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Last active May 14, 2020 04:49
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Save richardW8k/8404630 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
move a Gravity Forms radio input inside the label
// move radio input inside label
add_filter("gform_field_choices", "radio_input_inside_label", 10, 2);
function radio_input_inside_label($choices, $field){
if($field["type"] != "radio")
return $choices;
$choices = "";
$choice_id = 0;
$count = 1;
$logic_event = !empty($field["conditionalLogicFields"]) ? "onclick='gf_apply_rules(" . $field["formId"] . "," . GFCommon::json_encode($field["conditionalLogicFields"]) . ");'" : "";
foreach($field["choices"] as $choice){
$id = $field["id"] . '_' . $choice_id++;
$field_value = !empty($choice["value"]) || rgar($field, "enableChoiceValue") ? $choice["value"] : $choice["text"];
$checked = rgar($choice,"isSelected") ? "checked='checked'" : "";
$tabindex = GFCommon::get_tabindex();
$input = sprintf("<input name='input_%d' type='radio' value='%s' %s id='choice_%s' $tabindex $logic_event />", $field["id"], esc_attr($field_value), $checked, $id);
$choices .= sprintf("<li class='gchoice_$id'><label for='choice_%s'>%s %s</label></li>", $id, $choice["text"], $input);
return $choices;
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Awesome! I did some small tweaking with the output of this and it worked great for my needs. I am trying to apply the same technique for the checkboxes but with no luck. Have you found a solution for that as well?

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thommeredith commented Mar 4, 2017

// move checkbox input inside label
add_filter("gform_field_choices", "radio_input_inside_label", 10, 2);
function radio_input_inside_label($choices, $field){
if($field["type"] != "checkbox")
return $choices;

$choices = "";

    $choice_id = 0;
    $count = 1;

    $logic_event = !empty($field["conditionalLogicFields"]) ? "onclick='gf_apply_rules(" . $field["formId"] . "," . json_encode($field["conditionalLogicFields"]) . ");'" : "";

    foreach($field["choices"] as $choice){
        $id = $field["id"] . '_' . $choice_id++;
        $field_value = !empty($choice["value"]) || rgar($field, "enableChoiceValue") ? $choice["value"] : $choice["text"];
        $checked = rgar($choice,"isSelected") ? "checked='checked'" : "";
        //$tabindex = GFCommon::get_tabindex();

        $input = sprintf("<input name='input_%d' type='checkbox' value='%s' %s id='choice_%s' $logic_event />", $field["id"], esc_attr($field_value), $checked, $id);
        $choices .= sprintf("<li class='gchoice_$id'><label for='choice_%s'>%s %s</label></li>", $id, $input, $choice["text"]);



return $choices;


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I would love to use this, but I can't get it working. Have placed into child theme functions.php but it doesn't change anything, and I can't see any problems in the code either.

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I was having trouble getting this working. I needed it to work with the Gravity Forms Quiz addon. So I changed up the code to so that it would work with that, but then required questions were not being saved in multipage form.

In the end I just rearranged the normal $choices output instead of trying to rebuild the entire thing using $fields. It worked out to be less code also.

Hope this helps anyone else looking for a solution:

// Gravity Forms Quiz - move radio input inside label
add_filter("gform_field_choices", "radio_input_inside_label", 10, 2);
function radio_input_inside_label($choices, $field){
    if(!($field["type"] == "quiz" || $field["type"] == "radio") || $field["imageChoices_enableImages"] == "true") { // Exit if it's not field type 'quiz' or 'radio', and is also not using the Image Choices Plugin. You might need to edit this part for your specific setup.
        return $choices;

    preg_match_all("/(<([\w]+)[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/\\2>)/", $choices, $liArray); // Get the li elements
    preg_match_all("~<input(.*?)\/>~", $choices, $inputArray); // Get the input elements
    preg_match_all("~<label(.*?)>(.*?)<\/label>~", $choices, $labelArray); // Get the label elements

    $choices = "";

    // Rearrange and build the new $choices array
        $count = 0;
        foreach($liArray[1] as $openingLi){
            $choices .= $openingLi . "<label" . $labelArray[1][$count] . ">" . $inputArray[0][$count] . $labelArray[2][$count] . "</label></li>";
    return $choices;

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