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Last active September 15, 2023 21:32
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Auto-Toggl Toggle Timer Script: Automatically starts/stops the Toggl timer based on user inactivity or based on keywords in a messenger app.
import time
import datetime
import requests
import threading
import os
from pytz import timezone
# Created by Richard Beare, as a balm for his forgetfulness
# Toggl Automation
# Features:
# Starts/stops timers at start and end of day based on keyword in typed messages
# Starts/stops timers when user goes on break using KEYWORDS in typed message
# Automatically stops timer after 20 minutes of inactivity (accounts for inactivity time in timer duration)
# Automatically starts timer when user returns from break
# Usage notes:
# API key can be found here:
# To set your API key for this script:
# 1. Open the start menu and search for "environment variables", and open "Edit the system environment variables"
# 3. Click "Environment Variables" in the bottom right of the window
# 4. Under "User Variables", click "New"
# 5. Enter "TOGGL_API_KEY" for the name and your API key for the value
## >>>> USER-VARIABLES >>>> ##
# apps that you use for work - interacting with these - IF their window names contain _project_title in them - means you are working
_work_apps = ["slack", "unity", "visual studio", "code"]
# work comms app - if this is the window. Keywords (e.g. break, end of day) are only filtered/checked in this one app.
_work_comms_app = "slack"
# the title of the project you are working on (e.g. your slack team name, or discord server name, visual studio project name, etc.)
_project_title = "unseen"
# phrases that mean "end of day" - if these are typed in slack (or chosen app), the timer will stop and the monitor will stop until next day
_eod_phrases = ["I'm out", "Im out", "done for the day", "wrapping up", "cya tomorrow", "see y'all", "catch y'all", "c u later", "c u monday", "see you monday", "catch you next week", "catch you then", "catch u then"]
# phrases that mean "break" - if these are typed in slack (or chosen app), the timer will stop
_break_phrases = ["break", "breaky"]
# phrases that mean "back from break" - if these are typed in slack (or chosen app), the timer will start
_back_phrases = ["bac"]
# constants
INACTIVITY_THRESHOLD = 20 * 60 # if away 20 mins, then timer stops (it subtracts the 20 mins overage from the timer)
INACTIVITY_DAY_PASSED = 60 * 60 * 6 # if you sent end of day message, then this is how long script will wait to start the timer again when interacting with work apps
EST = timezone('US/Eastern')
# debug flags
_debug_logic = False
_debug_logic_verbose = False
_debug_api = False
## <<<< END OF USER-VARIABLES <<<< ##
# buffer that holds 30 characters that are the last typed characters
_keystroke_buffer = []
_buffer_size = 30
# activity states / flags
_on_break = False
_last_work_activity_time = time.time() - 999 # start at some long time ago so the loop can start when launched
_last_any_activity_time = time.time() - 999 # start at some long time ago so the loop can start when launched
_monitor_loop_permitted = True # the monitor loop can run
_timer_running = False
_day_ended = False
############################# MISC METHODS #####################################
import winsound
def play_notification_sound(sound_path):
winsound.PlaySound(sound_path, winsound.SND_FILENAME)
################################ TOGGL API #######################################
from toggl.api_client import TogglClientApi
_key = os.environ.get("TOGGL_API_KEY")
# toggl api
_credentials = {
"token": _key,
"username": "rstuart 33", # just ur user ID intoggl
"workspace_id": 1234567, # int ID from the URL of your workspace
"user_agent": "Toggl Automater" # a name for your client app (can be anything)
_toggl_api = TogglClientApi(_credentials)
_response = _toggl_api.get_workspaces()
if _debug_api: print(_response)
def start_new_timer():
Starts a new timer in toggle that runs until we stop it.
# set flag
global _timer_running
_timer_running = True
# Create an instance of the TogglClientApi
toggl_api = TogglClientApi(_credentials)
# get now as ISO 8601
now =
# Define the time entry details
time_entry = {
"time_entry": {
"description": "",
"duration": -1, # example duration in seconds (1 hour); set to a negative number to start a timer
"start": now, # ISO 8601 format datetime
"pid": 123456789, # replace with your project id from Toggl (in the URL for that project)
"created_with": "Toggl Automater"
# Start the timer
response = toggl_api.create_time_entry(time_entry)
if _debug_api: print(response)
# notify user
print("Started new timer...")
play_notification_sound("C:\\Windows\\Media\\Speech On.wav")
os.system("msg * Timer started!")
def stop_current_timer(auto = False, playsound = True, self = _toggl_api):
Stops the current running timer.
