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Last active December 28, 2023 07:36
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Apple's Remote Pairing and App Tampering APIs
@protocol NSSecureCoding <NSCoding>
// class methods
+[NSSecureCoding supportsSecureCoding]
@protocol NSCoding
// instance methods
-[NSCoding encodeWithCoder:]
-[NSCoding encodeWithCoder:]
-[NSCoding initWithCoder:]
0x00000138370 _TtC10CoreDevice18TerminationHandler : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000138518 _TtC10CoreDevice10UnfairLock : Swift._SwiftObject
0x000001385b0 _TtCC10CoreDevice10UnfairLock9LockToken : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000138878 _TtC10CoreDevice12EventManager : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000138e98 _TtC10CoreDevice17ServiceConnection : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000139778 _TtC10CoreDevice27CDAMDCustomerInstallHandler : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000139828 _TtC10CoreDevice10CDAMDevice : CoreDevice.ManageableDevice
0x00000139970 _TtC10CoreDevice16ManageableDevice : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000139b50 _TtC10CoreDevice21ActionConnectionCache : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000139d48 _TtC10CoreDevice13SocketManager : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013a390 _TtC10CoreDevice22ProxyCapabilityHandler : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013a440 _TtC10CoreDevice12RemoteDevice : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013a9c8 _TtC10CoreDevice10RSDBrowser : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013b298 _TtC10CoreDevice20OperationCoordinator : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013b4a8 _TtC10CoreDeviceP33_8836E840E49AA856A0A020F915E6B89520RSDCapabilityHandler : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013b540 _TtC10CoreDeviceP33_8836E840E49AA856A0A020F915E6B89529RSDInternalRootManagerHandler : CoreDevice.(RSDCapabilityHandler in _8836E840E49AA856A0A020F915E6B895)
0x0000013b600 _TtC10CoreDeviceP33_8836E840E49AA856A0A020F915E6B89529RSDFileTransferManagerHandler : CoreDevice.(RSDCapabilityHandler in _8836E840E49AA856A0A020F915E6B895)
0x0000013b6b8 _TtC10CoreDevice9RSDDevice : CoreDevice.ManageableDevice
0x0000013bd40 _TtC10CoreDevice13ClientManager : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013c098 _TtC10CoreDevice10AtomicBool : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013c130 _TtC10CoreDevice13AtomicCounter : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013c1c8 _TtC10CoreDevice9AtomicInt : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013c260 _TtC10CoreDevice10AtomicUInt : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013c838 _TtC10CoreDevice20ServiceDeviceManager : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013d368 _TtC10CoreDeviceP33_37458AA5C6A135F08276E820B77EE11322_AnalyticsSignpostImpl : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013d438 _TtC10CoreDeviceP33_37458AA5C6A135F08276E820B77EE11329_AnalyticsLoggingSignpostImpl : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000013db10 _TtC10CoreDevice13DeviceManager : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000137118 _CDActionHooks : NSObject
// instance methods
0x000000cee50 -[_CDActionHooks init]
0x00000000000 01 00 0900 /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDevice.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DTRemoteServices.framework/Versions/A/DTRemoteServices: DTRSRootServiceClient
0x00000000000 01 00 0900 /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDevice.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DTRemoteServices.framework/Versions/A/DTRemoteServices: DTRSRootServiceInstalledRoot
0x00000000000 01 00 0900 /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDevice.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DTRemoteServices.framework/Versions/A/DTRemoteServices: DTRSTarball
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSBundle
0x00000000000 01 00 0c00 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSData
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSError
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSFileHandle
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSFileManager
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSJSONSerialization
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSKeyedArchiver
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSKeyedUnarchiver
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSLock
0x00000000000 01 00 0700 /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib: NSObject
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSOperation
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSOperationQueue
0x00000000000 01 00 0c00 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSOutputStream
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSPipe
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSProgress
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSPropertyListSerialization
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSRecursiveLock
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSThread
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSUUID
0x00000000000 01 00 0c00 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSUserDefaults
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib: OS_dispatch_queue
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib: OS_os_log
0x00000000000 01 00 1000 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib: _TtCs12_SwiftObject
protocol CoreDevice.DefaultsValueTransformable // 2 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.PrimitiveDefaultsValueTransformable // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.AnyOptional // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice._ValueTypeWithEmptyValue // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice._LockedValueTypeHashTable // 6 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceProtocols.ProvisioningParameterValue // 4 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.CoreDeviceServiceHooks // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.CoreDeviceServiceConnection // 13 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.DeviceInfoAnalytics // 24 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.DeviceProperties // 3 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.OperationRequestType // 2 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.OperationResultType // 2 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.AnyOperation // 4 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.OperationType // 5 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.AnyOperationStatus // 2 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.IPHeader // 8 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.ServiceRequestType // 3 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.Loggable // 2 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.RichErrorCode // 4 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.RichErrorBase // 8 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.RichError // 5 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.AnyOperationExecutionContext // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.AnyOperationExecutionInstance // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice._RSDDeviceConvertible // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.DeviceBrowser // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.AnalyticsEventField // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.AnalyticsSignpost // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.AnalyticsEvent // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice._AnalyticsProtocol // 5 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.JSONCodable // 4 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.CapabilityProvider // 4 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceProtocols.ServiceEventType // 4 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.ServiceCapabilityHandler // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.ServiceCapabilityProvider // 2 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.ServiceResponseType // 3 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.DeviceRequestType // 3 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.DeviceRequestResponseType // 3 requirements
protocol CoreDevice.DeviceRequestStateChangeUpdate // 2 requirements
struct CoreDeviceProtocols.ParameterDecodingError {
let message : String // +0x0
struct CoreDeviceProtocols.ProvisioningParameterIdentifier {
let value : String // +0x0
struct CoreDeviceProtocols.ClientProvisioningParameter {
let identifier : ProvisioningParameterIdentifier // +0x0
let value : String // +0x10
struct CoreDeviceProtocols.ClientProvisioningParameterDefinition {
let identifier : ProvisioningParameterIdentifier // +0x0
let displayName : String? // +0x10
let required : Bool // +0x20
let description : String? // +0x28
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.ProviderType {
case cloud
struct CoreDeviceProtocols.DeviceAvailabilitySearchResult {
let waitTime : Int // +0x0
let matchType : MatchType // +0x8
let resolvedProperties : DeviceProperties // +0x10
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.MatchType {
case close
case exact
struct CoreDeviceProtocols.DeviceProperties {
let deviceType : DeviceType // +0x0
let hardwareModel : String // +0x8
var marketingName : String? // +0x18
let osBuild : String // +0x28
let osTrain : String // +0x38
let productType : String? // +0x48
struct CoreDeviceProtocols.DeviceStateChangedEvent {
let device : DeviceInfo
let newState : DeviceState
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.CodingKeys {
case device
case newState
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.CodingKeys {
case waitTime
case matchType
case resolvedProperties
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.CodingKeys {
case deviceType
case hardwareModel
case marketingName
case osBuild
case osTrain
case productType
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.CodingKeys {
case identifier
case displayName
case required
case description
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.CodingKeys {
case identifier
case value
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.CodingKeys {
case value
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.BootState {
case booting
case booted
case shuttingDown
case shutdown
case unknown
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.DeviceState {
case unavailable
case disconnected
case connecting
case connected
struct CoreDeviceProtocols.DeviceInfo {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var identifier : +?
var authenticationType : AuthenticationType
var bootState : BootState
var deviceType : DeviceType
var hardwareModel : String?
var isMobileDeviceOnly : Bool
var marketingName : String?
var name : String?
var osBuild : String?
var hasInternalOSBuild : Bool?
var osTrain : String?
var osVersion : String?
var pairingState : PairingState
var platform : DevicePlatform
var productType : String?
var provider : String?
var transportType : TransportType
var serialNumber : String?
var state : DeviceState
var udid : String?
var providerSpecificValues : [String : String]
var _extendedDeviceInfo : ExtendedDeviceInfo
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.CodingKeys {
case identifier
case authenticationType
case bootState
case deviceType
case hardwareModel
case isMobileDeviceOnly
case marketingName
case name
case osBuild
case hasInternalOSBuild
case osTrain
case osVersion
case pairingState
case platform
case productType
case provider
case transportType
case serialNumber
case state
case udid
case providerSpecificValues
case _extendedDeviceInfo
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.DevicePlatform {
case iOS
case tvOS
case watchOS
case macOS
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.ServiceEventKind {
case operationStatusChanged
case deviceStateChanged
case pairingEvent
case deviceManagerDevicesUpdate
case remoteDeviceStateUpdate
case deviceRequestUpdate
enum CoreDeviceProtocols.DeviceType {
case mac
case iPhone
case iPad
case iPodTouch
case appleWatch
case appleTV
case homePod
struct CoreDevice.Defaults { }
struct CoreDevice.DefaultsBackedProperty {
let key : String
let defaultValue : A
class CoreDevice.TerminationHandler : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let closure : ProcessToken
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _sideChannels : empty-list
0x102a0 class func TerminationHandler.__allocating_init(invokingOn:using:) // init
0x11c80 class func TerminationHandler.__allocating_init(from:) // init
struct CoreDevice.Status {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var exitCode : {? // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var terminatingSignal : {? // +0x8
var wasCoreDumpCreated : Bool // +0xd
struct CoreDevice.TerminationHandlerAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var processToken : ProcessToken // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.Output {
var status : Status // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case status
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case processToken
enum CoreDevice._CodingKey {
case sideChannel
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case exitCode
case terminatingSignal
case wasCoreDumpCreated
class CoreDevice.UnfairLock : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let _lock : os_unfair_lock_s
0x13e60 class func UnfairLock.__allocating_init() // init
class CoreDevice.LockToken : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var _owner : UnfairLock
class CoreDevice.LockedValueType {
class CoreDevice.Storage {
struct CoreDevice.EventManagerError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x8
let failureReason : String? // +0x18
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x38
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case unknownError
case eventDecodingError
case serviceDisconnected
struct CoreDevice.EventRegistrationID {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : +?
