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Last active March 25, 2022 21:25
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  • Save richxcame/51ac89ba91cf8f9773d437e7a432ec81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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name = Baygeldi Cholukov
email =
a = add
al = add .
b = branch
ba = branch --all
bd = branch -d
bD = branch -D
br = branch -r
l = log
lo = log --oneline
ap = apply
as = apply --stat
ac = apply --check
pl = pull
pb = pull --rebase
c = commit
ca = commit -a
cm = commit -m
cam = commit -am
cem = commit --allow-empty -m
cd = commit --amend
cad = commit -a --amend
ced = commit --allow-empty --amend
cp = cherry-pick
cpa = cherry-pick --abort
cpc = cherry-pick --continue
d = diff
dp = diff --patience
dc = diff --cached
dk = diff --check
dck = diff --cached --check
dt = difftool
dct = difftool --cached
f = fetch
fo = fetch origin
fu = fetch upstream
fp = fetch -p
cl = clone
cld = clone --depth 1
clg = !sh -c 'git clone git://$1 $(basename $1)' -
clgp = !sh -c 'git clone$1 $(basename $1)' -
clgu = !sh -c 'git clone$(git config --get user.username)/$1 $1' -
ps = push
pod = push origin --delete
psu = push --set-upstream origin
s = status
co = checkout
cb = checkout -b
excludesfile = /Users/
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