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Created February 12, 2018 22:32
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/* Sample RC servo input for 4 channels using Input Capture hardware perihperal and interrupts
* Written for Rick Anderson by Brian Schmalz
* 11/11/2017
* This software is put in the public domain.
* This sketch is means for a chipKIT Fubarino SD board, but can be easily adpated to any PIC32 based Arduino compatible board.
/* Fubarino SD can only use pins 0, 1, 2, 3, and 10 as Input Capture.
* On any chipKIT board with PPS (like Fubarino Mini) additional setup is necessary to map the Input Capture
* peripherals to speciffic I/O pins, but you have much more flexibility in pin assignments.
// Which pins correspond to which RC input channel?
#define RC_INPUT_1 0
#define RC_INPUT_2 1
#define RC_INPUT_3 2
#define RC_INPUT_4 3
// How many RC input channels are there?
#define RC_INPUT_COUNT 4
// These two arrays hold the latest pulse measurements for each RC input channel
volatile uint16_t pulseHighTime[RC_INPUT_COUNT];
volatile uint16_t pulseLowTime[RC_INPUT_COUNT];
/* Four Input Capture Interrupt Service Routines
* These functions get called on each rising and falling edge. They check to see
* if a rising edge or falling edge just happened, then read out the Timer2 value that
* got latched on the edge, and calculate the high and low pulse times, then stick those
* times in the proper array.
void __USER_ISR InputCatpure1_ISR(void) {
static uint16_t risingEdgeTime = 0;
static uint16_t fallingEdgeTime = 0;
if (IC1CONbits.ICBNE == 1)
if (digitalRead(RC_INPUT_1) == HIGH)
risingEdgeTime = IC1BUF;
pulseLowTime[0] = risingEdgeTime - fallingEdgeTime;
fallingEdgeTime = IC1BUF;
pulseHighTime[0] = fallingEdgeTime - risingEdgeTime;
void __USER_ISR InputCatpure2_ISR(void) {
static uint16_t risingEdgeTime = 0;
static uint16_t fallingEdgeTime = 0;
if (IC2CONbits.ICBNE == 1)
if (digitalRead(RC_INPUT_2) == HIGH)
risingEdgeTime = IC2BUF;
pulseLowTime[1] = risingEdgeTime - fallingEdgeTime;
fallingEdgeTime = IC2BUF;
pulseHighTime[1] = fallingEdgeTime - risingEdgeTime;
void __USER_ISR InputCatpure3_ISR(void) {
static uint16_t risingEdgeTime = 0;
static uint16_t fallingEdgeTime = 0;
if (IC3CONbits.ICBNE == 1)
if (digitalRead(RC_INPUT_3) == HIGH)
risingEdgeTime = IC3BUF;
pulseLowTime[2] = risingEdgeTime - fallingEdgeTime;
fallingEdgeTime = IC3BUF;
pulseHighTime[2] = fallingEdgeTime - risingEdgeTime;
void __USER_ISR InputCatpure4_ISR(void) {
static uint16_t risingEdgeTime = 0;
static uint16_t fallingEdgeTime = 0;
if (IC4CONbits.ICBNE == 1)
if (digitalRead(RC_INPUT_4) == HIGH)
risingEdgeTime = IC4BUF;
pulseLowTime[3] = risingEdgeTime - fallingEdgeTime;
fallingEdgeTime = IC4BUF;
pulseHighTime[3] = fallingEdgeTime - risingEdgeTime;
void setup() {
Serial.println("OK we are starting now");
/* Set up each of the four Input Capture modules
* We want them to generate an interrupt on each rising and falling edge of the input
* We also want them all to use Timer2 as their timebase timer
IC1CON = 0;
IC1CONbits.ICM = 1; // Captured and interrupt on every rising and falling edge
IC1CONbits.ICTMR = 1; // Set to user Timer2
IC1CONbits.ON = 1; // Turn IC1 on
IC2CON = 0;
IC2CONbits.ICM = 1; // Captured and interrupt on every rising and falling edge
IC2CONbits.ICTMR = 1; // Set to user Timer2
IC2CONbits.ON = 1; // Turn IC2 on
IC3CON = 0;
IC3CONbits.ICM = 1; // Captured and interrupt on every rising and falling edge
IC3CONbits.ICTMR = 1; // Set to user Timer2
IC3CONbits.ON = 1; // Turn IC3 on
IC4CON = 0;
IC4CONbits.ICM = 1; // Captured and interrupt on every rising and falling edge
IC4CONbits.ICTMR = 1; // Set to user Timer2
IC4CONbits.ON = 1; // Turn IC4 on
/* Set up Timer2: We want it to simply count up. We set the prescaler to 1:64
* so that the 40MHz PCLK gets divided down to 1.25Mhz. This is nice because
* then it gives us both high and low periods under 65535 for normal RC servo
* times (0-3 ms high time and 17-20ms low time)
PR2 = 0xFFFF; // Run from 0 to 0xFFFF
T2CONbits.TCKPS = 5; // 1:32 prescale, which means 40MHz/64 or 1.25MHz clock rate
T2CONbits.TON = 1; // Turn on Timer2
// Set all input captures as inputs
pinMode(RC_INPUT_1, INPUT);
pinMode(RC_INPUT_2, INPUT);
pinMode(RC_INPUT_3, INPUT);
pinMode(RC_INPUT_4, INPUT);
// Set each Input Capture up to use its ISR routine
setIntVector(_INPUT_CAPTURE_1_VECTOR, InputCatpure1_ISR);
setIntPriority(_INPUT_CAPTURE_1_VECTOR, 4, 0);
setIntVector(_INPUT_CAPTURE_2_VECTOR, InputCatpure2_ISR);
setIntPriority(_INPUT_CAPTURE_2_VECTOR, 4, 0);
setIntVector(_INPUT_CAPTURE_3_VECTOR, InputCatpure3_ISR);
setIntPriority(_INPUT_CAPTURE_3_VECTOR, 4, 0);
setIntVector(_INPUT_CAPTURE_4_VECTOR, InputCatpure4_ISR);
setIntPriority(_INPUT_CAPTURE_4_VECTOR, 4, 0);
void loop() {
static uint32_t lastPrintTime = 0;
float uSscale = 0.4;
/* So the way things work, the ISRs will get called and they will constantly update
* the pulseHighTime and pulseLowTime arrays "in the background". In other words the
* mainline code here doesn't ever have to do anything other than simply read out
* the values in the arrays, and those values will always be the most recent pulse
* measurements. If you care about converting the values to real time (like in
* microsconds), the units for these values are in 1.25MHz 'counts'. So 1ms = 1250
* 'counts'.
// To demo things, simply print out all 4 high and low pulse times every half second
if ((millis() - lastPrintTime) > 500)
lastPrintTime = millis();
char pulses[100];
char micros[100];
sprintf(pulses, "high1: %05u low1: %05u high2: %05u low2: %05u high3: %05u low3: %05u high4: %05u low4: %05u\n",
sprintf(micros, "ch1: %05u ch2: %05u ch3: %05u ch4: %05u\n",
(int) (pulseHighTime[0] * uSscale),
(int) (pulseHighTime[1] * uSscale),
(int) (pulseHighTime[2] * uSscale),
(int) (pulseHighTime[3] * uSscale)
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