class CoreDevice.EventManager : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let _registeredHandlers : LockedValueType
0x180b0 class func EventManager.__allocating_init() // init
0x181c0 func <stripped> // method
0x183d0 func <stripped> // method
0x18e60 func <stripped> // method
0x18f20 func <stripped> // method
0x191c0 func <stripped> // method
0x19600 func <stripped> // method
0x19740 func <stripped> // method
0x19b00 func <stripped> // method
struct CoreDevice.HandlerContext {
let eventManager : EventManager
let registrationID : EventRegistrationID
struct CoreDevice.RegisteredEventHandler {
let onNext : ServiceEventType // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let onError : empty-list // +0x10
struct CoreDevice.ProvisioningProvider {
let name : String
let id : String
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let iconURL : ?}
let type : ProviderType
let parameters : ClientProvisioningParameterDefinition
struct CoreDevice.ProvisioningParameterDefinition {
let _defaultValue : DefaultValue // +0x0
let valueType : ProvisioningParameterValue // +0x30
let identifier : ProvisioningParameterIdentifier // +0x40
let displayName : String? // +0x50
let required : Bool // +0x60
let description : String? // +0x68
let choices : ProvisioningParameterValue // +0x78
enum CoreDevice.DefaultValue {
case staticValue : ProvisioningParameterValue
case computed : ProvisioningParameterValue
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case name
case id
case iconURL
case type
case parameters
struct CoreDevice.CoreDeviceService { }
class CoreDevice.ServiceConnection : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib, CoreDeviceServiceConnection {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let _clientConnection :
let eventManager : EventManager
enum CoreDevice.TransportType {
case wired
case localNetwork
case cloud
case sameMachine
enum CoreDevice.PairingState {
case unpaired
case paired
case pairingInProgress
case unsupported
enum CoreDevice.AuthenticationType {
case manualPairing
case sharedAccount
case implicit
struct CoreDevice.VoidResponse: OperationResultType { }
enum CoreDevice.RawOperationStatus {
case new
case inProgress
case failure
case success
enum CoreDevice.OperationTypeIdentifier {
case create
case connect
struct CoreDevice.CreationOperationType: OperationType { }
struct CoreDevice.RequestType: OperationRequestType {
let parameters : ClientProvisioningParameter // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.ResultType: OperationResultType {
let device : DeviceInfo
struct CoreDevice.ConnectOperationType: OperationType { }
struct CoreDevice.RequestType: OperationRequestType {
let deviceUdid : String // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.ResultType: OperationResultType {
let device : DeviceInfo
enum CoreDevice.OperationStatus {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case failure : ??
case inProgress : String
case success : OperationType
case new
struct CoreDevice.DeviceOperation: AnyOperation {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : +?
let request : OperationType
let status : OperationStatus
let provider : String
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case device
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case deviceUdid
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case device
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case parameters
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
struct CoreDevice.SendMemoryWarningToProcessAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var process : ProcessToken // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case process
enum CoreDevice.UnderlyingErrorType {
case codable
case nserror
enum CoreDevice.Keys {
case code
case message
case failureReason
case recoverySuggestion
case underlyingErrorType
case underlyingError
struct CoreDevice.Stopwatch {
let startTime : timespec // +0x0
var lastTime : timespec // +0x10
struct CoreDevice.IPv6Header: IPHeader {
var headerLength : Int // +0x0
var payloadLength : Int // +0x8
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var ipProtocol : // +0x10
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var sourceAddress : ?u // +0x18
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var destinationAddress : ?u // +0x28
struct CoreDevice.IPv4Header: IPHeader {
var headerLength : Int // +0x0
var payloadLength : Int // +0x8
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var ipProtocol : // +0x10
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var sourceAddress : ?u // +0x18
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var destinationAddress : ?u // +0x28
struct CoreDevice.IPHeaderError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x8
let failureReason : String? // +0x18
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x38
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case insufficientData
case invalidVersion
case invalidLength
class CoreDevice.CDAMDCustomerInstallHandler : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib { 0x43480 func <stripped> // method
class CoreDevice.CDAMDevice : ManageableDevice {
let mobileDevice : Any // +0x3
class CoreDevice.ManageableDevice : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var _stateStorage : LockedValueType // +0x10
var _markedForRemovalStorage : LockedValueType // +0x18
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let deviceIdentifier : +? // +0x2b
0x43a40 func <stripped> // getter
0x43ac0 func <stripped> // getter
0x44470 class func ManageableDevice.__allocating_init(deviceIdentifier:deviceInfo:capabilities:) // init
0x43b00 func <stripped> // method
0x43ee0 func <stripped> // getter
0x43fa0 func <stripped> // method
0x43fc0 func <stripped> // getter
0x44080 func <stripped> // method
0x441c0 func <stripped> // method
0x44210 func <stripped> // method
class CoreDevice.ActionConnectionCache : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var xpcConnections : empty-list
let xpcConnectionsLock : NSRecursiveLock
0x469d0 func <stripped> // method
0x46f50 func <stripped> // method
0x47280 func <stripped> // method
0x47670 func <stripped> // method
0x47f10 func <stripped> // method
struct CoreDevice.CoreDeviceErrorCodingWrapper {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var wrappedValue : ?? // +0x0
class CoreDevice.SocketManager : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib { }
struct CoreDevice.SocketPair {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var local : ?u
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var remote : +?
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case local
case remote
struct CoreDevice.MobileGestaltQueryAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var keys : [String] // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.Output {
var values : [String : Any] // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice._CodingKey {
case plistData
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case keys
struct CoreDevice.CompletionError {
var errorCode : UInt // +0x0
var errorDescription : String // +0x8
struct CoreDevice.FileTransferResult {
var sessionRootPath : String // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.FileTransferDomain {
case appDataContainer : (bundleId: String)
case appGroupContainer : (containerId: String)
case temporaryLocation : (subdirectory: String)
case rootStaging : (subdirectory: String)
class CoreDevice.ProxyCapabilityHandler : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let capability : Capability
0x517d0 func <stripped> // method
class CoreDevice.RemoteDevice : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let serviceConnection : CoreDeviceServiceConnection
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var deviceIdentifier : +?
var _stateStorage : LockedValueType
0x51b60 func <stripped> // getter
0x51bb0 func <stripped> // setter
0x51c40 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x51d30 func <stripped> // getter
0x51e00 func <stripped> // method
0x521e0 func <stripped> // getter
0x522b0 func <stripped> // method
0x528d0 func <stripped> // method
0x52bb0 func <stripped> // method
0x52cd0 func <stripped> // method
0x52f30 func <stripped> // method
0x53160 func <stripped> // method
0x536e0 func <stripped> // method
0x53d50 func <stripped> // method
0x564c0 func <stripped> // method
0x56720 func <stripped> // method
0x568e0 func <stripped> // method
0x56970 func <stripped> // method
0x56a90 func <stripped> // method
0x56b70 func <stripped> // method
0x56de0 func <stripped> // method
0x573f0 func <stripped> // method
0x57490 func <stripped> // method
0x57840 func <stripped> // method
0x57ed0 func <stripped> // method
0x58550 func <stripped> // method
0x585d0 func <stripped> // method
0x58fa0 func <stripped> // method
0x596e0 func <stripped> // method
0x59790 func <stripped> // method
0x59830 func <stripped> // method
0x598d0 func <stripped> // method
0x59af0 func <stripped> // method
0x59b90 func <stripped> // method
0x59c40 func <stripped> // method
0x59c60 func <stripped> // method
0x5a110 func <stripped> // method
0x5a630 func <stripped> // method
0x5ab80 func <stripped> // method
0x5b060 func <stripped> // method
0x5b410 func <stripped> // method
0x5b540 func <stripped> // method
0x5b5f0 func <stripped> // method
0x5b7a0 func <stripped> // method
0x5b9a0 func <stripped> // method
0x5bae0 func <stripped> // method
0x5bd50 func <stripped> // method
0x5be80 func <stripped> // method
0x5c110 func <stripped> // method
0x5c270 func <stripped> // method
struct CoreDevice.PersistentInstalledApplicationIdentifier {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var lsPersistentIdentifier : ?l // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.AppInstallationResult {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var installationURL : ?}
var persistentIdentifier : PersistentInstalledApplicationIdentifier
struct CoreDevice.InternalInstallationResult {
var includedApplications : AppInstallationResult
var installedRoot : DeviceInternalInstalledRoot
struct CoreDevice.RsyncInstallationResult {
var standardOut : String // +0x0
var standardError : String // +0x10
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var rsyncExitCode : +v // +0x20
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case appDataContainer
case appGroupContainer
case temporaryLocation
case rootStaging
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case sessionRootPath
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case errorCode
case errorDescription
struct CoreDevice.UnimplementedError { }
enum CoreDevice.SysdiagnoseError {
case archiveMissing
case invalidArchiveURL
case invalidArchiveFileTransfer
struct CoreDevice.SysdiagnoseAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var isDryRun : Bool // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.Output {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var fileTransfer : 1n // +0x0
var preferredFilename : String // +0x8
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case fileTransfer
case preferredFilename
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case isDryRun
class CoreDevice.RSDBrowser : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var browser : OS_remote_device_browser?
var browserLock : UnfairLock
0x659f0 class func RSDBrowser.__allocating_init() // init
0x65ac0 func <stripped> // method
struct CoreDevice.StandardIOIdentifiers {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var standardInput : Qi
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var standardOutput : Qi
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var standardError : Qi
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case standardInput
case standardOutput
case standardError
class CoreDevice.ThreadSafe {
struct CoreDevice.OperationUpdateEvent {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let operationUUID : +?
let status : AnyOperationStatus
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case operationUUID
case statusType
case status
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case uuid
case request
case status
case provider
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case rawStatus
case error
case progressMessage
case result
enum CoreDevice.RichErrorMessage {
case string : String
case defaultWithContext : Any
case default
enum CoreDevice.PrepareDeviceForDevelopmentError {
case noDeviceAvailable
case developerDiskImageMissing
case timedOut
struct CoreDevice.PrepareForDevelopmentOptions {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var developerDiskImageURL : 3y
struct CoreDevice.PrepareDeviceForDevelopmentAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var options : PrepareForDevelopmentOptions
enum CoreDevice.ProgressUnit {
case started
case ddiMounted
case deviceReconnecting
case completed
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case options
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case developerDiskImageURL
enum CoreDevice.ClearCachedDeviceInfoActionError {
case deviceNotFound
case unsupportedCapability
struct CoreDevice.ClearCachedDeviceInfoAction { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
struct CoreDevice.OperationExecutionContext: AnyOperationExecutionContext {
let operation : DeviceOperation
let _checkIsCancelled : ()
let _statusHandler : OperationStatus
class CoreDevice.OperationExecutionInstance {
class CoreDevice.OperationCoordinator : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let _operationQueue : NSOperationQueue
var _registeredExecutors : OperationTypeIdentifier
0x77ae0 func <stripped> // getter
0x77cf0 class func OperationCoordinator.__allocating_init() // init
0x77da0 func <stripped> // method
0x78100 func <stripped> // method
0x784d0 func <stripped> // method
struct CoreDevice.LaunchOptions {
var arguments : [String] // +0x0
var environmentVariables : [String : String] // +0x8
var standardInput : NSFileHandle? // +0x10
var standardOutput : NSFileHandle? // +0x18
var standardError : NSFileHandle? // +0x20
var _standardIOUsesPseudoterminals : Bool // +0x28
var architecture : CPUType // +0x30
var startStopped : Bool // +0x50
var terminateExisting : Bool // +0x51
var terminationHandler : TerminationHandler // +0x58
var user : User // +0x60
var platformSpecificOptions : [String : Any] // +0x78
enum CoreDevice.User {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case identifier : ?
