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Created November 27, 2021 16:15
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First attempt at direct COM interop in C#
internal unsafe struct IFxObjectRef
: IFxObjectRef.Interface
public interface Interface
: IUnknown.Interface
unsafe HRESULT GetObject(GCHandle* gcHandle);
public struct Vtbl
public delegate* unmanaged<IFxObjectRef*, Guid*, void**, int> QueryInterface;
public delegate* unmanaged<IFxObjectRef*, uint> AddRef;
public delegate* unmanaged<IFxObjectRef*, uint> Release;
public delegate* unmanaged<IFxObjectRef*, GCHandle*, int> GetObject;
public unsafe void** lpVtbl;
public HRESULT QueryInterface(Guid* riid, void** ppvObject)
return ((delegate* unmanaged<IFxObjectRef*, Guid*, void**, int>)(*this.lpVtbl))((IFxObjectRef*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), riid, ppvObject);
public uint AddRef()
return ((delegate* unmanaged<IFxObjectRef*, uint>)this.lpVtbl[1])((IFxObjectRef*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this));
public uint Release()
return ((delegate* unmanaged<IFxObjectRef*, uint>)this.lpVtbl[2])((IFxObjectRef*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this));
public HRESULT GetObject(GCHandle* gcHandle)
return ((delegate* unmanaged<IFxObjectRef*, GCHandle*, int>)this.lpVtbl[3])((IFxObjectRef*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), gcHandle);
internal static unsafe class FxObjectRefExtensions
public static object? GetObject<TIFxObjectRef>(this ref TIFxObjectRef fxObjectRef)
where TIFxObjectRef : unmanaged, IFxObjectRef.Interface
GCHandle gcHandle = default;
HRESULT hr = fxObjectRef.GetObject(&gcHandle);
return gcHandle.Target;
internal unsafe struct CFxObjectRef
: IFxObjectRef.Interface
private static readonly Vtbl* vtblStatic = CreateVtbl();
private static Vtbl* CreateVtbl()
Vtbl* vtbl = (Vtbl*)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(CFxObjectRef), sizeof(CFxObjectRef.Vtbl));
vtbl->QueryInterface = &QueryInterface;
vtbl->AddRef = &AddRef;
vtbl->Release = &Release;
vtbl->GetObject = &GetObject;
return vtbl;
public struct Vtbl
public delegate* unmanaged<CFxObjectRef*, Guid*, void**, int> QueryInterface;
public delegate* unmanaged<CFxObjectRef*, uint> AddRef;
public delegate* unmanaged<CFxObjectRef*, uint> Release;
public delegate* unmanaged<CFxObjectRef*, GCHandle*, int> GetObject;
public static HRESULT Create(object @object, bool disposeOnRelease, Guid* riid, IFxObjectRef** ppFxObjectRef)
if (riid == null || ppFxObjectRef == null)
return E_POINTER;
CFxObjectRef* pInstance = (CFxObjectRef*)NativeMemory.AllocZeroed((nuint)sizeof(CFxObjectRef));
*pInstance = new CFxObjectRef(@object, disposeOnRelease);
HRESULT hr = pInstance->QueryInterface(riid, (void**)ppFxObjectRef);
return hr;
private readonly Vtbl* lpVtbl;
private int refCount;
private GCHandle gcHandle;
private bool disposeOnRelease;
private CFxObjectRef(object @object, bool disposeOnRelease)
this.lpVtbl = vtblStatic;
this.refCount = 1;
this.gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(@object);
this.disposeOnRelease = disposeOnRelease;
public HRESULT QueryInterface(Guid* riid, void** ppvObject)
if (riid == null || ppvObject == null)
return E_POINTER;
*ppvObject = null;
Guid iid = *riid;
if (iid == __uuidof<IFxObjectRef>() || iid == __uuidof<IUnknown>())
Interlocked.Increment(ref this.refCount);
*ppvObject = Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this);
return S_OK;
private static int QueryInterface(CFxObjectRef* self, Guid* riid, void** ppvObject)
return self->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject);
public uint AddRef()
return (uint)Interlocked.Increment(ref this.refCount);
public static uint AddRef(CFxObjectRef* self)
return self->AddRef();
public uint Release()
int newRefCount = Interlocked.Decrement(ref this.refCount);
if (newRefCount == 0)
if (this.disposeOnRelease)
(this.GetObject() as IDisposable)?.Dispose();
NativeMemory.Free(Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this));
return (uint)newRefCount;
private static uint Release(CFxObjectRef* self)
return self->Release();
public HRESULT GetObject(GCHandle* pGCHandle)
if (pGCHandle == null)
return E_POINTER;
*pGCHandle = this.gcHandle;
return S_OK;
private static unsafe int GetObject(CFxObjectRef* self, GCHandle* pGCHandle)
return self->GetObject(pGCHandle);
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