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Forked from arekdreyer/newpostinstall.zsh
Created September 10, 2021 06:50
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## postinstall
# Optionally replace the value of this variable with the name of your organization.
waitMessage="Please wait a moment while your Mac completes enrolling with your organization's mobile device management solution."
# After Setup Assistant exits, if jamf enrollment isn't complete,
# this is how many seconds to wait complete before exiting with an error:
# This postinstall script for Composer creates the following:
# A LaunchDaemon that starts a separate script to run a Jamf Pro policy command
# A LaunchAgent that runs BigHonkingText soon as the first user logs in
# A script to wait for Jamf Pro enrollment to complete
# - then triggers a Jamf Pro policy that triggers DEPNotify
# A script that is designed to be called by a Jamf Pro policy
# - to unload the LaunchDaemon then remove the LaunchDaemon and script
# Q: Why not just call the `jamf policy -event` command
# from the PreStage Enrollment package postinstall script?
# A: Because the PreStage Enrollment package is installed
# before the jamf binary is installed.
# Q: Why not just have the postinstall script wait until jamf enrollment is complete?
# A: Because the postinstall script won't exit while it waits, which prevents enrollment
# Q: Why not just include the script in the PreStage Enrollment package?
# A: Because every time you update it, for instance POLICY_ARRAY,
# you'd need to re-build and re-upload the package
# Q: Why not distribute the extra scripts and LaunchDaemons somewhere else,
# instead of embedding them in this funky postinstall script?
# A: This way you only have to download and maintain one extra thing.
# One approach is to use the following locations and files:
# LaunchDaemon:
# /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.arekdreyer.DEPNotify-prestarter.plist
# Temporary folder for the installer and scripts:
# /usr/local/depnotify-with-installers/
# Scripts:
# /usr/local/depnotify-with-installers/com.arekdreyer.DEPNotify-prestarter-installer.zsh
# /usr/local/depnotify-with-installers/com.arekdreyer.DEPNotify-prestarter-uninstaller.zsh
# The HEREDOC portions of this script that creates additional scripts
# uses the backslash character (\) to prevent commands from being run and
# to prevent variables from being interpreted.
# NOTE: Make sure to leave a full return at the end of HEREDOC
# content before the last line that defines the end of the HEREDOC content.
# This script must be run as root or via Jamf Pro.
# The resulting Script and LaunchDaemon will be run as root.
# Update this any of these are changed;
# The earlier package installer name was DEPNotifyInstallerName=DEPNotify-1.1.4.pkg
# You can change this if you have a better location to use.
# I haven't tested this with any path that has a space in the name.
# You can change any of these:
# Comment the following out to not open the initial DEPNotify in full screen
depNotifyAppFullScreen="--args -fullScreen"
# It's probably best to not update any of the rest of the script without extensive testing.
# Install the package
/usr/sbin/installer -pkg ${tempUtilitiesPath}/${depNotifyInstallerName} -target /
# The following creates a script that triggers the DEPNotify script to start.
# Leave a full return at the end of the content before the last "ENDOFINSTALLERSCRIPT" line.
echo "Creating ${installerScriptPath}."
# First and most simple test: if enrollment is complete, just run the policy.
# It doesn't matter at that point if someone is logged in or not.
# Don't try to grep a file if it doesn't yet exist.
if [[ -f /var/log/jamf.log ]];
if \$( /usr/bin/grep -q enrollmentComplete /var/log/jamf.log )
/usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf policy -event ${depNotifyStarter_Trigger}
exit 0
# If enrollment isn't complete, and no one has logged in yet, we can wait around indefinitely.
# /var/db/.AppleSetupDone is created after any of these events happen:
# • The MDM solution creates a manaded MDM administrator account
# • The user creates a computer account in Setup Assistant
# That's not enough though, we should wait until they complete Setup Assistant.
# After they make their last Setup Assistant choice,
# /var/db/.AppleDiagnosticsSetupDone is created.
until [[ -f /var/db/.AppleDiagnosticsSetupDone ]];
echo "Waiting for someone to complete Setup Assistant."