case shortName : String
case active
enum CoreDevice._CodingKey {
case arguments
case environmentVariables
case standardIOUsesPseudoterminals
case architecture
case startStopped
case terminateExisting
case terminationHandler
case user
case platformSpecificOptions
enum CoreDevice._CodingKey {
case active
case identifier
case shortName
struct CoreDevice.LocalDeviceError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x8
let failureReason : String? // +0x18
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x38
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case rsdDeviceNotFound
case unableToConnect
case invalidState
case unknownError
class CoreDevice.RSDCapabilityHandler : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let remoteDevice : OS_remote_device // +0x10
class CoreDevice.RSDInternalRootManagerHandler : RSDCapabilityHandler { 0x7e9c0 func <stripped> // method
0x7ee50 func <stripped> // method
0x7f580 func <stripped> // method
0x7fa60 func <stripped> // method
0x7ff90 func <stripped> // method
class CoreDevice.RSDFileTransferManagerHandler : RSDCapabilityHandler { 0x80950 func <stripped> // method
0x80be0 func <stripped> // method
class CoreDevice.RSDDevice : ManageableDevice, _RSDDeviceConvertible {
let remoteDevice : OS_remote_device // +0x0
let deviceDisconnectedQ : OS_dispatch_queue // +0x0
var _rootHandler : RSDInternalRootManagerHandler // +0x0
var _fileHandler : RSDFileTransferManagerHandler // +0x0
0x818a0 func <stripped> // getter
0x81be0 class func RSDDevice.__allocating_init(remoteDevice:deviceIdentifier:) // init
0x81db0 func <stripped> // method
0x82580 func <stripped> // getter
struct CoreDevice.BrowsingError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x8
let failureReason : String? // +0x18
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x38
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case invalidRestart
case browsingStartFailed
case noBrowser
case failedToFindDevice
case browsingCancelled
struct CoreDevice.ProvisionDeviceRequest {
let provider : String
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let operationUUID : +?
let parameters : ClientProvisioningParameter
var value : String
struct CoreDevice.ProvisionDeviceResponse {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let operationUUID : +?
struct CoreDevice.DeviceAvailabilityRequest {
let provider : String // +0x0
let parameters : ClientProvisioningParameter // +0x10
struct CoreDevice.DeviceAvailabilityResponse {
let results : DeviceAvailabilitySearchResult // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.CancelOperationRequest {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let operationUUID : +?
struct CoreDevice.EmptyServiceResponse { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case operationUUID
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case results
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case provider
case parameters
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case operationUUID
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case provider
case operationUUID
case parameters
case value
struct CoreDevice.ProvisioningError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x8
let failureReason : String? // +0x18
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x38
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case unknownError
case invalidState
case unableToExecute
case authentication
case invalidRuntime
case invalidDeviceType
case invalidResponse
case invalidSessionInfo
case unableToGetResource
case sessionTimeout
case unableToSetResource
case unableToProvision
case parameterError
case noProvidersFound
case invalidProvider
case unableToProvisionDevice
case unableToFindDevice
case requestTimedOut
case invalidRequest
case tooManyDevices
case networkError
case cancelled
struct CoreDevice.PosixError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x8
let failureReason : String? // +0x18
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x38
struct CoreDevice.Code {
var rawValue : Int // +0x0
class CoreDevice.ClientManager : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var _lock : UnfairLock
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _clients : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _dispatchHandler : empty-list
0x8bb60 class func ClientManager.__allocating_init(dispatchHandler:) // init
struct CoreDevice.LockState {
var hasBeenUnlockedSinceBoot : Bool // +0x0
var isPasscodeRequired : Bool // +0x1
struct CoreDevice.LockStateAction { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case hasBeenUnlockedSinceBoot
case isPasscodeRequired
class CoreDevice.Inner {
struct CoreDevice.ZipN {
let publishers : [A]
struct CoreDevice.Side {
let index : Int
let zip : Inner
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let combineIdentifier : ?^
struct CoreDevice.AppUninstallAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var bundleIdentifier : String // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case bundleIdentifier
class CoreDevice.AtomicBool : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let _value : AtomicInt
0x958c0 class func AtomicBool.__allocating_init(value:) // init
class CoreDevice.AtomicCounter : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var _counter : AtomicInt
class CoreDevice.AtomicInt : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _value : c
0x95840 class func AtomicInt.__allocating_init(value:) // init
enum CoreDevice.CompareExchangeResult {
case failure : (actual: Int)
case success
class CoreDevice.AtomicUInt : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _value : c
0x95dc0 class func AtomicUInt.__allocating_init(value:) // init
enum CoreDevice.CompareExchangeResult {
case failure : (actual: UInt)
case success
struct CoreDevice.StaticDevice {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let identifier : +?
let info : DeviceInfo
let capabilities : Capability
struct CoreDevice.DeviceManagerSyncRequest { }
struct CoreDevice.DeviceManagerSyncResponse {
let devices : StaticDevice // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.DevicesUpdateType {
case added
case removed
struct CoreDevice.DevicesUpdatedEvent {
let updateType : DevicesUpdateType // +0x0
let devices : StaticDevice // +0x8
struct CoreDevice.RemoteDeviceStateUpdatedEvent {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var deviceIdentifier : +?
var state : DeviceStateSnapshot
struct CoreDevice.DeviceStateSnapshot {
var deviceInfo : DeviceInfo
var capabilities : Capability
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var monotonicIdentifier : ?n
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case deviceInfo
case capabilities
case monotonicIdentifier
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case deviceIdentifier
case state
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case updateType
case devices
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case devices
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case identifier
case info
case capabilities
struct CoreDevice.ServiceConnectionError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x0
let failureReason : String? // +0x10
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x20
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x30
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case serviceDisconnected
struct CoreDevice.CPUType {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var type : +v // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var subtype : {? // +0x4
var _description : String? // +0x10
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case type
case subtype
case _description
enum CoreDevice.ExitReason {
case success
case generalFailure
case timeoutExceeded
case userCancelled
struct CoreDevice.RangeError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x0
let failureReason : String? // +0x10
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x20
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x30
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case invalidRange
struct CoreDevice.NotifyingValue {
var value : A
var registeredChangeHandlers : [(_:_:)]
class CoreDevice.ServiceDeviceManager : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var _managedDevices : LockedValueType
let devicesUpdateHandlerQ : OS_dispatch_queue
let clientManager : ClientManager
var _browsers : DeviceBrowser
0xa1e60 class func ServiceDeviceManager.__allocating_init(clientManager:) // init
0xa1ee0 func <stripped> // getter
0xa1f10 func <stripped> // method
0xa2810 func <stripped> // method
0xa2c20 func <stripped> // method
0xa3330 func <stripped> // method
0xa3ba0 func <stripped> // method
0xa3d70 func <stripped> // method
struct CoreDevice.ExtendedDeviceInfo {
var supportedCPUTypes : CPUType
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var internalStorageCapacity : wa
var remoteServicesVersion : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var enclosureColor : 7
struct CoreDevice.LoadExtendedDeviceInfoAction { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case supportedCPUTypes
case internalStorageCapacity
case remoteServicesVersion
case enclosureColor
struct CoreDevice.ProvisioningProvidersListRequest { }
struct CoreDevice.ProvisioningProvidersListResponse {
let providers : ProvisioningProvider // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.DefaultProviderRequest {
let providerType : ProviderType // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.DefaultProviderResponse {
let identifier : String // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.ListDeviceTypesRequest {
let provider : String // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.ListDeviceTypesResponse {
let deviceTypes : ProvisioningParameterIdentifier // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.ListDevicesRequest {
let provider : String? // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.ListDevicesResponse {
let devices : DeviceInfo // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.RemoveDeviceRequest {
let provider : String // +0x0
let udid : String // +0x10
struct CoreDevice.DeviceResponse {
let device : DeviceInfo
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case device
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case provider
case udid
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case devices
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case provider
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case deviceTypes
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case provider
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case identifier
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case providerType
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case providers
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
class CoreDevice._AnalyticsSignpostImpl : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var _finished : Bool // +0x10
let log : OS_os_log // +0x18
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let id : cV // +0x0
let name : SignpostName // +0x0
class CoreDevice._AnalyticsLoggingSignpostImpl : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var _finished : Bool
let log : OS_os_log
let outFd : NSOutputStream?
let name : SignpostName
let startingTime : timespec
0xb0b00 func <stripped> // method
struct CoreDevice._AnalyticsLoggingImpl {
let logPath : String // +0x0
let outFd : NSOutputStream? // +0x10
struct CoreDevice._AnalyticsImpl { }
struct CoreDevice.AnalyticsEventName {
let rawValue : String // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.SignpostName {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let rawValue : ?Z // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.Analytics { }
struct CoreDevice.MachTime {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let _time : iw // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.Capability {
let name : String // +0x0
let featureIdentifier : String // +0x10
struct CoreDevice.CapabilityCheckError {
var missingCapabilities : Capability // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CapabilitiesChangedType {
case added
case removed
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case missingCapabilities
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case name
case featureIdentifier
struct CoreDevice.MessageError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x0
let failureReason : String? // +0x10
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x20
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x30
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case badPayload
struct CoreDevice.AppInstallAction { }
enum CoreDevice.Input {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case fileTransfer : ?T
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case fileURL : ?}
struct CoreDevice.Output {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var applicationURL : ?}
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var persistentId : ?u
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case applicationURL
case persistentId
enum CoreDevice._CodingKey {
case fileTransfer
case preferredFilename
case fileURL
struct CoreDevice.ProcessToken {
var _value : _Value // +0x0
enum CoreDevice._Value {
case auditToken : audit_token_t
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case processIdentifier : Y
enum CoreDevice._CodingKey {
case processIdentifier
case processIdentifierVersion
case auditToken
enum CoreDevice.PairingError {
case userRejectedPrompt
case unknownError
enum CoreDevice.PairingOutcome {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case failure : ??
case challenge : (lastAttemptFailed: Bool, throttledBy: Double?)
case success
enum CoreDevice.Raw {
case success
case failure
case challenge
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case raw
case error
case lastAttemptFailed
case throttledBy
struct CoreDevice.MachServiceNames { }
struct CoreDevice.RemoteServiceNames { }
struct CoreDevice.CommandError {
let code : UInt // +0x0
let description : String // +0x8
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case code
case description
struct CoreDevice.ServiceEventTypeCodingWrapper {
var wrappedValue : ServiceEventType // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.ServiceEvent {
var _request : ServiceEventTypeCodingWrapper // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case request
class CoreDevice.ClientCallback {
enum CoreDevice.DevicesChangedUpdateType {
case added
case removed
class CoreDevice.DeviceManager : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let serviceConnection : CoreDeviceServiceConnection
var connectionEventHandlers : EventRegistrationID
var _devices : LockedValueType
var _devicesUpdatedHandlers : ClientCallback
var _devicesUpdateHandlersLock : UnfairLock
0xc3cd0 func <stripped> // getter
0xc3d50 func <stripped> // method
0xc4670 class func DeviceManager.__allocating_init(serviceConnection:) // init
struct CoreDevice.GetOSTrainNameAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var build : String // +0x0
var platform : DevicePlatform // +0x10
struct CoreDevice.Output {
var name : String // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case name
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case build
case platform
struct CoreDevice.SendSignalToProcessAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var process : ProcessToken // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var signal : +v // +0x24
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case process
case signal
class CoreDevice._ActionHooks : NSObject /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib { }
struct CoreDevice.DeviceRequest {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : +?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let deviceUUID : +?
