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Created February 20, 2020 00:15
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RxSwift Cheat Sheet
//let episodeV = "episodeV"
//example(of: "Creating observables") {
// let mostPopular: Observable<String> = Observable<String>.just(episodeV)
import RxSwift
An **Observable** a.k.a. "Observable Sequence", "Sequence" or "Stream" all of them are the same thing.
In RxSwift everything is a sequence or something that works with a sequence.
An _Array, String, Dictionary_ can be converted into a **Observable**.
Any object can be converted if it Conforms to the "Sequence" protocol.
- An Observable is a sequence with special powers.
- An Observable is really a sequence definition.
- Observables produce events.
- Events can contain values such as: numbers or gesture recognizers.
* Marble Diagrams: Are just values plotted on a timeline.
Every circle represents elements of a sequence.
An "Observable" that emits three tap events, and then it ends.
A "completed event":
An "Observable" emits "next" events that contain elements.
It can continue to do this until it either emits an Error or Complete event and is terminated.
Once an "Observable" is terminated, it can no longer emit events.
_ = Observable.of("Hello World")
Create an OBSERVABLE of type _Int_
**.just()** is a method of Observable.
methods in RxSwift are known as "Operators".
We have the following Operators: **.just()**, **.of()**, **.from()**
let one = 1
let two = 2
let three = 3
// create an OBSERVABLE sequence containing just a single element.
let observable: Observable<Int> = Observable<Int>.just(one)
// create an OBSERVABLE sequence containing three elements.
let observable2 = Observable.of(one, two, three) // inferes the type
// create an OBSERVABLE array.
let myArray = [one, two, three]
let observable3 = Observable.of(myArray)
The operator **from()** creates an *observable* of INDIVIDUAL type instances from an Array of elements.
In other words, each element will be an OBSERVABLE.
The from operator only takes an array.
let alwaysAnArray = [one, two, three]
let observable4 = Observable.from(alwaysAnArray)
// "Subscribe tell me what to do"
In NotificationCenter we broadcast notifications to observers, we use **.addObserver()**
In RxSwift, instead of using .addObserver() we use .subscribe().
`Each observable in Rx is different`, in NotificationCenter by default is a singleton instance.
`An OBSERVABLE won't send events until it has a subscriber`
Remember that an Observable is really a sequence definition.
Last but not least: **.subscribe()** is an**@escaping** function
**print()** is executed in **every event** emitted by the observer.
**subscribe()** **tells** what actions will be performed via a closure.
You can also add Handlers for each event.
print("\nPrinting events")
observable2.subscribe { event in
//To see how you might access them;
print("\nPrinting events by accesing each event unwrapped")
observable2.subscribe { event in
if let element = event.element {
print("\nPrinting events by accesing each event unwrapped, a shorter way")
observable2.subscribe(onNext: { element in
// Creating a DisposeBag so subscribtion will be cancelled correctly
let bag = DisposeBag()
// Creating an Observable Sequence that emits a String value
let observableD = Observable.just("Hello Rx!")
// Creating a subscription just for next events
let subscription = observableD.subscribe (onNext:{
// Adding the Subscription to a Dispose Bag
// A Subject is a special form of an Observable Sequence,
// you can subscribe and dynamically add elements to it.
// There are 4 kind of **subjects** in RxSwift.
They **basically differ only** in the number of past events emitted and received by their subscribers on initial subscription.
- PublishSubject: If you subscribe to it you will get all the events that will happen after you subscribed.
- BehaviourSubject: A behavior subject will give any subscriber the most recent element and everything that is emitted by that sequence after the subscription happened.
- ReplaySubject: If you want to replay more than the most recent element to new subscribers on the initial subscription you need to use a ReplaySubject. With a ReplaySubject, you can define how many recent items you want to emit to new subscribers.
- Variable: A Variable is just a BehaviourSubject wrapper that feels more natural to a none reactive programmers. It can be used like a normal Variable.
// Example:
// Create an actual PublishSubject instance.
let publishSubject = PublishSubject<String>()
// You can add new Values to that sequence by using the `onNext()` function.
// Now let’s create a subscription and add some new values to the Subject.
let subscription1 = publishSubject.subscribe(onNext: {
// Subscription1 receives these 2 events, Subscription2 won't
// Sub2 will not get "Hello" and "Again" because it susbcribed later
let subscription2 = publishSubject.subscribe(onNext:{
publishSubject.onNext("Both Subscriptions receive this message")
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