# set flag
global _timer_running
_timer_running = False
# First, get the current running time entry
response = self.query("/time_entries/current")
if response.status_code !=
current_time_entry = response.json()["data"]
# If there's no running timer, return
if not current_time_entry:
return None
# Now, stop the timer by setting the stop time to the current time
time_entry_id = current_time_entry["id"]
# Get the time the timer started
start_time_str = current_time_entry["start"]
if start_time_str.endswith('+00:0'):
start_time_str = start_time_str[:-1] + '0'
# String has been stripped of the last character, so we can use fromisoformat
start_time = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(start_time_str)
# If auto, set the stop time 20 mins before it was auto-stopped
if auto:
stop_time = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=INACTIVITY_THRESHOLD))
stop_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# Attach timezone information to stop_time
stop_time = stop_time.replace(tzinfo=timezone('UTC'))
# Round times to nearest 5 minutes
stop_time -= datetime.timedelta(minutes=stop_time.minute % 5, seconds=stop_time.second, microseconds=stop_time.microsecond)
start_time -= datetime.timedelta(minutes=start_time.minute % 5, seconds=start_time.second, microseconds=start_time.microsecond)
updated_data = {
"time_entry": {
"stop": stop_time,
"duration": int((stop_time - start_time).total_seconds()) # Calculate total duration
response = self.query(f"/time_entries/{time_entry_id}/stop", method="PUT", json_data=updated_data)
if response.status_code !=
if playsound:
play_notification_sound("C:\\Windows\\Media\\Speech Off.wav")
# notify user
print("Stopped timer...")
os.system("msg * Timer stopped!")
return response.json()
def is_within_working_hours():
now =
return 10 <= now.hour < 22
def is_activity_timeout(last_activity_time, check_day_passed = False):
if check_day_passed:
is_active = time.time() - last_activity_time <= threshold
if _debug_logic: print("User is active." if is_active else "User is inactive.")
return not is_active
############################# ACTIVITY CHECKS ####################################
import pygetwindow as gw
#from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
def is_string_in_phrases(string, phrases, fuzzy_threshold__unused):
for phrase in phrases:
# remove spaces from phrase
phrase = phrase.replace(" ", "")
if phrase.lower() in string.lower():
print ("Found phrase: " + phrase + " in string: " + string)
# cleart the buffer
return True
return False
#for phrase in phrases:
# similarity_score = fuzz.token_set_ratio(phrase, phrases)
# if _debug_logic: print("Similarity score: " + str(similarity_score))
# if similarity_score >= threshold:
# return True
#return False
def is_work_app_focused(app_names):
# get the active window
active_window = gw.getActiveWindow()
if active_window is None:
return False
if active_window and _debug_logic and _debug_logic_verbose: print(active_window.title)
# check if active window is one of the specified apps
for app_name in app_names:
if not _project_title in active_window.title.lower():
if _debug_logic and _debug_logic_verbose: print(app_name.lower(), active_window.title.lower())
if app_name.lower() in active_window.title.lower():
return True
def is_any_work_app_open():
# Get all visible windows
windows = gw.getAllTitles()
# iterate thru all the window titles from pygetwindow
for window in windows:
if window is None:
# iterate thru all the required apps
for app in _work_apps:
# if the required app is open, and it has the word _project_title in the title, return True
if app.lower() in window.lower() and _project_title in window.lower():
if _debug_logic: print("Required app is open.")
