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Created October 28, 2008 11:38
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Here's my list of WoW AddOns. You may download, install and update
these at any time using WowMatrix at
!BugGrabber - Grabs bugs for the bug sack.
!Swatter - Debugging tool for handling and displaying of error messages in a useful way.
Ace2 - AddOn development framework
Ace3 - AddOn development framework
Altoholic - Provides information about your alts
Atlas - Instance Map Browser
Atlas_Battlegrounds - Battleground Maps
Atlas_DungeonLocs - Dungeon Locations
Atlas_FlightPaths - Flight Path Maps
Atlas_OutdoorRaids - Outdoor Raid Encounters
AtlasLoot - Shows the possible loot from the bosses
AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade - AtlasLoot loot tables from the Burning Crusade
AtlasLoot_Crafting - AtlasLoot loot tables of Crafting Items
AtlasLoot_OriginalWoW - AtlasLoot loot tables from pre-Burning Crusade
AtlasLoot_WorldEvents - AtlasLoot loot tables from world events
AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing - AtlasLoot loot tables from the Wrath of the Lich King
AtlasLootFu - Minimap button for AtlasLoot
Auc-Advanced - AuctioneerAdvanced, An addon to help keep track of items values. You must at least enable a statistics extension (like Auc:Stats:Simple) to start tracking stats.
AuldLangSyne - Friends list improvements: notes, remembering the information of offline friends, friend list syncing and backups, and a fubar plugin for it all
AutoBar - Dynamic bars with buttons that automatically add potions, water, food and other items you specify into a button for use. Does not use action slots.
Baggins - Inventory Management with virtual bags divided into sections.
Baggins_Outfitter - Adds Outfitter filter to Baggins
Baggins_Search - Simple search inspired by vBagnon
Bartender4 - Simple and Advanced combined - Bartender4 ActionBar AddOn
BeanCounter -
BigWigs - Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings.
BigWigs_BlackTemple - Big Wigs Black Temple Modules
BigWigs_CommonAuras - Notifies the raid about common buffs and debuffs.
BigWigs_Extras - Big Wigs Extra Plugins
BigWigs_Hyjal - Big Wigs Hyjal Modules
BigWigs_Karazhan - Big Wigs Karazhan Modules
BigWigs_Naxxramas - Big Wigs Naxxramas Modules
BigWigs_Outland - Big Wigs Outland Modules
BigWigs_Plugins - Big Wigs Core Plugins
BigWigs_SC - Big Wigs Serpentshrine Cavern Modules
BigWigs_Sunwell - Big Wigs Sunwell Modules
BigWigs_TheEye - Big Wigs The Eye Modules
BigWigs_ZulAman - Big Wigs Zul'Aman Modules
BugSack - Toss those bugs inna sack.
Cartographer - Addon to manipulate the map
Cartographer_Battlegrounds - Module which provides maps of battlegrounds.
Cartographer_Coordinates - Module to add coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
Cartographer_Foglight - Module to show unexplored areas on the map.
Cartographer_GroupColors - Module which turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
Cartographer_GuildPositions - Module which shows you your fellow guild members' positions, as well as allowing them to see you.
Cartographer_InstanceLoot - Display of loot on instance bosses.
Cartographer_InstanceMaps - Module which provides maps of instances.
Cartographer_InstanceNotes - Module which adds default notes to the instance maps.
Cartographer_LookNFeel - Module which allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
Cartographer_Notes - Module which allows you to put notes on the map.
Cartographer_POI - Module to manage points of interest.
Cartographer_Professions - Stub for loading Cartographer module addons based on your professions.
Cartographer_Waypoints - Module which shows an arrow to direct you to a specified note or location.
Cartographer_ZoneInfo - Module which on hovering over a zone, will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the number of men the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).
Chatter - Lightweight Chat Improvements
Chinchilla - Minimap addon of awesomeness. *chewing sound*. It'll nibble your hay pellets.
