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Last active January 2, 2016 03:19
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import PIL
import PIL.JpegImagePlugin
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageChops
from collections import namedtuple
from Counter import Counter
from operator import itemgetter, mul, attrgetter
from colormath.color_objects import RGBColor
import colorsys
Color = namedtuple('Color', ['value', 'prominence'])
Palette = namedtuple('Palette', 'colors bgcolor')
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
# algorithm tuning
N_QUANTIZED = 110 # start with an adaptive palette of this size
MIN_DISTANCE = 7 # min distance to consider two colors different
MIN_PROMINENCE = 0.025 # ignore if less than this proportion of image
MIN_SATURATION = 0.00 # ignore if not saturated enough
MAX_COLORS = 7 # keep only this many colors
BACKGROUND_PROMINENCE = 0.7 # level of prominence indicating a bg color
# multiprocessing parameters
SENTINEL = 'no more to process'
class Roygbiv(object):
__img = None
def __init__(self, img_or_filename):
if not img_or_filename:
raise Exception('Must provide filename in constructor')
if isinstance(img_or_filename, PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile):
self.__img = img_or_filename
self.__img =
# make sure image is RGB
if self.__img.mode != 'RGB':
self.__img = self.__img.convert('RGB')
# remove borders
self.__img = self.__autocrop()
def __extract_colors(self, min_saturation=MIN_SATURATION,
min_distance=MIN_DISTANCE, max_colors=MAX_COLORS,
min_prominence=MIN_PROMINENCE, n_quantized=N_QUANTIZED):
Determine what the major colors are in the given image.
# get point color count
im = self.__img
im = im.convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=n_quantized).convert('RGB')
data = im.getdata()
dist = Counter(data)
n_pixels = mul(*im.size)
sorted_cols = sorted(dist.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
ave, WHITE = max((sum(c)/3.0, c) for c, n in sorted_cols)
ave, BLACK = min((sum(c)/3.0, c) for c, n in sorted_cols)
# aggregate colors
to_canonical = {WHITE: WHITE, BLACK: BLACK}
aggregated = Counter({WHITE: 0, BLACK: 0})
for c, n in sorted_cols:
if c in aggregated:
# exact match!
aggregated[c] += n
d, nearest = min((self.__distance(c, alt), alt) for alt in aggregated)
if d < min_distance:
# nearby match
aggregated[nearest] += n
to_canonical[c] = nearest
# no nearby match
aggregated[c] = n
to_canonical[c] = c
# order by prominence
colors = sorted((Color(c, n / float(n_pixels)) \
for (c, n) in aggregated.iteritems()),
colors, bg_color = self.__detect_background(im, colors, to_canonical)
# keep any color which meets the minimum saturation
sat_colors = [c for c in colors if self.__meets_min_saturation(c, min_saturation)]
if bg_color and not self.__meets_min_saturation(bg_color, min_saturation):
bg_color = None
if sat_colors:
colors = sat_colors
# keep at least one color
colors = colors[:1]
# keep any color within 10% of the majority color
colors = [c for c in colors if c.prominence >= colors[0].prominence
* min_prominence][:max_colors]
return Palette(colors, bg_color)
def __autocrop(self):
"Crop away a border of the given background color."
bg ="RGB", self.__img.size, WHITE)
diff = ImageChops.difference(self.__img, bg)
bbox = diff.getbbox()
if bbox:
return self.__img.crop(bbox)
return self.__img # no contents, don't crop to nothing
def __distance(self, c1, c2):
"Calculate the visual distance between the two colors."
return RGBColor(*c1).delta_e(RGBColor(*c2), method='cmc')
def __meets_min_saturation(self, c, threshold):
return colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*self.__norm_color(c.value))[1] > threshold
def __norm_color(self, c):
r, g, b = c
return (r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0)
def __detect_background(self, im, colors, to_canonical):
# more then half the image means background
if colors[0].prominence >= BACKGROUND_PROMINENCE:
return colors[1:], colors[0]
# work out the background color
w, h = im.size
points = [(0, 0), (0, h/2), (0, h-1), (w/2, h-1), (w-1, h-1),
(w-1, h/2), (w-1, 0), (w/2, 0)]
edge_dist = Counter(im.getpixel(p) for p in points)
(majority_col, majority_count), = edge_dist.most_common(1)
if majority_count >= 3:
# we have a background color
canonical_bg = to_canonical[majority_col]
bg_color, = [c for c in colors if c.value == canonical_bg] # and c.prominence > BACKGROUND_PROMINENCE]
colors = [c for c in colors if c.value != canonical_bg] # or c.prominence <= BACKGROUND_PROMINENCE]
# no background color
bg_color = None
return colors, bg_color
def __average_color(self):
""" determine the average RGB color in image """
h = self.__img.histogram()
# split into red, green, blue
r = h[0:256]
g = h[256:256*2]
b = h[256*2: 256*3]
# perform the weighted average of each channel:
# the *index* is the channel value, and the *value* is its weight
return (
sum( i*w for i, w in enumerate(r) ) / sum(r),
sum( i*w for i, w in enumerate(g) ) / sum(g),
sum( i*w for i, w in enumerate(b) ) / sum(b)
def __rgb_to_hex(self, rgb):
""" convert an (R, G, B) tuple to #RRGGBB """
hexcolor = '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb
return hexcolor
def get_palette(self):
palette = self.__extract_colors()
return palette
print '%s\t%s\t%s' % (
','.join(rgb_to_hex(c.value) for c in palette.colors),
palette.bgcolor and rgb_to_hex(palette.bgcolor.value) or '',
def get_palette_rgb(self):
palette = self.get_palette()
out = []
for p in palette.colors:
return out
def get_palette_hex(self):
palette = self.get_palette_rgb()
out = []
for p in palette:
return out
def get_average_hex(self):
""" return average hex color in image """
rgb = self.__average_color()
return self.__rgb_to_hex(rgb)
def get_average_rgb(self):
""" return average RGB color in image """
return self.__average_color()
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richbs commented Jan 3, 2014

Maybe find lightest prominent colour and darkest prominent colour and work from there.

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