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Last active February 2, 2016 19:33
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Validates CAS Registry Numbers for length and checksum. Intended to be used in Excel for data validation.
' This is a quick VBA function to validate CAS Registry Numbers for length and checksum.
' It does not check the location of the dashes, and will fail if non-digits are included.
' Spaces are ignored. Blanks can either be allowed or not, depending on your use case.
' Usage: Debug.Print ValidateCAS("7732-18-5")
Public Function ValidateCASRN(ByVal CAS As String, Optional ByVal allowBlank As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Application.Volatile False
Dim numDigits As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim digit As Integer
Dim checksum As Integer
' Remove dashes and spaces
CAS = Replace$(Replace$(CAS, "-", ""), " ", "")
If CAS = "" Then
ValidateCASRN = allowBlank
Exit Function
End If
numDigits = Len(CAS)
If (numDigits < 5) Or (numDigits > 10) Then
' CAS numbers include 2-7 digits in the first group, 2 in the next, 1 final checksum digit
ValidateCASRN = False
Exit Function
End If
For i = numDigits - 1 To 1 Step -1
digit = CInt(Mid$(CAS, i, 1))
sum = sum + (numDigits - i) * digit
checksum = CInt(Right$(CAS, 1))
ValidateCASRN = (checksum = (sum Mod 10))
End Function
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