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Created May 10, 2012 21:36
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Convert Rd files to HTML, knit()'ing examples
opts_knit$set(progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
## We need a list of files and a package to start.
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
package <- args[[1]]
files <- args[-1]
message(sprintf("Using package '%s", package))
library(package, character.only=TRUE)
if ( length(files) == 0 ) {
message("Using all Rd files")
files <- list.files(pattern="\\.Rd$")
msg <- sprintf("Processing file(s) %s", paste(files, collapse=", "))
message(paste(strwrap(msg, exdent=4), collapse="\n"))
## Main processing function:
prettyRd <- function(file) {
message(sprintf("*** Processing %s", file))
base <- file_path_sans_ext(file)
## Names of files that will be created.
file.html <- paste(base, ".html", sep="")
file.ex.R <- paste(base, "-examples.R", sep="")
file.ex.Rmd <- paste(base, "-examples.Rmd", sep="") <- paste(base, "", sep="")
file.ex.html <- paste(base, "-examples.html", sep="")
## R's native Rd -> HTML coversion for most of the file, saved as
## character variable 'html'. The stylesheet argument is different
## to the default.
con <- textConnection("html", "w")
Rd2HTML(file, con, package=package, stylesheet="stylesheet.css")
## Extract the examples part of the file:
Rd2ex(file, file.ex.R)
if ( file.exists(file.ex.R) ) {
## Prettify the \notrun sections, by telling knitr not to evaluate
## them. Ideally we would also put a <div> around them, perhaps?
tmp <- readLines(file.ex.R)
writeLines(cleanup.notrun(tmp), file.ex.R)
## Convert the example file to Rmd format
sowsear(file.ex.R, "Rmd")
## Knit that to markdown
## Convert this into HTML with pandoc (assumed installed)
system(sprintf("pandoc %s -o %s",, file.ex.html))
## And replace the example section in R's HTML output.
html <- c(html[seq_len(grep("<h3>Examples</h3>", html, fixed=TRUE))],
html[(max(grep("</pre>", html, fixed=TRUE))+1):length(html)])
## Cleanup
file.remove(file.ex.R, file.ex.Rmd,, file.ex.html)
writeLines(html, file.html)
## Return the \name, \title, and output filename
tmp <- parse_Rd(file)
list(name=unlist(get.tag("\\name", tmp)),
title=unlist(get.tag("\\title", tmp)),
## This would be better to get right in Rd2ex
cleanup.notrun <- function(str) {
i0 <- which(str == "## Not run: ")
i1 <- which(str == "## End(Not run)")
if ( length(i0) != length(i1) || any(i1 < i0) )
stop("Parse error") # not trying any clever stuff.
for ( i in seq_along(i0) ) {
idx <- (i0[i]+1):(i1[i]-1)
tmp <- sub("^##D ", "", str[idx])
type <- sowsear:::sowsear.classify(tmp)
is.code <- which(type == "code")
j <- is.code[!((is.code-1) %in% is.code)]
tmp[j] <- sprintf("##+ eval=FALSE\n%s", tmp[j])
str[idx] <- tmp
str[i0] <- "\n## *[This section is not run by default]*"
str[i1] <- "## *[Ends not run section]*\n"
## Pull contents of first matched tag from parsed Rd file
get.tag <- function(tag, rd) {
for ( x in rd )
if (attr(x, "Rd_tag") == tag)
stop("didn't find tag")
## Actually do the processing. This is not fast.
info <- lapply(files, prettyRd)
## If we did more than one file, make a *really* simple index.
if ( length(files) > 1 ) {
contents <- sapply(info, function(x)
sprintf("* [%s](%s) %s", x$name, x$file,
paste(x$title, collapse="")))
contents <- gsub('\n', ' ', contents)
contents <- c(sprintf("# Help files for %s", package), contents)
writeLines(paste(contents, collapse="\n\n"), "")
system("pandoc -o index.html -c stylesheet.css --standalone")
## Default stylesheet, from pandoc's tango theme, plus very minimal
## page css styling. Will be saved as stylesheet.css iff it does not
## exist.
default.stylesheet <- "/* Highlighting from pandoc / tango */
table.sourceCode, tr.sourceCode, td.lineNumbers, td.sourceCode {
margin: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: baseline; border: none; }
table.sourceCode { width: 100%; background-color: #f8f8f8; }
td.lineNumbers { text-align: right; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; color: #aaaaaa; border-right: 1px solid #aaaaaa; }
td.sourceCode { padding-left: 5px; }
pre, code { background-color: #f8f8f8; }
code > { color: #204a87; font-weight: bold; }
code > span.dt { color: #204a87; }
code > span.dv { color: #0000cf; }
code > { color: #0000cf; }
code > span.fl { color: #0000cf; }
code > { color: #4e9a06; }
code > { color: #4e9a06; }
code > { color: #8f5902; font-style: italic; }
code > span.ot { color: #8f5902; }
code > { color: #ef2929; }
code > span.fu { color: #000000; }
code > { font-weight: bold; }
body { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #333;
padding: 0 5px;
margin: 0 auto;
font-size: 14px;
width: 80%;
max-width: 60em; /* 960px */
position: relative;
line-height: 1.5;
/* Hide caption */
p.caption { display:none }
if ( !file.exists(default.stylesheet) )
writeLines(default.stylesheet, "stylesheet.css")
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