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Created December 14, 2017 05:37
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Example tests for SingleMessage contract
var SingleMessage = artifacts.require("SingleMessage");
contract("SingleMessage", function(accounts) {
const initialMessage = "hello world!";
const initialPrice = 10;
const maxLength = 200;
beforeEach(async function() {
this.contract = await, initialPrice, maxLength);
it("should have an initial value and price and owner", async function() {
assert.equal(await this.contract.message(), initialMessage);
assert.equal(await this.contract.priceInWei(), initialPrice);
assert.equal(await this.contract.owner(), accounts[0]);
it("should allow the message to be set and double the price and emit an event", async function() {
const price = (await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber();
const newMessage = "new message!";
const {logs} = await this.contract.set(newMessage, {value: price});
assert.equal(await this.contract.message(), newMessage);
assert.equal((await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber(), price * 2);
// Make sure the event was emitted properly
const event = logs.find(e => e.event === "MessageSet");
assert.equal(event.args.message, newMessage);
assert.equal(event.args.priceInWei, price);
assert.equal(event.args.newPriceInWei, price * 2);
assert.equal(event.args.payer, accounts[0]);
it("should not allow the message to be set if the price is not paid", async function() {
const price = (await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber();
const newMessage = "new message!";
try {
await this.contract.set(newMessage, {value: price-1});
} catch (error) {
assert.equal(true,'invalid opcode') >= 0);
assert.equal(await this.contract.message(), initialMessage);
assert.equal((await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber(), price);
throw 'Contract should have thrown, but did not!';
it("should not allow messages over maxLength", async function() {
const price = (await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber();
const maxLength = (await this.contract.maxLength()).toNumber();
var newMessage = "";
for (var i = 0; i < maxLength+1; i++) {
newMessage = newMessage + "a";
try {
await this.contract.set(newMessage, {value: price});
} catch (error) {
assert.equal(true,'invalid opcode') >= 0);
assert.equal(await this.contract.message(), initialMessage);
assert.equal((await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber(), price);
it("should allow the funds to be withdrawn if its the owner", async function() {
// Setup to install some funds
const price = (await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber();
const newMessage = "new message!";
await this.contract.set(newMessage, {value: price});
assert.equal(await this.contract.message(), newMessage);
assert.equal((await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber(), price * 2);
// Try and withdraw funds as owner
const owner = await this.contract.owner();
const receiver = accounts[1];
assert.notEqual(owner, receiver);
const receiverBalance = (await web3.eth.getBalance(receiver)).toNumber();
await this.contract.withdraw(receiver, price, {from: owner});
assert.equal((await web3.eth.getBalance(receiver)).toNumber(), receiverBalance + price);
it("should not allow the funds to be withdrawn if its not the owner", async function() {
// Setup to install some funds
const price = (await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber();
const newMessage = "new message!";
await this.contract.set(newMessage, {value: price});
assert.equal(await this.contract.message(), newMessage);
assert.equal((await this.contract.priceInWei()).toNumber(), price * 2);
// Try and withdraw funds as non-owner
const nonOwner = accounts[1];
try {
await this.contract.withdraw(nonOwner, price, {from: nonOwner});
} catch(error) {
assert.equal(true,'invalid opcode') >= 0);
throw 'Contract should have thrown, but did not!';
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