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Created July 11, 2021 12:25
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Azure - Lint, validate, create infra in Azure from Bicep templates
op=$1 # lint, validate, create
if [ "$main_shared" == 'main' ]; then path='./infra' && filename='main.bicep'; fi
if [ "$main_shared" == 'shared' ]; then path='./shared-infra' && filename='*.bicep'; fi
lint () {
az bicep build --file "$f" --stdout
validate () {
az deployment group validate --resource-group "$RG" --subscription "$SUB" -f "$1" -p env=dev
create () {
az deployment group create --resource-group "$RG" --subscription "$SUB" -f "$1" -p env=dev
for f in $(find "$path" -name "$filename") ; do
echo "$f"
$op "$f"
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