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Created August 26, 2016 08:44
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87 1001
Fiebig, Markus; Someone, Else
NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU,, Instituttveien 18,, N-2027, Kjeller, Norway
Fiebig, Markus
1 1
2008 01 01 2008 06 24
Days from the file reference point (start_time)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9999.999999 9999 9999 99999.99 9999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
end_time of measurement, days from the file reference point
start_time of measurement, year
end_time of measurement, year
pressure, hPa, Location=instrument internal, Matrix=instrument
temperature, K, Location=instrument internal, Matrix=instrument
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=0.1%
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=0.2%
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=0.3%
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=0.5%
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=1.0%
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=0.1%, Statistics=uncertainty
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=0.2%, Statistics=uncertainty
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=0.3%, Statistics=uncertainty
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=0.5%, Statistics=uncertainty
cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration, 1/cm3, SS=1.0%, Statistics=uncertainty
Data definition: EBAS_1.1
Set type code: TU
Station code: NO0001R
Platform code: NO0001S
Timezone: UTC
Startdate: 20080101000000
Timeref: 00_00
Revision date: 20080624000000
Component: cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration
Unit: 1/cm3
Matrix: pm10
Period code: 1y
Resolution code: 4h
Sample duration: 4h
Laboratory code: NO01L
Instrument type: CCNC
Instrument manufacturer: DMT
Instrument model: CCN-100
Instrument name: DMT_CCN-100_BIR
Instrument serial number: 0121
Method ref: NO01L_Adis_CCNC_lev0_2_lev1_0_0_1
Orig. time res.: 5mn
File name: NO0001R.20080101000000.20080624000000.cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration.pm10.1y.4h.nas
Station WDCA-Name: Birkenes Atmospheric Observatory
Station GAW-ID: BIR
Station AIRS-ID: [this line is optional]
Station other IDs: 201(NILUDB)
Station state/province: [this is line optional]
Measurement latitude: 58.380
Measurement longitude: 8.250
Measurement altitude: 220m
Station land use: Forest
Station setting: Rural
Station GAW type: R
Station WMO region: 6
Originator: Fiebig, Markus,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18,, N-2027, Kjeller, Norway
Originator: Someone, Else,, Some nice Institute, WOW, Super interesting division, Street 18,, X-9999, Paradise, Noway
Submitter: Fiebig, Markus,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18,, N-2027, Kjeller, Norway
Data level: 2
Version: 1
Version description: initial revision, Adis_CCNC_lev0_2_lev1 v.0.0.1, Adis_CCNC_lev1_2_lev2 v.0.0.1
Height AGL: 4m
Inlet type: Impactor--direct
Inlet description: PM10 at ambient humidity inlet, Digitel, flow 140 l/min
Humidity/temperature control: None
Humidity/temperature control description: sample taken directly from inlet manifold, heated to lab temperature
Volume std. temperature: 273.15K
Volume std. pressure: 1013.25hPa
Detection limit: 0.007 1/cm3
Detection limit expl.: Determined only by instrument counting statistics and flow rate
Zero/negative values code: Zero possible
Zero/negative values: Zero values may appear due to statistical variations at very low concentrations
Standard method: None
Acknowledgement: Request acknowledgement details from data originator
start_time end_time st_y ed_y p_int T_int concSS1 concSS2 concSS3 concSS4 concSS5 err_SS1 err_SS2 err_SS3 err_SS4 err_SS5 numflag
0.000000 0.041667 2008 2008 839.40 299.70 214.30 706.63 1190.45 1319.41 1495.23 199.33 503.32 983.15 1011.61 1190.98 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0.041667 0.083333 2008 2008 99999.99 9999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 9999999.99 0.999000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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