return True
return False
# query for break message
def query_for_break_slack_message():
return query_for_specified_messages(_break_phrases, 95)
# query for back message
def query_for_back_slack_message():
return query_for_specified_messages(_back_phrases, 95)
# if slack is the window, check if the buffer contains any of the phrases that mean "eod"
def query_for_eod_slack_message():
return query_for_specified_messages(_eod_phrases)
def query_for_specified_messages(messages, fuzzy_threshold = 80):
if not is_work_app_focused("slack"):
return False
# global variables
global _last_work_activity_time
global _monitor_loop_permitted
# check if the buffer contains any of the phrases
if _debug_logic: print("Buffer content: " + str(_keystroke_buffer))
buffer_string_concat = ''.join(_keystroke_buffer)
if is_string_in_phrases(buffer_string_concat, messages, fuzzy_threshold):
return True
return False
# every N interactions, check if the user is interacting with a work window
interaction_check_count = 5 # N interactions (clicks, keystrokes)
interaction_counter = 0
def on_interacted_with_any_window():
global _last_work_activity_time
global _last_any_activity_time
global interaction_counter
global interaction_check_count
# any activity at all, reset this timer so we know when user got back on the PC
_last_any_activity_time = time.time()
#if _debug_logic: print("User interacted with PC " + str(interaction_counter) + " times.")
if interaction_counter >= interaction_check_count:
if is_work_app_focused(_work_apps):
if _debug_logic: print("User interacted: " + str(_keystroke_buffer))
_last_work_activity_time = time.time()
interaction_counter = 0
interaction_counter += 1
return gw.getActiveWindow()
############################## EVENT HANDLERS ####################################
from pynput import mouse, keyboard
def handle_new_day_check():
global _on_break
global _timer_running
if not (not _on_break and not _timer_running):
global _day_ended
global _last_work_activity_time
if _day_ended:
# check if the user is back from EOD (app may have ran overnight)
if is_activity_timeout(_last_work_activity_time, True): # check day has passed
print("User is back from EOD - starting timer.")
_day_ended = False
# likely app just launched, so check if we are within working hours
print("Work has commenced! Initialized.")
def buffer_keystroke(key):
# add the key to the buffer. If the buffer is full, remove the oldest key.
char_key = key.char
if key == keyboard.Key.backspace:
elif key ==
char_key = " "
elif key == keyboard.Key.enter:
char_key = key.char
if _debug_logic: print(char_key)
if len(_keystroke_buffer) > _buffer_size:
except AttributeError:
def on_mouse_button_activity(x, y, button, pressed):
global _last_work_activity_time
window = on_interacted_with_any_window()
if window and "slack" in window.title.lower():
def init_activity_timers():
global _last_work_activity_time
global _last_any_activity_time
_last_work_activity_time = time.time()
_last_any_activity_time = time.time()
def on_keyboard_activity(key):
global _on_break
global _monitor_loop_permitted
global _timer_running
global _day_ended
window = on_interacted_with_any_window()
if _debug_logic and _debug_logic_verbose: print(window)
# if slack is the window, check for keyword phrases
if window and "slack" in window.title.lower():
if query_for_break_slack_message():
if _timer_running:
to_print = "Break message detected... "
print("Break message detected! Was the timer running? " + str(_timer_running))
if _timer_running:
_on_break = True
print (to_print + " stopping timer.")
threading.Thread(target=stop_current_timer, args=(True, True)).start()
if query_for_back_slack_message():
if not _timer_running:
to_print = "Back from break message detected... "
if not _timer_running:
_on_break = False
print (to_print + " restarting timer.")
if query_for_eod_slack_message():
print("EOD message detected! Was the timer running? " + str(_timer_running))
if _timer_running:
_day_ended = True
threading.Thread(target=stop_current_timer, args=(True, True)).start()
print("Timer not running at eod message, but it should be!")
play_notification_sound("C:\\Windows\\Media\\Windows Exclamation.wav")
_monitor_loop_permitted = False
# else we are in slack, but no keyword phrases were detected - this means work may have commenced (e.g. start of day)!
# Start monitoring mouse and keyboard
_mouse_listener = mouse.Listener(on_click=on_mouse_button_activity)
_keyboard_listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_keyboard_activity)
################################ MAIN LOOP #######################################
print("Beginning status monitor...")
while True:
# All the work apps are closed, so we are DEFINITELY done for the day
if is_activity_timeout(_last_work_activity_time) and _timer_running:
if _debug_logic: print("User work activity timed out - stopping timer.")
threading.Thread(target=stop_current_timer, args=(True, False)).start()
play_notification_sound("C:\\Windows\\Media\\Speech Sleep.wav")
# Loop to check activity again after N seconds
if _monitor_loop_permitted:
while not _monitor_loop_permitted:
# ctrl-c to force exit
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if _timer_running:
threading.Thread(target=stop_current_timer, args=(False, True)).start()
print("Timer stopped. Exiting program.")
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