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Forked from kohlmeier/
Created March 28, 2012 10:24
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Bayes net example in Python with Khan Academy data
#!/usr/bin/env python
from numpy import asmatrix, asarray, ones, zeros, mean, sum, arange, prod, dot, loadtxt
from numpy.random import random, randint
import pickle
MISSING_VALUE = -1 # a constant I will use to denote missing integer values
def impute_hidden_node(E, I, theta, sample_hidden):
theta_T, theta_E = theta
# calculate the unnormalized probability associated with the hidden unit being a 0
theta_E_wide = asarray( ones([E.shape[0],1]) * asmatrix(theta_E[:,0]) )
p_vis_0 = I * (theta_E_wide * E + (1-theta_E_wide) * (1-E)) + (I==0)*1
prob_0_unnorm = (1-theta_T) * prod(p_vis_0, 1)
# calculate the unnormalized probability associated with the hidden unit being a 1
theta_E_wide = asarray( ones([E.shape[0],1]) * asmatrix(theta_E[:,1]) )
p_vis_1 = I * (theta_E_wide * E + (1-theta_E_wide) * (1-E)) + (I==0)*1
prob_1_unnorm = theta_T * prod(p_vis_1, 1)
hidden = prob_1_unnorm / (prob_0_unnorm + prob_1_unnorm)
if sample_hidden:
# set the hidden unit to a 0 or 1 instead of a probability of activation
hidden = (hidden > random( hidden.shape ))*1
return hidden
def simulate(theta, nsamples):
theta_T, theta_E = theta
T = (theta_T > random(nsamples))
# (multiplying by T selects the cases where T=1, multiplying by 1-T selects the cases where T=0)
E = (asmatrix(1-T).transpose() * theta_E[:,0] > random([nsamples, theta_E.shape[0]])) \
+ (asmatrix(T).transpose() * theta_E[:,1] > random([nsamples, theta_E.shape[0]]))
E = asarray(E * 1)
return T, E
def compute_theta(T, E):
theta_T = mean(T) # the probability is the average activation
theta_E = zeros([E.shape[1], 2])
for e in range(E.shape[1]):
E_col = E[:,e]
ix = E_col != MISSING_VALUE # row indices that are not missing this evidence
theta_E[e,0] = sum( E_col[ix] * (1-T[ix]) ) / float( sum( 1-T[ix] ) ) # the average of E when T=0
theta_E[e,1] = sum( E_col[ix] * T[ix] ) / float( sum( T[ix] ) ) # the average of E when T=1
return [theta_T, theta_E]
def print_theta(theta):
theta_T, theta_E = theta
print "T\t0: %f\t1:%f" % (1-theta_T, theta_T)
for i in range( theta_E.shape[0] ):
print "E%d T=0\t0: %f\t1:%f" % (i, 1-theta_E[i,0], theta_E[i,0])
print "E%d T=1\t0: %f\t1:%f" % (i, 1-theta_E[i,1], theta_E[i,1])
def learn(T, E, max_iter, sample_hidden):
I = (E!=MISSING_VALUE)*1 #indicator matrix on whether evidence for each E-variable is present
theta = compute_theta( T,E )
for i in range(max_iter):
T = impute_hidden_node(E, I, theta, sample_hidden) # E-step
# there are two equivalent solutions with T=0 and T=1 flipped. always take the solution where T=1 is more probable.
if mean(T) < 0.5:
T = 1-T
theta = compute_theta( T, E ) # M-step
print "Run %d produced theta of:" % i
#log_likelihood(data, theta)
return theta
def simulated_example():
# start by specifying a TRUE joint distribution, theta.
theta_T = 0.75 # probability that T is 1
theta_E = asarray(zeros( [5, 2] )) # probability that E is 1. [number of leaves] x [number of T states]
theta_E[0,0] = 0.55 # probability that E0 = 1 if T = 0
theta_E[0,1] = 0.95 # probability that E0 = 1 if T = 1
theta_E[1,0] = 0.60 # probability that E1 = 1 if T = 0
theta_E[1,1] = 0.95 # probability that E1 = 1 if T = 1
theta_E[2,0] = 0.24 # probability that E2 = 1 if T = 0
theta_E[2,1] = 0.42 # probability that E2 = 1 if T = 1
theta_E[3,0] = 0.13 # probability that E3 = 1 if T = 0
theta_E[3,1] = 0.72 # probability that E3 = 1 if T = 1
theta_E[4,0] = 0.62 # probability that E4 = 1 if T = 0
theta_E[4,1] = 0.66 # probability that E4 = 1 if T = 1
theta = [theta_T, theta_E]
# now generate/simulate a dataset accoriding to theta
row_count = 10000; print "rowcount = %d" % row_count
[T, E] = simulate(theta, row_count)
# randomize/hide the 'T' variable, to see if we can re-learn it
T2 = T.copy()
T = randint(2, size=row_count)
# in addition, randomly remove between 1 to 3 E-values for each sample as 'missing' data
for i in range(0):
E[arange(row_count), randint(5,size=row_count)] = MISSING_VALUE
# finally, try to learn the parameters
theta_learned = learn(T, E, 400, sample_hidden=True)
print 'Starting State:'
print 'Ending State:'
print 'Goal:'
def ka_data_example():
E = loadtxt('bnet.csv', dtype=int, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
T = randint(2, size=E.shape[0])
theta_learned = learn(T, E, 200, sample_hidden=True)
print 'Starting State:'
print 'Ending State:'
pickle.dump([theta_learned[0], theta_learned[1].tolist()], open('theta.pickle', 'wb'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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