var _request : DeviceRequestTypeCodingWrapper
enum CoreDevice.DeviceRequestUpdate {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case requestRejected : ??
case response : DeviceRequestResponseType
case requestAcknowledged
struct CoreDevice.DeviceRequestResponseEvent {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let requestUUID : +?
var _response : DeviceRequestResponseTypeCodingWrapper
struct CoreDevice.InternalRootInstallRequest: DeviceRequestType {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let pathOnHost : ?}
let rootPoint : String
let automation : Bool
struct CoreDevice.InternalRootOnDeviceInstallRequest: DeviceRequestType {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let pathOnRemoteDevice : ?}
let rootPoint : String
let automation : Bool
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let discoveredFrameworks : empty-list
struct CoreDevice.InternalRootUninstallRequest: DeviceRequestType {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : +?
let rootPoint : String
let automation : Bool
struct CoreDevice.InternalRootListRequest: DeviceRequestType {
let rootPoint : String // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.InitiateConnectRequest: DeviceRequestType { }
struct CoreDevice.InitiateDisconnectRequest: DeviceRequestType { }
struct CoreDevice.FileTransferRequest: DeviceRequestType {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let hostPath : ?}
let remotePath : String
let username : String
let domain : FileTransferDomain
let ignoredDirectories : [String]
struct CoreDevice.InitiatePairRequest: DeviceRequestType { }
struct CoreDevice.PairingChallengeAnswerRequest: DeviceRequestType {
let pin : String // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.DeviceInternalRootInstalled: DeviceRequestResponseType {
var isTerminal : Bool
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var uuid : +?
struct CoreDevice.DeviceInternalRootUninstalled: DeviceRequestResponseType {
var isTerminal : Bool // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.DeviceInternalInstalledRoot {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var uuid : +?
var name : String
struct CoreDevice.DeviceInternalRootList: DeviceRequestResponseType {
var isTerminal : Bool // +0x0
var rootList : DeviceInternalInstalledRoot // +0x8
struct CoreDevice.DeviceItemTransferred: DeviceRequestResponseType {
var isTerminal : Bool // +0x0
var sessionRootPath : String // +0x8
struct CoreDevice.DeviceRequestErrorUpdate: DeviceRequestStateChangeUpdate, DeviceRequestResponseType {
let isTerminal : Bool
var _error : CoreDeviceErrorCodingWrapper
var deviceStateSnapshot : DeviceStateSnapshot
struct CoreDevice.DeviceLaunchCompleteUpdate: DeviceRequestResponseType {
var isTerminal : Bool // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var pid : +v // +0x4
struct CoreDevice.DeviceRequestSuccessUpdate: DeviceRequestStateChangeUpdate, DeviceRequestResponseType {
var isTerminal : Bool
var deviceStateSnapshot : DeviceStateSnapshot
struct CoreDevice.PairingRequestUpdate: DeviceRequestStateChangeUpdate, DeviceRequestResponseType {
let outcome : PairingOutcome
let deviceStateSnapshot : DeviceStateSnapshot
struct CoreDevice.DeviceRequestTypeCodingWrapper {
var wrappedValue : DeviceRequestType // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.DeviceRequestResponseTypeCodingWrapper {
var wrappedValue : DeviceRequestResponseType // +0x0
struct CoreDevice.DeviceRequestHandlingError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x8
let failureReason : String? // +0x18
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x38
enum CoreDevice.Code {
case couldNotFindDevice
case capabilityNotSupported
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case outcome
case deviceStateSnapshot
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case isTerminal
case deviceStateSnapshot
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case isTerminal
case pid
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case isTerminal
case error
case deviceStateSnapshot
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case isTerminal
case sessionRootPath
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case isTerminal
case rootList
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case uuid
case name
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case isTerminal
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case isTerminal
case uuid
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case pin
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case hostPath
case remotePath
case username
case domain
case ignoredDirectories
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case rootPoint
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case uuid
case rootPoint
case automation
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case pathOnRemoteDevice
case rootPoint
case automation
case discoveredFrameworks
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case pathOnHost
case rootPoint
case automation
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case requestUUID
case response
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case uuid
case deviceUUID
case request
struct CoreDevice.SpawnAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var executableURL : ?}
var options : LaunchOptions
var standardIOIdentifiers : StandardIOIdentifiers
struct CoreDevice.Output {
var processToken : ProcessToken // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case processToken
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case executableURL
case options
case standardIOIdentifiers
struct CoreDevice.LaunchAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var bundleIdentifier : String
var options : LaunchOptions
var standardIOIdentifiers : StandardIOIdentifiers
struct CoreDevice.Output {
var processToken : ProcessToken // +0x0
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case processToken
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case bundleIdentifier
case options
case standardIOIdentifiers
enum CoreDevice.CreateServiceSocketError {
case clientReceivedInvalidSocket
case invalidDeviceIdentifier
case unknownRSDDevice
case serviceUnavailable
case socketCreationFailed
case socketSerializationFailed
struct CoreDevice.CreateServiceSocketAction { }
struct CoreDevice.Input {
var serviceName : String? // +0x0
var featureIdentifier : String? // +0x10
struct CoreDevice.Output {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var fileDescriptor : ?u // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var remoteXPCVersionFlags : iw // +0x8
var featureIdentifiers : [String] // +0x10
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case fileDescriptor
case remoteXPCVersionFlags
case featureIdentifiers
enum CoreDevice.CodingKeys {
case serviceName
case featureIdentifier
struct CoreDevice.ParameterParser {
let pluginSpecificParameterDefinitions : ProvisioningParameterDefinition // +0x0
let coreParameterDefinitions : ProvisioningParameterDefinition // +0x8
struct __C.timespec {
var tv_sec : Int
var tv_nsec : Int
struct __C.audit_token_t {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var val : ?
struct __C.os_unfair_lock_s {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _os_unfair_lock_opaque : ?
class __C.CFError {
struct __C.URLResourceKey {
var _rawValue : NSString
protocol CoreDeviceAction.AnyAction // 5 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceAction._Hooks // 3 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceAction._BridgedRawRepresentableError // 2 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceAction.Action // 10 requirements
struct __C.audit_token_t {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var val : ?
struct CoreDeviceAction._Continuation {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let _completionHandler : empty-list
struct CoreDeviceAction._NoHooks: _Hooks { }
struct CoreDeviceAction.ProcessTerminationError: _BridgedRawRepresentableError {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var rawValue : = // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var standardErrorOutput : m // +0x8
enum CoreDeviceAction.ExecutionLocation {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case elsewhere : ?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case nowhere : ?
case here
case remoteDevice
class CoreDeviceAction._ProgressProxy : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let _progress : NSProgress
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _cancellationObservation : ?
var _lastUpdateAt : Direction
var _sideChannels : Direction
enum CoreDeviceAction.Direction {
case caller
case callee
struct CoreDeviceAction._State {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var completedUnitCount : ? // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var totalUnitCount : ? // +0x8
var kind : String? // +0x10
var fileOperationKind : String? // +0x20
var isCancelled : Bool // +0x30
var direction : Direction // +0x31
enum CoreDeviceAction._CodingKey {
case sideChannel
case state
enum CoreDeviceAction.CodingKeys {
case completedUnitCount
case totalUnitCount
case kind
case fileOperationKind
case isCancelled
case direction
struct CoreDeviceAction.Empty { }
enum CoreDeviceAction.CodingKeys { }
enum CoreDeviceAction.ActionError {
case unknown : (userInfo: [String : Any])
case valueNotFound : (key: String)
case xpcConnectionUnavailable : XPCConnectionTarget
case isAppleInternalOnly
case unimplemented
enum CoreDeviceAction.XPCConnectionTarget {
case client
case coreDeviceService
case remoteService
class CoreDeviceAction.Context : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let deviceIdentifier : ? // +0x1f
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var xpcDictionary : ? // +0x45545f5f
var progressProxy : _ProgressProxy // +0x4100085
var auditToken : audit_token_t // +0x19
protocol CoreDeviceInternal.LoggingControlValue // 2 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceInternal.BindableValue // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceInternal.Record // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceInternal.TTYToken // 1 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceInternal.TTYOutputStream // 4 requirements
protocol CoreDeviceInternal.Migration // 2 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.EnumerableFlag // 4 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ExpressibleByArgument // 4 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ParsableArguments // 4 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ArgumentSetProvider // 1 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ParsableArgumentsValidator // 1 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ParsableArgumentsValidatorError // 2 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ParsableCommand // 4 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ArrayWrapperProtocol // 4 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ArgumentHelpOptionProvider // 1 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.ParsedWrapper // 5 requirements
protocol ArgumentParser.DecodableParsedWrapper // 2 requirements
protocol SQLite.FailableIterator // 2 requirements
protocol SQLite.Binding // 0 requirements
protocol SQLite.Number // 1 requirements
protocol SQLite.Value // 7 requirements
protocol SQLite._OptionalType // 1 requirements
protocol SQLite.ExpressionType // 5 requirements
protocol SQLite.Expressible // 1 requirements
protocol SQLite.QueryType // 5 requirements
protocol SQLite.SchemaType // 2 requirements
protocol Logging.LogHandler // 11 requirements
struct __C._opaque_pthread_rwlock_t {
var __sig : Int
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var __opaque : ??
struct __C._opaque_pthread_mutex_t {
var __sig : Int
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var __opaque : ?
struct __C.__sFILE {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _p : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _r : 7?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _w : 7?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _flags : ?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _file : ?
var _bf : __sbuf
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _lbfsize : 7?
var _cookie : UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _close : ?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _read : ?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _seek :
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _write : ??
var _ub : __sbuf
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _extra : Ž
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _ur : 7?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _ubuf : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _nbuf : ??
var _lb : __sbuf
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _blksize : 7?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _offset : ??
struct __C.__sbuf {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _base : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _size : 7?
class Logging.Lock : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let mutex : _opaque_pthread_mutex_t
class Logging.ReadWriteLock : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let rwlock : _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t
struct Logging.Logger {
var handler : LogHandler // +0x0
let label : String // +0x28
enum Logging.LoggingSystem { }
enum Logging.MetadataValue {
case string : String
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case stringConvertible : ??
case dictionary : MetadataValue
case array : MetadataValue
enum Logging.Level {
case trace
case debug
case info
case notice
case warning
case error
case critical
struct Logging.Message {
var value : String // +0x0
struct Logging.MultiplexLogHandler {
var handlers : LogHandler // +0x0
var effectiveLogLevel : Level // +0x8
struct Logging.StreamLogHandler {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let stream : ?? // +0x0
let label : String // +0x28
var logLevel : Level // +0x38
var prettyMetadata : String? // +0x40
var metadata : MetadataValue // +0x50
struct Logging.SwiftLogNoOpLogHandler { }
struct Logging.StdioOutputStream {
let file : __sFILE // +0x0
let flushMode : FlushMode // +0x8
enum Logging.FlushMode {
case undefined
case always
struct SQLite.Blob {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let bytes : empty-list // +0x0
class SQLite.Connection : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _handle : ?
var busyTimeout : Double
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var busyHandler : ??
var trace : @convention(block) (_:)?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var updateHook : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var commitHook : ??
var rollbackHook : @convention(block) ()?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var functions : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var collations : String
var queue : OS_dispatch_queue
var $__lazy_storage_$_queueContext : Int?
