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Last active December 26, 2015 01:29
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Scala file splitter/group by keyword
//val lines ="test.txt", "utf-8").getLines.toList
val lines = List("HEAD 000001","HEAD 000002","HEAD 000002","HEAD 000002","HEAD 000003","HEAD 000003")
val keywords = => x.substring(9, 15)).distinct
def groupByKeyword(lines: List[String], keywords: List[String]): List[List[String]] = keywords match {
case keyword :: Nil => lines.groupBy(x => x.substring(9, 15).contains(keyword)).get(true).toList
case keyword :: _keywords => {
val mapped = lines.groupBy(x => x.contains(keyword))
mapped.get(true).toList.head :: groupByKeyword(mapped.get(false).toList.head, _keywords)
case _ => Nil
Copy link

val res1 = groupByKeyword(lines, keywords)

Print sub lists size

res1.foreach(x => println (x.size))

Sum sub lists size => x.size).sum

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