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Forked from tubalmartin/mobile_detector.php
Created January 21, 2012 08:52
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Lightweight detector of mobile devices, OSs & browsers (PHP)
* Lightweight detector of mobile devices, OSs & browsers
* Copyright 2012 Túbal Martín (email:
* License: GPL2
if ( ! function_exists('mobile_detector') )
// Global vars
$is_mobile = false;
$is_iphone = $is_ipad = $is_kindle = false;
$is_ios = $is_android = $is_webos = $is_palmos = $is_windows = $is_symbian = $is_bbos = $is_bada = false;
$is_opera_mobile = $is_webkit_mobile = $is_firefox_mobile = $is_ie_mobile = $is_netfront = $is_uc_browser = false;
function mobile_detector($debug = false)
global $is_mobile;
// Check user agent string
$agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
if (empty($agent)) {
$mobile_devices = array(
'is_iphone' => 'iphone',
'is_ipad' => 'ipad',
'is_kindle' => 'kindle'
$mobile_oss = array(
'is_ios' => 'ip(hone|ad|od)',
'is_android' => 'android',
'is_webos' => '(web|hpw)os',
'is_palmos' => 'palm(\s?os|source)',
'is_windows' => 'windows (phone|ce)',
'is_symbian' => 'symbian(\s?os|)|symbos',
'is_bbos' => 'blackberry(.*?version\/\d+|\d+\/\d+)',
'is_bada' => 'bada'
$mobile_browsers = array(
'is_opera_mobile' => 'opera (mobi|mini)', // Opera Mobile or Mini
'is_webkit_mobile' => '(android|nokia|webos|hpwos|blackberry).*?webkit|webkit.*?(mobile|kindle|bolt|skyfire|dolfin|iris)', // Webkit mobile
'is_firefox_mobile' => 'fennec', // Firefox mobile
'is_ie_mobile' => 'iemobile|windows ce', // IE mobile
'is_netfront' => 'netfront|kindle|psp|blazer|jasmine', // Netfront
'is_uc_browser' => 'ucweb' // UC browser
$groups = array($mobile_devices, $mobile_oss, $mobile_browsers);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
foreach ($group as $name => $regex) {
if (preg_match('/'.$regex.'/i', $agent)) {
global $$name;
$is_mobile = $$name = true;
// Fallbacks
if ($is_mobile === false) {
$regex = 'nokia|motorola|sony|ericsson|lge?(-|;|\/|\s)|htc|samsung|asus|mobile|phone|tablet|pocket|wap|wireless|up\.browser|up\.link|j2me|midp|cldc|kddi|mmp|obigo|novarra|teleca|openwave|uzardweb|pre\/|hiptop|avantgo|plucker|xiino|elaine|vodafone|sprint|o2';
$accept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : '';
if (false !== strpos($accept,'text/vnd.wap.wml')
|| false !== strpos($accept,'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml')
|| isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE'])
|| preg_match('/'.$regex.'/i', $agent)
) {
$is_mobile = true;
if ($debug === true) {
echo '<strong>User Agent: '.$agent.'</strong><br>';
foreach ($GLOBALS as $k => $v) {
if (strpos($k, 'is_') !== false) {
echo '<span style="color:'.($v ? 'green':'red').';">$'.$k.'</span><br>';
// execute inmmediatly
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