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  • Save richiethomas/34e47c595a54197ed528d019ffecb954 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save richiethomas/34e47c595a54197ed528d019ffecb954 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Acquisition:HappyPath:IL --
Binds a policy
I am on page "/search"
I click "Start a new quote"
I see "Get covered in minutes!"
I click "Get Started"
I see "To start, what’s your name?"
I fill field "firstName", "Charles"
I fill field "middleName", ""
I fill field "lastName", "Boyce"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "When were you born?"
I fill field "birthDate", "03/04/1970"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Your address"
I fill field "line1", "1408 W Front St"
I fill field "line2", ""
I fill field "city", "Roanoke"
I select option "select[data-qa=state-select-input]", "IL"
I fill field "zipCode", "61561"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "What’s your email address?"
I fill field "email", ""
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Drivers"
I see "We need a few details about the drivers you want to cover."
I click "Continue"
I see "Tell us about yourself, Charles"
I click "Male"
I select option "select[data-qa=maritalStatus-select-input]", "single"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "At what age did you first receive a U.S. driver’s license?"
I fill field "firstLicensedAge", "16"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Has your license ever been suspended?"
I click "No"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "What’s the highest level of education you’ve completed?"
I select option "select[data-qa=educationLevel-select-input]", "Bachelor's degree"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Are you a homeowner?"
I click "Yes"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Are you currently insured?"
I click "Yes"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Who is your current carrier?"
I select option "select[data-qa=carrier-select-input]", "GEICO"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "What are your current Bodily Injury limits?"
I select option "select[data-qa=limits-select-input]", "$15,000 / $30,000"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "How long have you been with your current carrier?"
I select option "select[data-qa=carrierDuration-select-input]", "1_year"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "What do you do for a living?"
I fill field "form[name=profession] input", "Actu"
I see element "div[data-qa=typeahead-results]"
I click "li[data-qa$=Actuary] button"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Are you currently enlisted or have you previously served in the military?"
I click "Yes"
I select option "select[data-qa=militaryRank-select-input]", "E-1"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Are you currently deployed overseas?"
I click "Yes"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Have you been in any accidents in the last 5 years?"
I click "No"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Have you received any moving violations in the past 5 years?"
I click "No"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Do you have any more drivers to cover?"
I click "No"
I see element "[data-ui=form-button]:not([disabled])"
I click "Next"
I see "Vehicles"
I see "Add a few details about the cars you want covered."
I click "Continue"
I see "Tell us about your vehicle."
I wait for element "select[data-qa=year-select-input] option:nth-child(2)", 20
✖ FAILED in 58360ms
Binds a policy with multiple entities
I set request timeout 30000
I authenticate with partner
I send post request "/api/v1/lead/attribution_link", "{"policy":{"mailing_address":{"line_one":"1408 W Front St","city":"Roanoke","state":"IL","zip_code":"61561"}},"current_policy":{"carrier_name":"Allstate","state":"CO","policy_start_date":"2017-09-01","policy_end_date":"2018-05-01","term_in_months":6,"customer_loyalty_in_months":24,"policy":{"coverages":{"bodily_injury":{"limit_enum":"thirty_sixty"}}},"insurance_status":{"is_currently_insured":true}},"vehicles":[{"vehicle_identification":{"vin":"3HGGK5G52HM705903"},"mileage":{"annual":10000},"vehicle_usage":"commute","ownership_type":"owned","is_used_for_rideshare":false,"anti_theft":["none"]}],"drivers":[{"contact_information":{"email_address":"","phone_numbers":[{"number":"7089771222","type":"home"}]},"confirmed_no_accidents":true,"confirmed_no_violations":true,"driver_information":{"first_name":"Mark","middle_name":"Test","last_name":"Brown","date_of_birth":"1931-08-06","gender":"male","marital_status":"married","relationship_to_applicant":"applicant"},"current_education":{"education_level_clearcover_key":"bachelors_degree"},"license":{"region":"usa","age_first_licensed":16,"status":"active","state":"CO","number":"885381229","source":"user_reported","has_previous_suspension":false},"homeownership":{"homeowner":true,"months_owned":16},"traffic_school":{"course_taken":true,"completion_date":"2017-01-08"},"occupation":{"occupation_clearcover_key":"Actuary"},"military_service":{"service_member":true,"military_grade":"E-5","is_deployed":false}}]}"
✖ FAILED in 183ms
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