: CachePolicy) -> ResponseWithCacheMaybe {
let apiRequest = requestWithoutCache(param: param)
let serviceKey = #function
let serviceParams: [String] = [param]
let apiResponseType = ResponseDto.EmployeeServiceAvailability.self
return NetworkinNameSpace.NetworkingUtils.genericRequestWithCache(apiRequest,
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