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Last active November 26, 2018 21:27
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add_filter( 'facetwp_query_args', function( $query_args, $class ) {
$parent = get_the_ID();
if ( 'example' == $class->ajax_params['template'] ) {
$query_args['post_parent'] = $parent;
$query_args['post_type'] = 'job_application';
$query_args['post_status'] = 'published';
$query_args['posts_per_page'] = '10';
return $query_args;
}, 10, 2 );
// this what I have in the display tab of the 'example' template
// it's wrapped in <?php tags
require_once CVLP . 'cvl-facetwp/cvl-facetwp.php';
echo test_before();
while ( have_posts() ): the_post();
echo test();
echo test_after();
/* end of display tab content
* for comlpleteness here's the entire content of the
* require_once CVLP . 'cvl-facetwp/cvl-facetwp.php file
* the 'facetwp_is_main_query' at the end is used on another
* (working) facet template at
function test() {
$id = get_the_ID();
$name = get_the_title();
$link = get_permalink( $id );
// $terms = get_the_terms($id, 'cvl_app_status');
// $status = $terms[0]->name;
$terms_array = get_the_terms($id, 'cvl_app_status');
$terms = '';
if (is_array($terms_array)) {
foreach($terms_array as $term) {
if (isset($term->name)) {
$terms .= $term->name;
$status = $terms;
$cv = get_post_meta( $id, '_attachment', true );
$cv_dl = !empty($cv) ? '<a href="' . $cv[0] . '">Download CV</a>' : 'No CV to Download';
$email = !empty(get_post_meta( $id, '_candidate_email', true )) ? '<a href="mailto:' . get_post_meta( $id, '_candidate_email', true ) . '">Email Applicant</a>' : 'No email provided';
$ref = !empty(get_post_meta( $id, 'applicant_referrer_company_logo', true)) ? get_post_meta( $id, 'applicant_referrer_company_logo', true) : 'No Referrer ID\'d';
$pre_note = get_post_meta( $id, 'cvl_app_note', true );
$update_name = 'postContent_' . $id;
$submit_name = 'submitted_' . $id;
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$user_name = esc_html($current_user->display_name);
if ( isset( $_POST[$submit_name] )) {
$time = '<div class="update-note-entry"><p><strong>' . $user_name . ' > ' . date('m/d/y h:i:s a', time()) . ':</strong></p>';
$update = $_POST[$update_name] . '</div>';
$updated_post = $time . $update . ' ' . $pre_note;
update_post_meta( $id, 'cvl_app_note', wpautop($updated_post) );
echo '<p>Updated Successfully! 👍🏼</p>';
echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL='.the_permalink().'">';
$notes = "<h3>Notes</h3>" .
"<div class=\"update-notes col-12\">".
$pre_note .
"<h4>Update Note</h4>".
"<form action=\"\" id=\"cvl_update_app_meta\" class=\"cvl-update-app-meta\" method=\"POST\">".
"<textarea name=\"{$update_name}\" id=\"{$update_name}\" rows=\"3\"></textarea>".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$submit_name}\" id=\"{$submit_name}\" value=\"true\" />".
"<button class=\"update-note\" type=\"submit\">Update</button>".
$data_rows = "<div id=\"app_id_{$id}\" class=\"table-row app-id-{$id}\">".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-options\"><a href=\"$link\">View</a></span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-details\">{$name} <small>(ID: {$id})</small></span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-cv\">$cv_dl</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-email\">{$email}</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-ref\">{$ref}</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-status\">{$status}</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-notes\">". $notes . "</span>".
$output = $data_rows;
return $output;
function test_before() {
$output = "<h4>Applications Received</h4>".
"<div class=\"cvl-table cvl-job-app-table\">".
"<header class=\"table-row table-header\">".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-options\">Options</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-details\">Details</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-cv\">Download CV</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-email\">Email</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-ref\">Referred By</span>".
"<span class=\"cvl-app-status\">Status</span>".
"<div class=\"table-results\">";
return $output;
function test_after() {
$output = "</div> <!-- .table-results -->".
"<footer>" . facetwp_display( 'pager' ) . "</footer>".
"</div> <!-- .cvl-job-app-table -->";
return $output;
add_filter( 'facetwp_query_args', function( $query_args, $class ) {
$parent = get_the_ID();
if ( 'example' == $class->ajax_params['template'] ) {
$query_args['post_parent'] = $parent;
$query_args['post_type'] = 'job_application';
$query_args['post_status'] = 'published';
$query_args['posts_per_page'] = '10';
return $query_args;
}, 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'facetwp_is_main_query', function( $is_main_query, $query ) {
if ( '' !== $query->get( 'facetwp' ) ) {
$is_main_query = (bool) $query->get( 'facetwp' );
return $is_main_query;
}, 10, 2 );
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