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Rip of Lichtenstein et al 1978's table 5 (p. 564) doi:10.1037/0278-7393.4.6.551 (estimates of risks of death from various causes)
Cause Rate_outof_205000000 MVA_geom_mean MVA_resid Elec_geom_mean Elec_resid
Smallpox 0.00 88.00 37.00
Poisoning by vitamins 1.00 237.00 1.27 44.00 1.16
Botulism 2.00 379.00 1.97 88.00 1.96
Measles 5.00 331.00 1.39 85.00 1.47
Fireworks 6.00 331.00 1.54 77.00 1.26
Smallpox vaccination 8.00 38.00 0.17 14.00 0.22
Whooping cough 15.00 171.00 0.69 51.00 0.62
Polio 17.00 202.00 0.80 47.00 0.55
Venomous bite or sting 48.00 535.00 1.67 233.00 1.85
Tornado 90.00 688.00 1.82 463.00 2.86
Lightning 107.00 128.00 0.32 64.00 0.37
Nonvenomous animal 129.00 298.00 0.71 102.00 0.54
Flood 205.00 863.00 1.77 627.00 2.71
Excess cold 334.00 468.00 0.81 211.00 0.73
Syphilis 410.00 717.00 1.15 338.00 1.05
Pregnancy, childbirth, and abortion 451.00 1932.00 2.98 935.00 2.78
Infectious hepatitis 677.00 907.00 1.19 328.00 0.80
Appendicitis 902.00 880.00 1.03 416.00 0.87
Electrocution 1025.00 586.00 0.65 1000.00 1.96
Motor-train collision 1517.00 793.00 0.74 598.00 0.95
Asthma 1886.00 769.00 0.65 333.00 0.47
Firearms 2255.00 1623.00 1.26 1114.00 1.42
Poisoning 2563.00 1318.00 0.96 778.00 92.00
Tuberculosis 3690.00 966.00 0.59 448.00 0.43
Fire and flames 7380.00 3814.00 1.62 2918.00 1.86
Drowning 7380.00 1989.00 0.85 1425.00 0.91
Leukemia 14555.00 2807.00 0.81 2220.00 0.92
Accidental falls 17425.00 2585.00 0.68 2768.00 1.03
Homicide 18860.00 8441.00 2.10 3691.00 1.30
Emphysema 21730.00 3009.00 0.69 2696.00 0.86
Suicide 24600.00 6675.00 1.42 3280.00 0.97
Breast cancer 31160.00 3607.00 0.66 2436.00 0.61
Diabetes 38950.00 2138.00 0.34 1019.00 0.22
Motor vehicle accident 55350.00 50000.00 6.34 33884.00 5.76
Lung cancer 75850.00 9723.00 1.00 9806.00 1.33
Stomach cancer 95120.00 4878.00 0.43 2209.00 0.26
All accidents 112750.00 86537.00 6.77 91285.00 9.32
Stroke 209100.00 10668.00 0.54 4737.00 0.31
All cancer 328000.00 47523.00 1.70 43772.00 2.00
Heart disease 738000.00 25900.00 0.49 21503.00 0.51
All disease 1740450.00 80779.00 0.75 97701.00 1.14
tens = withr::with_options(
prettyNum(10^(0:10),big.mark = ',')
readr::read_csv('Lichtenstein_etal_Tab5.csv') %>%
Cause = trimws(Cause),
MVA_geom_mean = case_when(
Cause == 'Motor vehicle accident' ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ MVA_geom_mean
Elec_geom_mean = case_when(
Cause == 'Electrocution' ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ Elec_geom_mean
both_geom_mean = exp(.5*sum(log(MVA_geom_mean),log(Elec_geom_mean), na.rm=TRUE))
) %>%
filter(Cause != 'Smallpox') %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Rate_outof_205000000, y = MVA_geom_mean, label = Cause)) +
limits =c(1,10e6),
breaks =10^(0:6),
labels = tens[1:7],
expand = c(0,0)
) +
labels = tens[1:6],
expand = c(0,0)
) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 2, col = "gray", linetype = 'dashed') +
annotate(geom = 'text', x = 10e2, y = 10e4, label = '100x too high', color = 'gray', angle = 45, size = 6) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 1, col = "gray", linetype = 'dashed') +
annotate(geom = 'text', x = 10e2, y = 10e3, label = '10x too high', color = 'gray', angle = 45, size = 6) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = -2, col = "gray", linetype = 'dashed') +
annotate(geom = 'text', x = 10e2, y = 10e0, label = '1/100 too low', color = 'gray', angle = 45, size = 6) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = -1, col = "gray", linetype = 'dashed') +
annotate(geom = 'text', x = 10e1, y = 10e0, label = '1/10 too low', color = 'gray', angle = 45, size = 6) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, size = 1.5, alpha = .5) +
geom_point(size = 2, color = 'darkred') +
ylab('Estimated deaths per year (USA, c1970)') +
xlab('Actual deaths per year (USA, 1968-1973)') +
theme_minimal() +
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)
) +
coord_fixed() +
ggrepel::geom_label_repel() +
labs(caption = "Source: Lichtenstein et al (1978). Among Univ. of Oregon students. 1970 USA Pop.: 205,000,000")
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