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Created February 1, 2023 20:58
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Character sheet

Character sheet

We filled out character sheets at Elastic as a team building exercise. I wrote this in 2022. I figured I'd work in the open and share it with the world.

What is your name? Preferred name?

Richard Kuzsma. Last name is pronounced "Kooz-mah".

My preferred name is "Rich".

What are your preferred pronouns?


Where were you born?

Verona, New Jersey, USA

Where are you now?

Amherst, New Hampshire, USA

Which countries have you visited? A favourite?

Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Ireland, England, France, Spain, Japan, China.

Japan was a favorite.

What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? (Test) Do you identify with it? How so? How not?

I am an ENFP, an Assertive Campaigner. But I'm a logistician fanboy; Hermione is my hero. What I strive to be, and actually am, are different things. For example, what ENFP would ever attend a weeklong conference on applied rationality? Me!

What animal best represents you? How do you relate to it?

My spirit animal patronus would be the true form of the patronus. (image, beware, HPMOR book spoiler!)

What are your hobbies? What do you like about them?

In my spare time, I like playing Minecraft with my kids. Creating new worlds is good fun.

Do you play any sports? How do you stay active?

I used to bowl, before Covid. Candlepin bowling, of course.

These days I occasionally stand up at my desk, and then sit down in my chair, at least a couple times a day. My dog takes me for walks outside (quick walks in winter because I don't have fur and it's New Hampshire).


Do you make any artwork? Pictures, painting, writing music? Anything you'd like to share?

Here's a 3D extrusion of the Elastic logo I built in Minecraft Java Survival, one block of sheared sheep wool at a time.

What are some of your favourite shows, books, games, and/or movies? What do you like about them? Recommendations?

Books, essays and movies that speak to me include:

  1. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality - read it free at It's my favorite book of all time. My favorite quote from the book is:

“There is no justice in the laws of nature, no term for fairness in the equations of motion. The Universe is neither evil, nor good, it simply does not care. The stars don't care, or the Sun, or the sky.

But they don't have to! WE care! There IS light in the world, and it is US!”

― Eliezer Yudkowsky, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

That quote helped me make sense of the world when my daughter battled leukemia and I saw the best side of humanity all around me.

  1. Meditations on Moloch essay by my favorite internet blogger.

  2. Forrest Gump and Dumb and Dumber are my two favorite movies of all time. 1994 was the single greatest year for movies, including: Shawshank Redemption, Ace Ventura, Lion King, Forrest Gump, Dumb and Dumber, Pulp Fiction,... If you include 1993 then you can add Groundhog Day, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Jurassic Park.

  3. Although I only read it once long ago, the book "The Death of a Salesman" motivated me to speak less and act more.

What song is your "theme song", the one that speaks the most to you?"

The soundtrack to The Greatest Showman moves me. I listened to it for many years almost every day while doing the dishes.

What is one thing you love most about yourself?

That my genes didn't screw up when they combined with my wife's to produce the two most incredible tiny humans in this universe.

Do you have any personal goals, ambitions, or dreams?

I'm motivated by a good story.

How can people help you be at ease in the workplace?
  1. Please don't assume bad intent.

  2. I like fixing things. And I can only fix what I know about.

Anything else you wanna share?

I picked up these quotes from a former co-worker/engineering leader. They've stuck with me over the years in many contexts:

  1. "Satisfaction = Expectations Minus Results"

  2. "We reserve the right to be smarter tomorrow than we are today."

A colleague remarked that I am a truth seeker. That suits me. I'll aspire to be that.

If you've read this far and you want to send me a gift, Scott Adams gets me:

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