Clique - Simply powerful click-casting interface
ControlFreak - Crowd control assistance
CooldownTimers3 - Shows Status Bars that you can drag around and group up for your cooldowns
DailyQuestViewer - A module that lets you find out what today's dailies are without having to visit the quest givers.
Decursive - Affliction display and cleaning for solo, group and raids with advanced filtering and priority system.
ElkBuffBars - EBB adds groups of bars to your screen showing you which (de)buffs currently affect your toon or some other units.
Enchantrix - Display information in item tooltips pertaining to the results of disenchanting said item. [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
Enchantrix-Barker - Print Enchant price lists to chat [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
EnhTooltip - Used to display enhanced tooltips under the original tooltip or in the original tooltip, contains hooking functions for almost all major in game item tooltips [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
Examiner - Advanced Inspection Mod of Gear, Talents, Honor and Arena Details.
Factionizer - Tells you what you can do to improve your faction
Fizzle - Show item durability and quality in the character frame.
Fortress - A display for LibDataBroker-1.1
FuBar - A panel that modules can plug into.
FuBar_AtlasFu - Adds an Atlas button to FuBar.
FuBar_DurabilityFu - Keeps track of durability and pops up a dialog to repair when you go to a vendor who can.
FuBar_ExperienceFu - Keeps track of experience.
FuBar_GarbageFu - Drops the least valuable item in your bags to make space.
FuBar_GarbageFu_Prices - Price information to FuBar - GarbageFu
FuBar_LocationFu - Keeps track of your current location.
FuBar_MoneyFu - Keeps track of current money and all your characters on one realm.
FuBar_OutfitterFu - FuBar support for Outfitter
FuBar_TinyTipFu - A FuBar plugin for TinyTip.
FuBar_ToFu - A flight path time-remaining plugin for FuBar
FuBar_XPerlFu - Replaces the Functions of the XPerl-MiniMapButton.
GatherMate - Collects Herbs, Mines, Gas Clouds and Fishing locations and adds them to the worldmap and minimap
GatherMate_Data - Wowhead Data dump for GatherMate
Grid - A modular, lightweight and screen-estate saving grid of party/raid unit frames
GridoRA2Layouts - Adds oRA2 MT and pets Layouts to Grid
GridStatusParty - Status for party leader, raid leader, raid assistant, and master looter.
GridStatusReadyCheck - Adds ready check status to Grid.
GridStatusThreat - Adds a simple threat display to Grid.
GrimReaper - Review any raid or party members recent incoming combat along with health level.
Informant - Displays detailed item information in tooltips, and can produce item reports by binding an information window to a keypress [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
LibBabble-Boss-3.0 - A library to help with localization of bosses.
LibBabble-Class-3.0 - A library to help with localization of classes.
LibBabble-CreatureType-3.0 - A library to help with localization of the output of UnitCreatureType.
LibBabble-Faction-3.0 - A library to help with localization of factions.
LibBabble-Inventory-3.0 - A library to help with localization of item types and subtypes.
LibBabble-TalentTree-3.0 - A library to help with localization of talent trees.
LibBabble-Zone-3.0 - A library to help with localization of Zones.
LibDogTag-3.0 - A library to provide a markup syntax
LibDogTag-Items-3.0 - A library to provide items-oriented tags to LibDogTag-3.0
LibDogTag-Unit-3.0 - A library to provide unit-oriented tags to LibDogTag-3.0
LibRock-1.0 - AddOn development framework
LightHeaded - Allows you to view WoWHead comments for quests in-game
LittleWigs - Boss warnings for 5-man instances.
LittleWigs_Auchindoun - Little Wigs Auchindoun Modules
LittleWigs_Coilfang - Little Wigs Coilfang Reservoir Modules
LittleWigs_CoT - Little Wigs Caverns of Time Modules
LittleWigs_HellfireCitadel - Little Wigs Hellfire Citadel Modules
LittleWigs_MagistersTerrace - Little Wigs Magisters' Terrace Modules
LittleWigs_TempestKeep - Little Wigs Tempest Keep Modules
MobInfo2 - Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame
MobInfo2_Browser - Lets you browse and search a ton of data in your MobInfo database.