sleep 1
# At this point, a user is logged in.
# That may have given enough time to complete enrollment.
# Do a quick check to see if enrollment is complete.
if [[ -f /var/log/jamf.log ]];
if \$( /usr/bin/grep -q enrollmentComplete /var/log/jamf.log )
/usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf policy -event ${depNotifyStarter_Trigger}
exit 0
# At this point, a user is logged in, but enrollment isn't complete.
# Display a message that they need to wait, but don't display it forever.
# Set up a temporary message for DEPNotify to use
echo "Command: MainTitle: Please Wait" >> ${depNotifyLog}
echo "Command: MainText: ${waitMessage}" >> ${depNotifyLog}
echo "Status: Waiting to complete enrollment" >> ${depNotifyLog}
# Assume that because we waited for /var/db/.AppleDiagnosticsSetupDone to exist,
# we are logged in as a real user instead of _mbsetutp user.
currentUser=\$( /usr/bin/stat -f %Su /dev/console )
sudo -u \${currentUser} open -a ${depNotifyAppPath} ${depNotifyAppFullScreen}
until [[ -f /var/log/jamf.log ]]
if [[ \$timeoutCounter -ge $enrollmentTimeout ]];
echo "Gave up waiting for the jamf log to appear."
killall DEPNotify
exit 1
echo "Waiting for the jamf log to appear. Timeout counter: \${timeoutCounter} of ${enrollmentTimeout}."
sleep 1
until ( /usr/bin/grep -q enrollmentComplete /var/log/jamf.log )
if [[ \$timeoutCounter -ge $enrollmentTimeout ]];
echo "Gave up waiting for enrollment to complete."
killall DEPNotify
exit 1
echo "Waiting for jamf enrollment to complete: Timeout counter: \${timeoutCounter} of ${enrollmentTimeout}."
sleep 1
# At this point, we can assume:
# 1. A real user is logged in
# 2. jamf enrollment is complete
# 3. DEPNotify is running with a generic wait message
# Stop DEPNotify so the real DEPNotify can start
# /usr/bin/killall DEPNotify
# Remove the DEPNotify log otherwise DEPNotify will fail to open
/bin/rm ${depNotifyLog}
# Run the policy to call the DEPNotify starter script.
/usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf policy -event ${depNotifyStarter_Trigger}
) > "${installerScriptPath}"
echo "Setting permissions for ${installerScriptPath}."
chmod 755 "${installerScriptPath}"
chown root:wheel "${installerScriptPath}"
# The following creates the LaunchDaemon file
# that starts the script
# that waits for Jamf Pro enrollment
# then runs the jamf policy -event command to run your script.
# Leave a full return at the end of the content before the last "ENDOFLAUNCHDAEMON" line.
echo "Creating ${launchDaemonPath}."
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
) > "${launchDaemonPath}"
echo "Setting permissions for ${launchDaemonPath}."
chmod 644 "${launchDaemonPath}"
chown root:wheel "${launchDaemonPath}"
echo "Loading ${launchDaemonName}."
launchctl load "${launchDaemonPath}"
# The following creates the script to uninstall the LaunchDaemon and installer script.
# You can create a Jamf Pro policy with the following characteristics:
# General settings:
# --Name: Cleanup DEPNotify Installers
# --Trigger: Custom Trigger: cleanup-depnotify-preinstaller
# --Scope: All Computers
# --Frequency: Once per Computer
# Files and Processes settings:
# --Execute Command: Whatever your $uninstallerScriptPath is set to.
# In your script, include the policy near the end of your POLICY_ARRAY.
# Leave a full return at the end of the content before the last "ENDOFUNINSTALLERSCRIPT" line.
echo "Creating ${uninstallerScriptPath}."
# This is meant to be called by a Jamf Pro policy via trigger
# Near the end of your POLICY_ARRAY in your script
rm ${tempUtilitiesPath}/${depNotifyInstallerName}
rm ${installerScriptPath}
# Note that if you unload the LaunchDaemon this will immediately kill the script
# Just remove the underlying plist file, and the LaunchDaemon will not run after next reboot/login.
rm ${launchDaemonPath}
rm ${uninstallerScriptPath}
rmdir ${tempUtilitiesPath}
rm /var/tmp/${installerScriptName}.err
rm /var/tmp/${installerScriptName}.out
) > "${uninstallerScriptPath}"
echo "Setting permissions for ${uninstallerScriptPath}."
chmod 644 "${uninstallerScriptPath}"
chown root:wheel "${uninstallerScriptPath}"
exit 0 ## Success
exit 1 ## Failure
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