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Last active March 1, 2021 06:43
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Multipart Packet implementation in Swift
// multipartPacketProtocol.swift
// Omegacam-ios
// Created by Richard Wei on 2/23/21.
import Foundation
class multipartPacketManager{
static let obj = multipartPacketManager(); // singleton
private init(){}
deinit {}
private let maxPacketSize : UInt = 4000; //
private var packetGroupNumber : UInt = 0; // max is 1024
private let maxPacketGroupNumber : UInt = 1024;
public func encodeToMultipart(_ raw_data: Data) -> [Data]{
var output : [Data] = [];
if (raw_data.count <= maxPacketSize){
output = [formatData(packet_group_id: packetGroupNumber, packet_group_size: 1, packet_group_num: 0, raw: raw_data)];
let raw_data_array : [UInt8] = convertDataToAUInt8(raw_data);
var temp_buffer : [UInt8] = [];
var temp_output : [Data] = []; // unformatted data array
for byte in raw_data_array{
let temp_buffer_data = convertAUInt8ToData(temp_buffer);
if (temp_buffer_data.count >= maxPacketSize){
let temp_buffer_data = convertAUInt8ToData(temp_buffer);
if (temp_buffer_data.count > 0){
var i : UInt = 0;
for p in temp_output{
output.append(formatData(packet_group_id: packetGroupNumber, packet_group_size: UInt(temp_output.count), packet_group_num: i, raw: p));
i += 1;
packetGroupNumber = (packetGroupNumber + 1 ) % maxPacketGroupNumber;
//print("output size - \(output.count)");
return output;
internal func convertDataToAUInt8(_ d: Data) -> [UInt8]{
var t : [UInt8] = [];
t.append(contentsOf: d);
return t;
internal func convertAUInt8ToData(_ a: [UInt8]) -> Data{
return Data(a);
internal func formatData(packet_group_id: UInt, packet_group_size: UInt, packet_group_num: UInt, raw: Data) -> Data{
if (raw.count > maxPacketSize){
log.addc("Data passed to formatData is bigger than \(maxPacketSize)");
return Data();
let encoded_string = "\(packet_group_id)~\(packet_group_size)~\(packet_group_num)~\(String(decoding: raw, as: UTF8.self))";
return .utf8)!;
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