0x874b0 class func Connection.__allocating_init(_:readonly:) // init
enum SQLite.Location {
case uri : String
case inMemory
case temporary
enum SQLite.Operation {
case insert
case update
case delete
enum SQLite.TransactionMode {
case deferred
case immediate
case exclusive
enum SQLite.Result {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case error : first-element-marker
enum SQLite.QueryError {
case noSuchTable : (name: String)
case noSuchColumn : (name: String, columns: [String])
case ambiguousColumn : (name: String, similar: [String])
case unexpectedNullValue : (name: String)
class SQLite.Statement : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib, FailableIterator {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var handle : ?
let connection : Connection
var $__lazy_storage_$_columnCount : Int?
var $__lazy_storage_$_columnNames : [String]?
var $__lazy_storage_$_row : Cursor
struct SQLite.Cursor {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let handle : ?? // +0x0
let columnCount : Int // +0x8
struct SQLite.Tokenizer {
let name : String // +0x0
let arguments : [String] // +0x10
class SQLite.FTSConfig : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var columnDefinitions : Expressible
var tokenizer : Tokenizer
var prefixes : [Int]
var externalContentSchema : SchemaType
var isContentless : Bool
0x93590 func FTSConfig.column(_:_:) // method
0x93690 func FTSConfig.columns(_:) // method
0x93750 func FTSConfig.tokenizer(_:) // method
0x937a0 func FTSConfig.prefix(_:) // method
0x93800 func FTSConfig.externalContent(_:) // method
0x93880 func FTSConfig.contentless() // method
0x938a0 func FTSConfig.formatColumnDefinitions() // method
0x93a50 func FTSConfig.options() // method
enum SQLite.ColumnOption {
case unindexed
class SQLite.FTS4Config : FTSConfig {
var compressFunction : String?
var uncompressFunction : String?
var languageId : String?
var matchInfo : MatchInfo
var order : Order
0x90ac0 class func FTS4Config.__allocating_init() // init
0x94a70 func FTS4Config.compress(_:) // method
0x94aa0 func FTS4Config.uncompress(_:) // method
0x94ae0 func FTS4Config.languageId(_:) // method
0x94b20 func FTS4Config.matchInfo(_:) // method
0x94b40 func FTS4Config.order(_:) // method
enum SQLite.MatchInfo {
case fts3
enum SQLite.Order {
case asc
case desc
class SQLite.FTS5Config : FTSConfig {
var detail : Detail
var contentRowId : Expressible
var columnSize : Int?
0x98290 class func FTS5Config.__allocating_init() // init
0x98370 func FTS5Config.contentRowId(_:) // method
0x983f0 func FTS5Config.columnSize(_:) // method
0x98410 func FTS5Config.detail(_:) // method
enum SQLite.Detail {
case full
case column
case none
class SQLite.SQLiteEncoder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var setters : Setter
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let codingPath : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let userInfo : empty-list
0x9d940 func <stripped> // method
class SQLite.SQLiteKeyedEncodingContainer {
class SQLite.SQLiteDecoder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let row : Row
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let codingPath : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let userInfo : empty-list
0x9f760 func <stripped> // method
class SQLite.SQLiteKeyedDecodingContainer {
enum SQLite.Collation {
case custom : String
case binary
case nocase
case rtrim
class SQLite.DateFunctions : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib { }
struct SQLite.Expression: ExpressionType, Expressible {
var template : String
var bindings : Binding
struct SQLite.Table: SchemaType, QueryType {
var clauses : QueryClauses // +0x0
struct SQLite.View: SchemaType, QueryType {
var clauses : QueryClauses // +0x0
struct SQLite.VirtualTable: SchemaType, QueryType {
var clauses : QueryClauses // +0x0
struct SQLite.ScalarQuery: QueryType {
var clauses : QueryClauses
struct SQLite.Select {
var template : String
var bindings : Binding
struct SQLite.Insert {
var template : String // +0x0
var bindings : Binding // +0x10
struct SQLite.Update {
var template : String // +0x0
var bindings : Binding // +0x10
struct SQLite.Delete {
var template : String // +0x0
var bindings : Binding // +0x10
struct SQLite.RowIterator {
let statement : Statement // +0x0
let columnNames : [String : Int] // +0x8
struct SQLite.Row {
let columnNames : [String : Int] // +0x0
let values : Binding // +0x8
enum SQLite.JoinType {
case cross
case inner
case leftOuter
enum SQLite.OnConflict {
case replace
case rollback
case abort
case fail
case ignore
struct SQLite.QueryClauses {
var select : Expressible // +0x0
var from : (name: String, alias: String?, database: String?) // +0x10
var join : JoinType // +0x40
var filters : Expression // +0x48
var group : Expressible // +0x60
var order : Expressible // +0x80
var limit : (length: Int, offset: Int?)? // +0x88
var union : QueryType // +0xa0
class SQLite.TableBuilder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var definitions : Expressible
enum SQLite.Dependency {
case noAction
case restrict
case setNull
case setDefault
case cascade
enum SQLite.PrimaryKey {
case default
case autoincrement
struct SQLite.Module {
let name : String // +0x0
let arguments : Expressible // +0x10
struct SQLite.Setter {
let column : Expressible // +0x0
let value : Expressible // +0x28
class CoreDeviceInternal.PlainSQLiteRowDecoder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let codingPath : empty-list // +0x10
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let userInfo : empty-list // +0x18
let bindings : Binding // +0x20
let columnNames : [String : Int] // +0x28
0xac10 func <stripped> // method
class CoreDeviceInternal.SQLiteKeyedDecodingContainer {
enum CoreDeviceInternal.LoggingControlKey { }
enum CoreDeviceInternal.TTYColor {
case red
case green
case yellow
case blue
case magenta
case cyan
case brightRed
case brightGreen
case brightYellow
case brightBlue
case brightMagenta
case brightCyan
enum CoreDeviceInternal.ColumnType {
case text
case integer
case real
case blob
enum CoreDeviceInternal.ColumnValue {
case text : String
case integer : Int
case real : Double
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case blob : +?
struct CoreDeviceInternal.PersistenceError {
let code : Code // +0x0
let message : String // +0x8
let failureReason : String? // +0x18
let recoverySuggestion : String? // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ?? // +0x38
enum CoreDeviceInternal.Code {
case tooManyRecordsReturned
case migrationFailure
case invalidData
struct CoreDeviceInternal.CDLogHandler {
var ttyLogLevel : Level // +0x0
var useOSLog : Bool // +0x1
let label : String // +0x8
let oslogger : OS_os_log // +0x18
let fileLogLevel : Level // +0x20
let fileLog : NSFileHandle? // +0x28
var metadata : MetadataValue // +0x30
var formattedMetadata : String? // +0x38
var controlMetadata : MetadataValue // +0x48
class CoreDeviceInternal.TTY : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let width : Int
enum CoreDeviceInternal.TTYEscapeMode {
case enabled
case enabledAnsiColor
case enabledNoColor
case disabled
struct CoreDeviceInternal.TTYEscapeCode: TTYToken {
let rawValue : String // +0x0
let category : Category // +0x10
enum CoreDeviceInternal.Category {
case control
case color
case color256
class CoreDeviceInternal.StandardOutputBuffer : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib, TTYOutputStream {
var _segments : [String]
let width : Int
let ttyEscapeMode : TTYEscapeMode
0x19b80 class func StandardOutputBuffer.__allocating_init(lineWidth:escapeMode:) // init
class CoreDeviceInternal.StandardOutputStream : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib, TTYOutputStream {
let _file : __sFILE
let width : Int
let ttyEscapeMode : TTYEscapeMode
enum CoreDeviceInternal.NewlineMode {
case count : Int
case no
case yes
class CoreDeviceInternal.PersistentStore : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let _connection : Connection
0x1e2a0 class func PersistentStore.__allocating_init(databaseFile:schema:) // init
0x1e470 func <stripped> // method
0x1e5b0 func <stripped> // method
0x1ec60 func PersistentStore.fetchOneRecord<A>(statement:parameters:) // method
0x1f050 func PersistentStore.fetchMultipleRecords<A>(statement:parameters:) // method
0x1f310 func PersistentStore.runUpdate(statement:parameters:) // method
0x1f590 func PersistentStore.inTransaction<A>(_:) // method
enum CoreDeviceInternal.CodingKeys {
case identifier
case appliedAt
struct CoreDeviceInternal.MigrationRecord {
let identifier : String
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let appliedAt : ??
struct CoreDeviceInternal.MigrationIdentifier {
let identifier : String // +0x0
struct CoreDeviceInternal.PlainSQLMigration: Migration {
let identifier : MigrationIdentifier // +0x0
let sql : String // +0x10
struct CoreDeviceInternal.ColumnDefinition {
let name : String // +0x0
let type : ColumnType // +0x10
let references : ForeignKeyReference // +0x18
let notNull : Bool // +0x38
let unique : Bool // +0x39
struct CoreDeviceInternal.ForeignKeyReference {
let table : String // +0x0
let column : String // +0x10
struct CoreDeviceInternal.TableDefinitionMigration: Migration {
let identifier : MigrationIdentifier // +0x0
let name : String // +0x10
let onlyIfNotExists : Bool // +0x20
let columns : ColumnDefinition // +0x28
struct __C.__sFILE {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _p : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _r : #?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _w : #?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _flags : ?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _file : ?
var _bf : __sbuf
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _lbfsize : #?
var _cookie : UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _close :
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _read : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _seek : ?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _write : ??
var _ub : __sbuf
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _extra : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _ur : #?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _ubuf : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _nbuf : ??
var _lb : __sbuf
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _blksize : #?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _offset : ??
struct __C.__sbuf {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _base : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _size : #?
