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Created December 23, 2015 21:10
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A pirate walks into a bar... ============================ You must hurry to
find Professor Boolean's secret lab. You fear it may be too late. Rumor has it
that one of the pirates in this tavern knows where it is. There's a whole row
of them seated at the bar. You start by talking to the pirate seated on the
left-most barstool. However, the pirate redirects you to another pirate.
Fine... you go to talk to that one. To your great annoyance, that pirate
redirects you to yet another pirate! And on and on it goes. Is there no end to
this madness? You notice each pirate has a number tattooed on his arm and
decide to ID each man by his number. Each pirate redirects to a different
pirate, other than himself. Because of this, it is guaranteed that you will
start going in loops talking to them. Write a function answer(numbers) which
returns the number of pirates which form a loop, given that you start by
talking to the left-most pirate, 0. numbers will be an array of non-negative
integers such that number[m] is the number of the pirate to whom pirate m
redirects. No pirate redirects to himself. The left-most pirate is number 0,
the next is number 1, and so on. Each element in the numbers list will be in
the range [0, n-1] where n is the length of the numbers list. For example,
suppose the numbers list were [1, 3, 0, 1]. Then pirate 0 redirects to pirate
1, who redirects to pirate 3, who redirects back to pirate 1. There is a loop
of two pirates: 1, 3. Thus the answer would be 2. Note that even though you
started with pirate 0, he is not part of the loop. The number of pirates will
be at least 2 and no more than 5000. Languages ========= To provide a Python
solution, edit To provide a Java solution, edit Test
cases ========== Inputs:
(int list) numbers = [1, 0] Output:
(int) 2 Inputs:
(int list) numbers = [1, 2, 1] Output:
(int) 2
Use verify [file] to test your solution and see how it does. When you are
finished editing your code, use submit
[file] to submit your answer. If your solution passes the test cases, it will be removed from your home folder.
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