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Created September 21, 2012 21:53
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Completed OmniFocus Tasks --> Brett Terpstra's Slogger --> DayOne Journal
Plugin: OmniFocus
Description: Grabs completed tasks from OmniFocus
Author: [RichSomerfield](
config = {
'omnifocus_description' => [
'Grabs completed tasks from OmniFocus'],
'omnifocus_tags' => '@tasks',
'omnifocus_save_hashtags' => true
$slog.register_plugin({ 'class' => 'OmniFocusLogger', 'config' => config })
class OmniFocusLogger < Slogger
def do_log
if @config.key?(
# We don't have any config, so don't need to worry about it not being there ;-)
@log.warn("<Service> has not been configured or a feed is invalid, please edit your slogger_config file.")
end"Logging <Service> for completed tasks")
additional_config_option = config['additional_config_option'] || false
tags = config['tags'] || ''
tags = "\n\n#{@tags}\n" unless @tags == ''
today = @timespan
output = ''
# Run an embedded applescript to get today's completed tasks
values = %x{osascript <<'APPLESCRIPT'
set dteToday to date (short date string of (current date))
tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus"
tell default document
set refDoneToday to a reference to (flattened tasks where (completion date ≥ dteToday))
set {lstName, lstContext, lstProject} to {name, name of its context, name of its containing project} of refDoneToday
set strText to ""
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set {strName, varContext, varProject} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstProject}
set strText to strText & strName
if varContext is not missing value then set strText to strText & " @" & varContext
if varProject is not missing value then set strText to strText & " (" & varProject & ")"
set strText to strText & return
end repeat
end tell
end tell
return strText
values.each do |value|
# Create entries here
output += "* " + value + "\n"
# Create a journal entry
unless output == ''
options = {}
options['content'] = "## OmniFocus - Completed Tasks\n\n#{output}#{tags}"
sl =
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