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Last active December 20, 2015 04:29
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How to render validations in the base view
#actually renders the validations
#if you are using listenTo these arguments are automatically passed in
renderValidations: (model, errors)->
_.each errors, (error) =>
$el = if error.cid then @$("[data-id=#{error.cid}]") else @$el
selector = if error.nested_attr then "[data-nested-name=#{error.nested_attr}]" else "[name=#{}]"
#validations are namespaced by model id for removal
$el.find(selector).after("<span class='#{model.cid}-validation label label-important'>#{error.errors.join(', ')}</span>")
#clears out all validations for this particular model
#this also needs to be called to prevent duplicate validations
clearValidations: -> @$(".validation").remove()
-# all regular inputs should have the attribute set as the name
-# nested attributes should use name as the attribute name, and the data-nested-name as the nested_attribute name
-# {company: {name:"x", id: 1} => name:company, data-nested-name: 1
-# nested models from a collection use the data-id to filter the el
-# -> this means that for validations to render properly they need to be inside a container with a data-id
<input name='name' />
<input name='company_attributes' data-nested-name='name'/>
<li data-id='cid'>
<input name="phone_numbers" data-nested-name:"country_code"/>
#events to listen to save and render validations
initialize: (args) ->
@listenTo(@client, 'sync', @clearValidations)
@listenTo(@client, 'invalid', @renderValidations)
#sync will run when the model is saved, if this is not enough you can manually call the function (params can be seen below)
#it will not be enough if validate is called and clear is not, this will render duplicate errors like (Name is required)(Name is required)
#invalid will run when the model is invalid, and will render the validation errors
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