MobMap - An ingame universal database (v3.02)
MobMarks - Allows you to see what mobs in 5-mans are CCable, and add warnings/notes to a specific mob.
MobSpells - Stores a browsable database of spells that mobs cast
nQuestLog - Questing minion
Omen - A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.
OmniCC - Cooldown count for everything
OmniCC_Options - A load on demand option menu for OmniCC
oRA2 - A CT_RaidAssist alternative
oRA2_Leader - oRA2 Leader modules
oRA2_Optional - oRA2 Optional modules
oRA2_Participant - oRA2 Participant modules
Outfitter - Clothing and weapon management and automated equipment changes
Parrot - Floating Combat Text of awesomeness. Caw. It'll eat your crackers.
Postal - Postal: Enhanced Mailbox support
Quartz - Modular casting bar.
Quartz_Buff - Quartz module to display target/focus buffs and debuffs.
Quartz_Flight - Quartz module to display the progress of flight paths.
Quartz_Focus - Quartz module to display casting bar for your focus.
Quartz_GCD - Quartz module to display the global cooldown in a helpful way.
Quartz_Interrupt - Quartz module to show who interrupted your spells.
Quartz_Latency - Quartz module to display casting latency on the cast bar.
Quartz_Mirror - Quartz module to display timers for important stuff.
Quartz_Pet - Quartz module to display casting bar for your pet.
Quartz_Player - Quartz module to display the player's casting bar.
Quartz_Range - Quartz module to re-color your casting bar when the current target goes out of range.
Quartz_Swing - Quartz module to display a swing timer.
Quartz_Target - Quartz module to display casting bar for your target.
Quartz_Timer - Quartz module to display simple timers on the Mirror bar.
Quartz_Tradeskill - Quartz module to condense multiple-cast tradeskills into one casting bar.
RatingBuster - Item stat breakdown, analysis and comparison
Routes - Routes on your worldmap and minimap!
ShooShards - Automatically deletes shards over a boundary.
Skillet - A replacement tradeskill window
StatBlock_Factions - Factions Data Broker plugin.
StatBlock_TankStats - Tank stats Data Broker plugin.
StatBlockCore - A core for your informational plugins to plug into.
StealYourCarbon - Automatically restock items from vendors and your bank
Stubby - Allows on-demand addons to load automatically based upon simple event notification hooks [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
SunnArt - Allows you to modify the size of the rendered 3D area of the screen with textured bars in the non-rendered areas
Talented - The Talent Template Editor
Talented_Data - Class Data for The Talent Template Editor
tekKompare - Simple item compare tooltips
TinyTip - Interacts with TinyTip modules, either integrated or standalone, to provide extra centralized functionality. Required for an in-game options menu and some other features. Comes with different modules by default, all of which can act by themselves as separate addons.
TinyTipOptions - Options for (LoadOnDemand).
TomTom - Acts as your portable navigation assistant
TourGuide - Powerleveling guide framework
WIM - Give whispers an instant messenger feel.
XLoot - A remake of the built-in lootframe. .
XPBarNone - Lightweight XP bar using Ace2.
XPerl - Replaces the normal unit, party, target, pet frames and adds target-of-target.
ZOMGBuffs - All in one buffing mod for all classes. Paladin buff generated assignments based on Paladin capabilities and raid member sub-classes (druid tank vs. druid healer etc.). Plus overview of important raid buffs, and instant access rebuff on right click.
ZOMGBuffs_Blessings - ZOMGBuffs, Paladin Buffing Module
ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager - ZOMGBuffs, The Blessings Manager allows one raid leader/assistant/paladin to configure all paladin's blessings at once
ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsPP - ZOMGBuffs, Pally Power communications module
ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid - ZOMGBuffs, Group Buffing Module
ZOMGBuffs_Log - ZOMGBuffs, Logging Module
ZOMGBuffs_Portalz - ZOMGBuffs, Mage Portalz
ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs - ZOMGBuffs, Self Buffing Module
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