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Last active January 1, 2017 23:00
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Save richtr/8bc84b9346f9eb2ac945 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Synology NAS (or any other AFP-based shared folder) to Handbrake auto-conversion of avi/mkv files to mp4
-- AppleScript that mounts an AFP service (e.g. a Synology NAS Diskstation) then
-- searches for any .avi or .mkv files in the requested volume and converts all
-- the files it finds to .mp4 via HandbrakeCLI (which must be installed on your
-- machine at /Applications/HandbrakeCLI)
-- IMPORTANT: You may need to make sure your NAS does not sleep until ~4 hours of
-- inactivity has passed so it doesn't interrupt the mp4 conversion process of
-- this script.
-- Based loosely on the script published at
-- For more detailed installation instructions consult the URL above.
-- *****************
-- AFP service host name
set afpHostName to "DiskStation._afpovertcp._tcp.local"
-- AFP service user name
set afpUser to "admin"
-- AFP service user password
set afpPassword to "password"
-- AFP root folder name to convert videos from (scans in sub-directories too)
set afpVolume to "downloads"
-- *****************
set sourceUrl to "afp://" & afpUser & ":" & afpPassword & "@" & afpHostName & "/" & afpVolume
repeat 1 times
-- Attempt to detect the requested AFP Host via the `dig` command
-- this throws us out of the try/catch block if unsuccessful (i.e. it times out)
do shell script "dig -p 5353 @ " & afpHostName & " any"
log "Requested AFP Host found."
-- Mount the requested AFP Volume (attempts to connect 4 times at 15 seconds intervals)
repeat 4 times
if (list disks) contains afpVolume then exit repeat
mount volume sourceUrl
delay 15
end repeat
if (list disks) does not contain afpVolume then exit repeat -- # simulated `continue`
log "Requested AFP Volume mounted."
-- Now run over the contents of the afpVolume
with timeout of (720 * 60) seconds
tell application "Finder"
--Get all AVI and MKV files that have not already been processed
set allFiles to every file of entire contents of (afpVolume as alias) whose ((name extension is "avi" or name extension is "mkv") and label index is not 6) -- 6 == 'green' == already processed files
log "Found files:"
log allFiles
log "Entering conversion loop"
--Repeat for all files in above folder
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in allFiles
set currentFile to (item i of allFiles)
log "Processing:"
log currentFile
--Assemble original and new file paths
set origFilepath to quoted form of POSIX path of (currentFile as alias)
set newFilepath to (characters 1 thru -5 of origFilepath as string) & "mp4'"
--Set to gray label to indicate processing
set label index of currentFile to 7
-- Remove any existing mp4 file with the same name assuming the conversion process did not
-- complete last time around (otherwise this avi/mkv file would have been deleted already)
if my FileExists(newFilepath) then
log "Deleting previously unfinished conversion file:"
log newFilepath
my DeleteFile(newFilepath)
end if
log "Converting from:"
log origFilepath
log "Converting to:"
log newFilepath
--Start the conversion
log "Starting conversion. Please be patient..."
set shellCommand to "nice /Applications/HandBrakeCLI -i " & origFilepath & " -o " & newFilepath & " --preset 'Universal'"
do shell script shellCommand
log "...file conversion finished."
--Set the label to green in case file deletion fails
set label index of currentFile to 6
--Delete original file
log "Removing old file:"
log origFilepath
my DeleteFile(origFilepath)
log "Converted file is at:"
log newFilepath
on error errmsg
log "An error occurred:"
log errmsg
--Set the label to red to indicate failure
set label index of currentFile to 2
end try
end repeat
log "Leaving conversion loop"
end tell
end timeout
end try
end repeat
log "Video conversion script sleeping for 60 seconds."
-- Wait 60 seconds before attempting to run this script again
delay 60
log "Video conversion script waking up."
end repeat
-- *****************
-- Check if a file exists
-- from:
on FileExists(theFile) -- (String) as Boolean
tell application "System Events"
if exists file theFile then
return true
return false
end if
end tell
end FileExists
-- Delete a file
on DeleteFile(filePath)
set shellCommand to "rm -f " & filePath
do shell script shellCommand
end DeleteFile
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