enum __C.ComparisonResult { }
struct ArgumentParser.CompletionShell {
var rawValue : String // +0x0
struct ArgumentParser.Argument {
var _parsedValue : Parsed
enum ArgumentParser.ArgumentArrayParsingStrategy {
case remaining
case unconditionalRemaining
struct ArgumentParser.ArgumentHelp {
var abstract : String // +0x0
var discussion : String // +0x10
var valueName : String? // +0x20
var shouldDisplay : Bool // +0x30
struct ArgumentParser.CompletionKind {
var kind : Kind // +0x0
enum ArgumentParser.Kind {
case list : [String]
case file : (extensions: [String])
case shellCommand : String
case custom : (_:)
case default
case directory
struct ArgumentParser.ValidationError {
var message : String // +0x0
struct ArgumentParser.ExitCode {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var rawValue : ?? // +0x0
enum ArgumentParser.CleanExit {
case helpRequest : ParsableCommand
case message : String
struct ArgumentParser.Flag {
var _parsedValue : Parsed
enum ArgumentParser.FlagInversion {
case prefixedNo
case prefixedEnableDisable
enum ArgumentParser.FlagExclusivity {
case exclusive
case chooseFirst
case chooseLast
struct ArgumentParser.NameSpecification {
var elements : Element // +0x0
enum ArgumentParser.Element {
case customLong : (String, withSingleDash: Bool)
case customShort : Character
case long
case short
struct ArgumentParser.Option {
var _parsedValue : Parsed
enum ArgumentParser.SingleValueParsingStrategy {
case next
case unconditional
case scanningForValue
enum ArgumentParser.ArrayParsingStrategy {
case singleValue
case unconditionalSingleValue
case upToNextOption
case remaining
struct ArgumentParser.OptionGroup {
var _parsedValue : Parsed
struct ArgumentParser.CommandConfiguration {
var commandName : String? // +0x0
var _superCommandName : String? // +0x10
var abstract : String // +0x20
var discussion : String // +0x30
var version : String // +0x40
var shouldDisplay : Bool // +0x50
var subcommands : ParsableCommand // +0x58
var defaultSubcommand : ParsableCommand // +0x60
var helpNames : NameSpecification // +0x70
struct ArgumentParser.StandardError { }
struct ArgumentParser._WrappedParsableCommand: ParsableArguments {
var _options : OptionGroup
enum ArgumentParser.CodingKeys {
case options
class ArgumentParser.ArgumentDecoder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let values : ParsedValues // +0x10
var usedOrigins : InputOrigin // +0x20
var nextCommandIndex : Int // +0x28
var previouslyDecoded : DecodedArguments // +0x30
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var codingPath : empty-list // +0x38
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var userInfo : empty-list // +0x40
class ArgumentParser.ParsedArgumentsContainer {
struct ArgumentParser.DecodedArguments {
var type : ParsableArguments // +0x0
var value : ParsableArguments // +0x10
struct ArgumentParser.SingleValueDecoder {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var userInfo : empty-list // +0x0
var underlying : ArgumentDecoder // +0x8
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var codingPath : empty-list // +0x10
var key : InputKey // +0x18
var parsedElement : Element // +0x28
struct ArgumentParser.ArrayWrapper: ArrayWrapperProtocol {
var base : [A]
var currentIndex : Int
struct ArgumentParser.UnkeyedContainer {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var codingPath : empty-list // +0x0
var parsedElement : Element // +0x8
var array : ArrayWrapperProtocol // +0x48
struct ArgumentParser.SingleValueContainer {
var underlying : SingleValueDecoder // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var codingPath : empty-list // +0x68
var parsedElement : Element // +0x70
enum ArgumentParser.Error {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case wrongKeyType : S?
case topLevelHasNoUnkeyedContainer
case topLevelHasNoSingleValueContainer
case singleValueDecoderHasNoContainer
enum ArgumentParser.Update {
case nullary : InputOrigin
case unary : InputOrigin
enum ArgumentParser.Kind {
case named : Name
case positional
struct ArgumentParser.ArgumentDefinition {
var kind : Kind // +0x0
var help : Help // +0x8
var completion : CompletionKind // +0x80
var parsingStrategy : ParsingStrategy // +0x91
var update : Update // +0x98
var initial : InputOrigin // +0xb0
enum ArgumentParser.ParsingStrategy {
case nextAsValue
case scanningForValue
case unconditional
case upToNextOption
case allRemainingInput
struct ArgumentParser.Help {
var options : Options // +0x0
var help : ArgumentHelp // +0x8
var discussion : String? // +0x40
var defaultValue : String? // +0x50
var keys : InputKey // +0x60
var allValues : [String] // +0x68
var isComposite : Bool // +0x70
struct ArgumentParser.Options {
var rawValue : UInt // +0x0
struct ArgumentParser.ArgumentSet {
var content : ArgumentDefinition // +0x0
var namePositions : Name // +0x8
struct ArgumentParser.CommandError {
var commandStack : ParsableCommand // +0x0
var parserError : ParserError // +0x8
struct ArgumentParser.AutodetectedGenerateCompletions {
var _generateCompletionScript : Flag // +0x0
struct ArgumentParser.GenerateCompletions {
var _generateCompletionScript : Option // +0x0
struct ArgumentParser.HelpRequested { }
enum ArgumentParser.CodingKeys {
case generateCompletionScript
enum ArgumentParser.CodingKeys {
case generateCompletionScript
struct ArgumentParser.InputOrigin {
var _elements : Element // +0x0
enum ArgumentParser.Element {
case argumentIndex : Index
enum ArgumentParser.Name {
case long : String
case short : Character
case longWithSingleDash : String
enum ArgumentParser.Parsed {
case value : A
case definition : ArgumentSet
struct ArgumentParser.ParsedValues {
var elements : InputKey // +0x0
var originalInput : [String] // +0x8
struct ArgumentParser.Element {
var key : InputKey // +0x0
var value : Any // +0x10
var inputOrigin : InputOrigin // +0x30
var shouldClearArrayIfParsed : Bool // +0x38
struct ArgumentParser.InputKey {
var rawValue : String // +0x0
enum ArgumentParser.ParserError {
case completionScriptRequested : (shell: String?)
case completionScriptCustomResponse : String
case unsupportedShell : String?
case unknownOption : Element
case invalidOption : String
case nonAlphanumericShortOption : Character
case missingValueForOption : InputOrigin
case unexpectedValueForOption : Element
case unexpectedExtraValues : InputOrigin
case duplicateExclusiveValues : InputOrigin
case noValue : InputKey
case unableToParseValue : InputOrigin
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case userValidationError : o?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case noArguments : o?
case helpRequested
case versionRequested
case notImplemented
case invalidState
case missingSubcommand
enum ArgumentParser.InternalParseError {
case wrongType : InputKey
case subcommandLevelMismatch : (Int, Int)
case subcommandLevelMissing : Int
case subcommandLevelDuplicated : Int
case subcommandNameMismatch
case expectedCommandButNoneFound
struct ArgumentParser.InputIndex {
var rawValue : Int // +0x0
enum ArgumentParser.ParsedArgument {
case name : Name
case nameWithValue : Name
enum ArgumentParser.Value {
case option : ParsedArgument
case value : String
case terminator
struct ArgumentParser.Element {
var value : Value // +0x0
var index : Index // +0x28
struct ArgumentParser.Index {
var inputIndex : InputIndex // +0x0
var subIndex : SubIndex // +0x8
struct ArgumentParser.SplitArguments {
var _elements : Element // +0x0
var firstUnused : Int // +0x8
var originalInput : [String] // +0x10
enum ArgumentParser.SubIndex {
case sub : Int
case complete
struct ArgumentParser.HelpCommand {
var _subcommands : Argument // +0x0
var commandStack : ParsableCommand // +0x18
enum ArgumentParser.CodingKeys {
case subcommands
struct ArgumentParser.Element {
var label : String // +0x0
var abstract : String // +0x10
var discussion : String // +0x20
struct ArgumentParser.HelpGenerator {
var commandStack : ParsableCommand // +0x0
var abstract : String // +0x8
var usage : Usage // +0x18
var sections : Section // +0x20
var discussionSections : DiscussionSection // +0x28
struct ArgumentParser.Section {
var header : Header // +0x0
var elements : Element // +0x8
var discussion : String // +0x10
var isSubcommands : Bool // +0x20
struct ArgumentParser.DiscussionSection {
var title : String // +0x0
var content : String // +0x10
struct ArgumentParser.Usage {
var components : [String] // +0x0
enum ArgumentParser.Header {
case positionalArguments
case subcommands
case options
enum ArgumentParser.MessageInfo {
case help : (text: String)
case validation : (message: String, usage: String)
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case other : first-element-marker
class ArgumentParser.Tree {
enum ArgumentParser.InitializationError {
case recursiveSubcommand : ParsableCommand
struct __C.FileAttributeKey {
var _rawValue : NSString
struct DTDeviceServices.ExecutionResult {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var status : q // +0x0
var stdout : String // +0x8
var stderr : String // +0x18
enum DTDeviceServices.OutputChannel {
case stdout
case stderr
struct DTDeviceServices.InstalledDarwinUpRoot {
let uuid : String
let name : String
let version : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let location : !
