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Last active September 20, 2023 06:22
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  • Save rich-iannone/8e115b0bf328fb4b97c3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rich-iannone/8e115b0bf328fb4b97c3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DiagrammeR (— Trigger a script from inside a graph series and modify that graph series. Uses the 'create_series' and 'trigger_script' functions.
# Install the latest version of DiagrammeR from GitHub
# Ensure that the package is loaded
# So, here's a script that essentially takes an empty graph series, and
# creates a new graph on each new day it is triggered. It will create
# random nodes each time it's triggered and add those nodes to the graph
# belonging to the current day. Throughout the script, '_SELF_' refers
# to the graph series in which the script is contained.
# And, the script is actually a character object
sample_node_script <-
# Provide default graph attributes
graph_attrs <- c("layout = twopi",
"overlap = FALSE",
"outputorder = edgesfirst")
# Provide default node attributes
node_attrs <- c("shape = circle",
"fixedsize = TRUE",
"width = 1",
"penwidth = 1",
"color = DodgerBlue",
"style = filled",
"fillcolor = Aqua",
"alpha_fillcolor = 0.5",
"fontname = Helvetica",
"fontcolor = Grey25")
# Provide default edge attributes
edge_attrs <- c("arrowhead = dot",
"minlen = 1.5",
"color = Green",
"penwidth = 2")
# If there is no graph available in the series, then, make one!
if (graph_count(graph_series = _SELF_) == 0){
_SELF_ <-
add_to_series(graph = create_graph(graph_attrs = graph_attrs,
node_attrs = node_attrs,
edge_attrs = edge_attrs,
graph_name = paste0("data_", Sys.Date()),
graph_time = as.character(Sys.Date()),
graph_tz = Sys.timezone()),
graph_series = _SELF_)
# Determine the index of the last graph in the series
last_graph_in_series <- graph_count(graph_series = _SELF_)
# If it is a new day, create a new graph in the series to populate with data
if (Sys.Date() > as.Date(_SELF_$graphs[[last_graph_in_series]]$graph_time,
tz = _SELF_$graphs[[last_graph_in_series]]$graph_tz)){
_SELF_ <-
add_to_series(graph = create_graph(graph_attrs = graph_attrs,
node_attrs = node_attrs,
edge_attrs = edge_attrs,
graph_name = paste0("data_", Sys.Date()),
graph_time = as.character(Sys.Date()),
graph_tz = Sys.timezone()),
graph_series = _SELF_)
last_graph_in_series <- graph_count(graph_series = _SELF_)
# Create a node to place into the graph
letters <- paste(sample(LETTERS, 5), collapse = "")
# Add node to the most recent graph and attach it to
# another randomly picked node available in the graph.
# Note that adding an edge only works in the case that
# there is at least one node available in the graph.
# For convenience, the relevant graph is extracted from
# the series, then placed back in the series.
if (!$graphs[[last_graph_in_series]]), 1))){
graph <- _SELF_$graphs[[last_graph_in_series]]
graph <- add_node(graph = graph,
node = letters)
graph <- add_edges(graph = graph,
from = letters,
to = sample(get_nodes(graph = graph), 1))
} else {
graph <- _SELF_$graphs[[last_graph_in_series]]
graph <- add_node(graph = graph,
node = letters)
# Remove old graph from series
_SELF_ <- remove_from_series(graph_series = _SELF_,
index = "last")
# Add new graph to correct position in series
# The "add_to_series" function always adds a graph to the
# end of the graph series.
_SELF_ <- add_to_series(graph = graph,
graph_series = _SELF_)
# Create an empty graph series of the 'temporal' type and add
# that script as one of the graph series' 'series scripts'
series_temporal <- create_series(series_type = "temporal",
series_scripts = sample_node_script)
# Call the function 60 times, this will generate 60 random nodes
# with 59 edges
for (i in seq(1, 60)){
series_temporal <- trigger_script(graph_series = series_temporal,
script = 1)
if (i == 60) break
# Display the results in the RStudio Viewer
render_graph_from_series(graph_series = series_temporal,
graph_no = graph_count(series_temporal))
# Get some basic information about the graphs in the graph series object
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