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Created May 16, 2017 01:32
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read the BNO055 minicomputer's orientation values
import logging
import sys
import time
from Adafruit_BNO055 import BNO055
# Create and configure the BNO sensor connection. Make sure only ONE of the
# below 'bno = ...' lines is uncommented:
# Raspberry Pi configuration with serial UART and RST connected to GPIO 18:
bno = BNO055.BNO055(serial_port='/dev/ttyAMA0', rst=18)
# BeagleBone Black configuration with default I2C connection (SCL=P9_19, SDA=P9_20),
# and RST connected to pin P9_12:
#bno = BNO055.BNO055(rst='P9_12')
# Enable verbose debug logging if -v is passed as a parameter.
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1].lower() == '-v':
# Initialize the BNO055 and stop if something went wrong.
if not bno.begin():
raise RuntimeError('Failed to initialize BNO055! Is the sensor connected?')
# Print system status and self test result.
status, self_test, error = bno.get_system_status()
print('System status: {0}'.format(status))
print('Self test result (0x0F is normal): 0x{0:02X}'.format(self_test))
# Print out an error if system status is in error mode.
if status == 0x01:
print('System error: {0}'.format(error))
print('See datasheet section 4.3.59 for the meaning.')
# Print BNO055 software revision and other diagnostic data.
sw, bl, accel, mag, gyro = bno.get_revision()
print('Software version: {0}'.format(sw))
print('Bootloader version: {0}'.format(bl))
print('Accelerometer ID: 0x{0:02X}'.format(accel))
print('Magnetometer ID: 0x{0:02X}'.format(mag))
print('Gyroscope ID: 0x{0:02X}\n'.format(gyro))
print('Reading BNO055 data, press Ctrl-C to quit...')
while True:
# Read the Euler angles for heading, roll, pitch (all in degrees).
heading, roll, pitch = bno.read_euler()
# Read the calibration status, 0=uncalibrated and 3=fully calibrated.
sys, gyro, accel, mag = bno.get_calibration_status()
# Print everything out.
print('Heading={0:0.2F} Roll={1:0.2F} Pitch={2:0.2F}\tSys_cal={3} Gyro_cal={4} Accel_cal={5} Mag_cal={6}'.format(
heading, roll, pitch, sys, gyro, accel, mag))
# Other values you can optionally read:
# Orientation as a quaternion:
#x,y,z,w = bno.read_quaterion()
# Sensor temperature in degrees Celsius:
#temp_c = bno.read_temp()
# Magnetometer data (in micro-Teslas):
#x,y,z = bno.read_magnetometer()
# Gyroscope data (in degrees per second):
#x,y,z = bno.read_gyroscope()
# Accelerometer data (in meters per second squared):
#x,y,z = bno.read_accelerometer()
# Linear acceleration data (i.e. acceleration from movement, not gravity--
# returned in meters per second squared):
#x,y,z = bno.read_linear_acceleration()
# Gravity acceleration data (i.e. acceleration just from gravity--returned
# in meters per second squared):
#x,y,z = bno.read_gravity()
# Sleep for a second until the next reading.
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