enum DTDeviceServices.DarwinUpError {
case InvalidBasePath : (path: String)
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case MismatchingInstallationPoint :
case InvalidRootPath : (path: String)
case RuntimeError : (message: String)
case MalformedOutput : (message: String)
case InstallFailed : (message: String)
case RenameFailed : (message: String)
case UninstallFailed : (message: String)
class DTDeviceServices.DarwinUp : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib { 0x12fd0 class func <stripped> // method
0x14af0 class func <stripped> // method
0x154f0 class func <stripped> // method
0x15500 class func <stripped> // method
class DTDeviceServices.CacheEntry : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let timestamp :
let installedRoots : InstalledDarwinUpRoot
class DTRemoteServices.FileServiceSessionToken : NSObject /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : 54 // +0xfeedfacf
class DTRemoteServices.DTRSFileServiceClient : DTRSServiceClient {
let device : OS_remote_device
let queue : OS_dispatch_queue
enum DTRemoteServices.FileServiceClientError {
case invalidReply : (underlyingError: String)
case ioError : (underlyingError: String)
case badSymbolicLink
class DTRemoteServices.FileServiceServer : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let controlQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var sessions : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var files : empty-list
var ioHandlers : Set<OS_dispatch_io>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var nextFileId : ?7
let clearFileFromListOnCompletion : Bool
enum DTRemoteServices.DataServiceStatus {
case waitingForHeader
case waitingForDataToWrite
case waitingForScheduledEvent
case sendingDataFromFile
class DTRemoteServices.Atomic {
class DTRemoteServices.FileServiceSession : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let domain : FileCopyServiceDomain
let identifier : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : 54
let sessionRootPath : String
var metadata : FileServiceSessionMetadata
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let containerRef : U3
class DTRemoteServices.FileServiceFile : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let id : ?7
let path : String
let session : FileServiceSession
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var fileSize : ?7
var fileIO : OS_dispatch_io
let metadata : FileServiceFileMetadata
let direction : Direction
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let absoluteURL : 71
enum DTRemoteServices.Direction {
case hostToDevice
case deviceToHost
enum DTRemoteServices.FileServiceServerError {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case invalidFilePath : 4
case noContainer : (bundleId: String)
case invalidUser : (user: String)
case ioError : (cause: String)
case invalidSessionId
case invalidFileId
case malformedDataOnDataService
case proposedFilePathIllegal
case illegalSessionAndIdentifier
case unsupportedOS
enum DTRemoteServices.FileCopyServiceDomain {
case appDataContainer
case appGroupContainer
case temporaryLocation
case rootStaging
enum DTRemoteServices.FileCopyServiceHeaderType {
case wholeFileForWriting
case wholeFileForReading
case fileDataWritten
enum DTRemoteServices.FileCopyServiceCommands {
case createSession
case copyFile
case createEmptyFile
case createLink
case getSessionPath
case retrieveFile
case endSession
struct DTRemoteServices.FileServiceSessionMetadata {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var registeredFiles : ?7 // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var filesRegisteredAsNew : ?7 // +0x8
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var filesRegisteredButNoUpdateNeeded : ?7 // +0x10
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var filesRejectedDueToError : ?7 // +0x18
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var emptyFilesCreated : ?7 // +0x20
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var symbolicLinksCreated : ?7 // +0x28
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var symbolicLinksRejectedDueToError : ?7 // +0x30
enum DTRemoteServices.FileCopyServiceCommandKeys {
case domain
case domainIdentifier
case sessionId
case path
case user
case linkDestination
case fileCreationTime
case fileLastModTime
case filePermissions
case fileOwnerUid
case fileOwnerGid
case fileSize
case fileExtendedAttributes
enum DTRemoteServices.FileCopyServiceResponseKeys {
case sessionId
case fileId
case sessionPath
case sessionStats
struct DTRemoteServices.FileServiceFileMetadata {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var creationTime : 3 // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var lastModTime : 3 // +0x10
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var permissions : 3 // +0x20
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var ownerUid : 3 // +0x30
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var ownerGid : 3 // +0x40
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let size : ?7 // +0x50
var attributes : [String]? // +0x58
enum DTRemoteServices.FileCopyServiceCopyFileResult {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case accepted : 3
case acceptedButEmpty
case noUpdateNeeded
enum DTRemoteServices.CodingKeys {
case registeredFiles
case filesRegisteredAsNew
case filesRegisteredButNoUpdateNeeded
case filesRejectedDueToError
case emptyFilesCreated
case symbolicLinksCreated
case symbolicLinksRejectedDueToError
struct __C.file_data_channel_header_t {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var magic : ?7
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var type : ?7
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var flags : ?7
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var fileId : ?7
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var size : ?7
struct __C.URLResourceKey {
var _rawValue : NSString
struct __C.pollfd {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var fd : _7
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var events : 57
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var revents : 57
struct __C.FileAttributeKey {
var _rawValue : NSString
struct __C.timeval {
var tv_sec : Int
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var tv_usec : _7
protocol Mercury.XPCConnection // 7 requirements
protocol Mercury.XPCListenerConnection // 3 requirements
protocol Mercury.XPCPeerConnection // 2 requirements
protocol Mercury.XPCConnectionChainedDispatching // 1 requirements
protocol Mercury.CodableDispatchTraits // 12 requirements
protocol Mercury.CodableDispatching // 9 requirements
protocol Mercury.AnyXPCTypeDescriptor // 2 requirements
protocol Mercury.DynamicCodable // 7 requirements
struct __C.URLFileProtection {
var _rawValue : NSString
struct __C.remote_device_type_t {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var rawValue : ?o
struct __C.audit_token_t {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var val : ?o
struct __C.remote_device_state_t {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var rawValue : ?o
struct __C.termios {
var c_iflag : UInt
var c_oflag : UInt
var c_cflag : UInt
var c_lflag : UInt
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var c_cc : ?o
var c_ispeed : UInt
var c_ospeed : UInt
struct __C.pollfd {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var fd : o
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var events : ?n
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var revents : ?n
class Mercury.XPCEndpoint : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let endpoint : OS_xpc_object
0x6ac0 func <stripped> // method
class Mercury.XPCPeerEndpoint : XPCEndpoint { }
class Mercury.XPCListenerEndpoint : XPCEndpoint { }
class Mercury.XPCObjectEncoder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let underlyingConnection : XPCConnection
0x160b0 class func XPCObjectEncoder.__allocating_init() // init
0x7450 class func XPCObjectEncoder.__allocating_init(underlyingConnection:) // init
0x74c0 class func XPCObjectEncoder.__allocating_init(underlyingConnection:) // init
class Mercury._XPCObjectEncoder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var topLevelStorage : OS_xpc_object?
var underlyingConnection : XPCConnection
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var codingPath : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var userInfo : empty-list
class Mercury.XPCObjectDecoder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let underlyingConnection : XPCConnection
0xbef0 class func XPCObjectDecoder.__allocating_init() // init
0xbf40 class func XPCObjectDecoder.__allocating_init(underlyingConnection:) // init
0xc090 class func XPCObjectDecoder.__allocating_init(underlyingConnection:) // init
class Mercury._XPCObjectDecoder : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let topLevelObject : OS_xpc_object
let underlyingConnection : XPCConnection
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var codingPath : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var userInfo : empty-list
struct Mercury.XPCObjectContainer {
var object : OS_xpc_object // +0x0
struct Mercury.XPCObjectKeyedEncodingContainer {
let encoder : _XPCObjectEncoder // +0x0
let topLevelStorage : OS_xpc_object // +0x8
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let codingPath : empty-list // +0x10
struct Mercury.XPCObjectSingleValueDecodingContainer {
let decoder : _XPCObjectDecoder // +0x0
let topLevelObject : OS_xpc_object // +0x8
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let codingPath : empty-list // +0x10
struct Mercury.XPCObjectSingleValueEncodingContainer {
let encoder : _XPCObjectEncoder // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var codingPath : empty-list // +0x8
struct Mercury.CodableIndexKey {
var stringValue : String // +0x0
var intValue : Int? // +0x10
struct Mercury.XPCObjectKeyedDecodingContainer {
let decoder : _XPCObjectDecoder
let topLevelObject : OS_xpc_object
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let codingPath : empty-list
struct Mercury.XPCObjectUnkeyedDecodingContainer {
let decoder : _XPCObjectDecoder // +0x0
let topLevelObject : OS_xpc_object // +0x8
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let codingPath : empty-list // +0x10
var currentIndex : Int // +0x18
struct Mercury.XPCObjectUnkeyedEncodingContainer {
let encoder : _XPCObjectEncoder // +0x0
let topLevelStorage : OS_xpc_object // +0x8
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let codingPath : empty-list // +0x10
class Mercury.XPCSideChannel : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let _uniqueIdentifier : ?` // +0x0
let _connection : XPCPeerConnection // +0x0
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _eventHandler : empty-list // +0x0
0x17490 class func XPCSideChannel.__allocating_init(from:) // init
struct Mercury.Weak {
var rawValue : weak A?
class Mercury.RemoteDeviceBrowser : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let serviceName : String?
let deviceType : remote_device_type_t
let targetQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
let _internalQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
let _eventHandler : Event
var _underlyingBrowser : OS_remote_device_browser?
var _discoveredDevicesByIdentifier : Identity
var _started : Bool
0x19350 func <stripped> // getter
0x19450 func <stripped> // getter
0x196d0 class func RemoteDeviceBrowser.__allocating_init(for:deviceType:targetQueue:eventHandler:) // init
0x197a0 func <stripped> // method
0x1a010 func <stripped> // method
enum Mercury.Event {
case deviceConnected : RemoteDevice
case cancelled
class Mercury.XPCFileDescriptor : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let fd : o
let closeWhenDone : Bool
0x1ad20 class func XPCFileDescriptor.__allocating_init(fileDescriptor:closeWhenDone:) // init
0x1b540 func <stripped> // method
0x1b560 func <stripped> // method
0x1b5f0 func <stripped> // method
0x1b6f0 func <stripped> // getter
0x1b710 func <stripped> // setter
0x1b740 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x1b7c0 func <stripped> // method
0x1b940 func <stripped> // getter
0x1b960 func <stripped> // setter
0x1ba00 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x1bb00 func <stripped> // method
0x1bba0 func <stripped> // getter
0x1bcb0 func <stripped> // method
0x1bf20 class func XPCFileDescriptor.__allocating_init(from:) // init
0x1c140 func <stripped> // getter
struct Mercury.WriteOptions {
var fileProtection : URLFileProtection // +0x0
var fileSecurity : NSFileSecurity? // +0x8
struct Mercury.TypeUtils { }
enum Mercury.NominalTypeKind {
case mangled
case simpleClass
case simpleStruct
case simpleEnum
class Mercury.RemoteDevice : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
let _device : OS_remote_device
0x1d920 func <stripped> // getter
0x1d960 func <stripped> // getter
0x1d970 func <stripped> // getter
0x1da00 func <stripped> // getter
0x1da20 func <stripped> // getter
0x1da90 func <stripped> // getter
0x1dc80 func <stripped> // method
0x1dde0 func <stripped> // method
0x1de50 func <stripped> // method
struct Mercury.Identity {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : ?`
let name : String
struct Mercury.XPCDictionary {
var _value : OS_xpc_object // +0x0
class Mercury.XPCConnectionBase : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib, XPCConnection {
var dispatchers : XPCMessageDispatcher // +0x10
0x28a80 class func XPCConnectionBase.__allocating_init() // init
0x28ae0 func <stripped> // method
0x28c70 func <stripped> // method
0x28d30 func <stripped> // method
0x291e0 func <stripped> // method
0x29380 func <stripped> // method
0x293d0 func <stripped> // method
0x29420 func <stripped> // method
0x29470 func <stripped> // method
0x294c0 func <stripped> // method
0x29510 func <stripped> // method
0x29560 func <stripped> // method
0x295b0 func <stripped> // method
0x29670 func <stripped> // getter
0x296c0 func <stripped> // getter
0x29960 func <stripped> // getter
class Mercury.RemoteXPCConnection : XPCConnectionBase {
let connection : OS_xpc_remote_connection
0x2bba0 func <stripped> // method
class Mercury.RemoteXPCListenerConnection : RemoteXPCConnection {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var handler : empty-list
var targetQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
0x2bc80 func <stripped> // method
0x2c310 func <stripped> // method
class Mercury.RemoteXPCPeerConnection : RemoteXPCConnection {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var handler : empty-list
var peerOriginatedFromListener : Bool
var targetQueue : OS_dispatch_queue?
