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Created April 30, 2014 03:55
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Pipeline example
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.json.extensions._
* Like a function that takes an A as input and produces a B as output.
* But we make a special type so we can define our own ++, map and
* flatMap operations.
trait Pipeline[-A,+B] {
original =>
def process(a: A): B
* Make a new Pipeline from two parts by joining two
* Pipelines together.
def ++[B1>:B,C](following: Pipeline[B1,C]): Pipeline[A,C] = new Pipeline[A,C] {
def process(a: A): C = {
val b = original.process(a)
val c = following.process(b)
* Make a new Pipeline from an existing one by transforming
* the Pipeline's output with a function. The map operation
* is special and can be used in Scala's for comprehensions.
def map[C](f: B => C): Pipeline[A,C] = new Pipeline[A,C] {
def process(a: A): C = {
val b = original.process(a)
val c = f(b)
* Make a new Pipeline from an existing one by transforming
* the Pipeline's output into a new Pipeline, then calling
* that new Pipeline with the output of the first Pipeline...
* The flatMap operation is special and can be used in Scala's
* for comprehensions.
def flatMap[B1>:B,C](f: B => Pipeline[B1,C]): Pipeline[A,C] = new Pipeline[A,C] {
def process(a: A): C = {
val b = original.process(a)
val bPipeline = f(b)
val c = bPipeline.process(b)
object Pipeline {
* Helpful constructor for making Pipelines from functions.
* (See CatDog.dogPipeline for an example)
def apply[A,B](f: A => B): Pipeline[A,B] = new Pipeline[A,B] {
def process(a: A): B = f(a)
* A Pipeline that ignores its input and always produces the
* same output.
def const[A](a: A): Pipeline[Any,A] = new Pipeline[Any,A] {
def process(ignored: Any): A = a
object CatDog {
case class Cat(name: String)
case class Dog(name: String)
* Create a Pipeline which inserts a Cat's name into the
* JS.
def catPipeline(cat: Cat) = new Pipeline[JsValue,JsValue] {
def process(js: JsValue): JsValue = {
(__ \ "cat" \ "name") -> JsString(
* Create a Pipeline which inserts a Dog's name into the
* JS. We use the Pipeline.apply() helper method to create
* a Pipeline from a function.
def dogPipeline(dog: Dog) = Pipeline { (js: JsValue) =>
(__ \ "dog" \ "name") -> JsString(
object Tester {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Your example converted to use a Pipeline
import CatDog._
val input = Json.obj()
val composedPipeline = catPipeline(Cat("Steven")) ++ dogPipeline(Dog("Rex"))
val output = composedPipeline.process(input)
// PRINTS: {"cat":{"name":"Steven"},"dog":{"name":"Rex"}}
// Example that demonstrates building a Pipeline using
// for comprehension syntax
import CatDog._
val input = Json.obj()
val pipeline = for {
catJs <- catPipeline(Cat("Steven"))
dogJs <- dogPipeline(Dog("Rex"))
expandedJs <- Pipeline.const(Json.arr(catJs, dogJs))
} yield expandedJs
val output = pipeline.process(input)
// PRINTS: [{"cat":{"name":"Steven"}},{"cat":{"name":"Steven"},"dog":{"name":"Rex"}}]
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