0x2c4e0 func <stripped> // method
0x2cad0 func <stripped> // method
0x2cce0 func <stripped> // method
struct Mercury.XPCReplyProviding {
let createReplyFn : XPCDictionary // +0x0
let sendReplyFn : XPCDictionary // +0x10
struct Mercury.XPCMessageDispatchTraits {
var replyProvider : XPCReplyProviding
var inboundObserver : (_:)?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var outboundObserver : first-element-marker
var errorOnUnregisteredTypes : Bool
let encoder : XPCObjectEncoder
let decoder : XPCObjectDecoder
class Mercury.XPCMessageDispatcher {
enum Mercury.XPCDispatchError {
case unableToCreateReply
struct Mercury.UnknownResultType { }
struct Mercury.MessageHeader {
let mangledTypeName : String // +0x0
struct Mercury.MessageWrapper {
let mangledTypeName : String
let value : A
enum Mercury.DispatcherResponse {
case error : B
case success : A
enum Mercury.DispatchOutcome {
case pass
case handled
enum Mercury.CodableDispatcherError {
case unknownTypeName
case pass
class Mercury.CodableDispatcher {
enum Mercury.CodingKeys {
case response
case error
enum Mercury.CodingKeys { }
struct Mercury.OperationInfo {
let handler : CodableDispatchTraits
struct Mercury.DispatcherErrorWrapper {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var wrappedValue : ?l // +0x0
enum Mercury.XPCTypeRole { }
enum Mercury.Scalar { }
enum Mercury.Date { }
enum Mercury.String { }
enum Mercury.Reference { }
enum Mercury.Array { }
enum Mercury.Dictionary { }
enum Mercury.Error { }
enum Mercury.UUID { }
enum Mercury.Null { }
struct Mercury.XPCTypeDescriptor: AnyXPCTypeDescriptor {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let type : ?W
class Mercury.SystemXPCConnection : XPCConnectionBase {
let connection : OS_xpc_object
class Mercury.SystemXPCListenerConnection : SystemXPCConnection {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var handler : empty-list
0x3d2e0 func <stripped> // method
class Mercury.SystemXPCPeerConnection : SystemXPCConnection {
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var handler : empty-list
0x3d5f0 func <stripped> // method
0x3dd90 func <stripped> // getter
0x3dda0 func <stripped> // getter
0x3ddd0 func <stripped> // getter
0x3dde0 func <stripped> // getter
0x3ddf0 func <stripped> // getter
0x3de00 func <stripped> // method
class Mercury.XPCFileTransfer : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
var _value : Value
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _expectedLength : _
let _lock : NSLock
0x3fff0 class func XPCFileTransfer.__allocating_init(forFileAt:) // init
0x401c0 class func XPCFileTransfer.__allocating_init(forFileDescriptor:) // init
0x40310 class func XPCFileTransfer.__allocating_init(fileDescriptor:) // init
0x40400 func <stripped> // getter
0x40560 func <stripped> // method
0x40930 func <stripped> // method
0x40b70 func <stripped> // method
0x40c60 func <stripped> // method
0x40ce0 func <stripped> // method
0x41390 func <stripped> // method
0x417b0 class func XPCFileTransfer.__allocating_init(from:) // init
enum Mercury.Value {
case fileDescriptor : XPCFileDescriptor
case fileTransfer : OS_xpc_object
enum Mercury._CodingKey {
case xpcFileDescriptor
case xpcFileTransfer
case expectedLength
enum Mercury.XPCError {
case unknown : String
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case invalidType : ?W
case xpcCoderRequired : String
case connectionInterrupted
case connectionInvalid
case terminationImminent
case peerCodeSigningRequirement
enum Mercury.DynamicCodableError {
case unsupportedType : (name: String)
case typeMismatch : (value: Any, requiredType: Any.Type)
enum Mercury.DynamicCodableContainerCodingKeys {
case mangledTypeName
case value
struct Mercury.CompositeDynamicCodableContainer: DynamicCodable {
let wrappedValue : A
@protocol OS_xpc_object <NSObject>
@protocol NSObject
// instance methods
-[NSObject isEqual:]
-[NSObject superclass]
-[NSObject class]
-[NSObject self]
-[NSObject performSelector:]
-[NSObject performSelector:]
-[NSObject performSelector:withObject:]
-[NSObject performSelector:withObject:]
-[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:]
-[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:]
-[NSObject isProxy]
-[NSObject isKindOfClass:]
-[NSObject isKindOfClass:]
-[NSObject isMemberOfClass:]
-[NSObject isMemberOfClass:]
-[NSObject conformsToProtocol:]
-[NSObject conformsToProtocol:]
-[NSObject respondsToSelector:]
-[NSObject respondsToSelector:]
-[NSObject retain]
-[NSObject release]
-[NSObject autorelease]
-[NSObject retainCount]
-[NSObject zone]
// instance methods
0x0000005e498 RemoteXPCPair : NSObject
// instance methods
0x0000000669d -[RemoteXPCPair initWithClient:server:]
0x00000006736 -[RemoteXPCPair client]
0x00000006740 -[RemoteXPCPair setClient:]
0x00000006751 -[RemoteXPCPair server]
0x0000000675b -[RemoteXPCPair setServer:]
0x0000005e510 RemoteXPCShim : NSObject
// class methods
0x00000006794 +[RemoteXPCShim anonymousConnectedPairWithTargetQueue:]
0x0000005eb08 _TtC7Mercury11XPCEndpoint : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005eba8 _TtC7Mercury15XPCPeerEndpoint : Mercury.XPCEndpoint
0x0000005ec48 _TtC7Mercury19XPCListenerEndpoint : Mercury.XPCEndpoint
0x0000005ed60 _TtC7Mercury16XPCObjectEncoder : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005ee08 _TtC7Mercury17_XPCObjectEncoder : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005eeb8 _TtC7Mercury16XPCObjectDecoder : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005ef60 _TtC7Mercury17_XPCObjectDecoder : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005f2b8 _TtC7Mercury14XPCSideChannel : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005f408 _TtC7Mercury19RemoteDeviceBrowser : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005f588 _TtC7Mercury17XPCFileDescriptor : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005f6c8 _TtC7Mercury12RemoteDevice : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005f8f8 _TtC7Mercury17XPCConnectionBase : Swift._SwiftObject
0x0000005fa80 _TtC7Mercury19RemoteXPCConnection : Mercury.XPCConnectionBase
0x0000005fbc0 _TtC7Mercury27RemoteXPCListenerConnection : Mercury.RemoteXPCConnection
0x0000005fd50 _TtC7Mercury23RemoteXPCPeerConnection : Mercury.RemoteXPCConnection
0x000000605f0 _TtC7Mercury19SystemXPCConnection : Mercury.XPCConnectionBase
0x00000060728 _TtC7Mercury27SystemXPCListenerConnection : Mercury.SystemXPCConnection
0x00000060888 _TtC7Mercury23SystemXPCPeerConnection : Mercury.SystemXPCConnection
0x00000060a90 _TtC7Mercury15XPCFileTransfer : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSArray
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSConstantIntegerNumber
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSDate
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSDictionary
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSError
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSKeyedArchiver
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSKeyedUnarchiver
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSLock
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSMutableArray
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSMutableDictionary
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSNull
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSNumber
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib: NSObject
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSRecursiveLock
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSString
0x00000000000 01 00 0300 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSUUID
0x00000000000 01 00 0240 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib: OS_dispatch_queue
0x00000000000 01 00 0240 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib: OS_os_log
0x00000000000 01 00 0800 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RemoteXPC.framework/Versions/A/RemoteXPC: OS_xpc_remote_connection
0x00000000000 01 00 0900 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib: _TtCs12_SwiftObject
@protocol NSSecureCoding <NSCoding>
// class methods
+[NSSecureCoding supportsSecureCoding]
@protocol NSCoding
// instance methods
-[NSCoding encodeWithCoder:]
-[NSCoding encodeWithCoder:]
-[NSCoding initWithCoder:]
0x00000085dc0 RPRSDDeviceInfo : NSObject
// instance methods
0x0000000e0b8 -[RPRSDDeviceInfo name]
0x0000000e13c -[RPRSDDeviceInfo uuid]
0x0000000e1f4 -[RPRSDDeviceInfo init]
0x00000085e80 RPConnectableDevice : NSObject
// instance methods
0x0000000e2bc -[RPConnectableDevice authFlags]
0x0000000e3a4 -[RPConnectableDevice connectionFlags]
0x0000000e4e8 -[RPConnectableDevice untrustedRSDDeviceInfo]
0x0000000e704 -[RPConnectableDevice trustedRSDDeviceInfo]
0x0000000e948 -[RPConnectableDevice pairNonInteractivelyWithCompletionHandler:]
0x0000000ec3c -[RPConnectableDevice pairWithChallengeHandler:completionHandler:]
0x0000000edb4 -[RPConnectableDevice connectWithCompletionHandler:]
0x0000000f548 -[RPConnectableDevice registerForStateChangesOnQueue:withHandler:]
0x0000000f64c -[RPConnectableDevice init]
0x00000086cb0 _TtC13RemotePairing18NetworkPairingPeer : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000086d98 _TtC13RemotePairing16VirtualInterface : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000086ee0 _TtC13RemotePairingP33_56A4AE13DD4904F3C183E967895A834119_RemotePairingClass : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000086ff8 _TtC13RemotePairing22SocketTunnelConnection : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000087278 _TtC13RemotePairing7RSDPeer : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000085f78 RPConnectableDeviceBrowser : NSObject
// instance methods
0x0000001d648 -[RPConnectableDeviceBrowser state]
0x0000001d6d0 -[RPConnectableDeviceBrowser setState:]
0x0000001df18 -[RPConnectableDeviceBrowser initWithTargetQueue:onDeviceDiscovered:onCancel:]
0x0000001e96c -[RPConnectableDeviceBrowser startBrowsing]
0x0000001ec1c -[RPConnectableDeviceBrowser cancel]
0x0000001f070 -[RPConnectableDeviceBrowser init]
0x000000874e8 _TtC13RemotePairing34RapportIdentityVerificationSession : Swift._SwiftObject
0x000000876f8 _TtC13RemotePairing17ConnectableDevice : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000087f48 _TtC13RemotePairing20ManualTunnelListener : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000088148 _TtC13RemotePairing20NetworkTunnelManager : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000088b60 _TtC13RemotePairing27NetworkPairingTCPConnection : Swift._SwiftObject
0x00000000000 01 00 0900 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUtils.framework/Versions/A/CoreUtils: CUPairingSession
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSError
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSKeyedArchiver
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSKeyedUnarchiver
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSLock
0x00000000000 01 00 0500 /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib: NSObject
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSThread
0x00000000000 01 00 0700 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSUserDefaults
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib: OS_dispatch_io
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib: OS_dispatch_queue
0x00000000000 01 00 0600 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib: OS_os_log
0x00000000000 01 00 0a00 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Rapport.framework/Versions/A/Rapport: RPClient
0x00000000000 01 00 0a00 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Rapport.framework/Versions/A/Rapport: RPIdentity
0x00000000000 01 00 0b00 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib: _TtCs12_SwiftObject
protocol RemotePairing.DefaultsValueTransformable // 2 requirements
// method
// class method
protocol RemotePairing.PrimitiveDefaultsValueTransformable // 1 requirements
// class base protocol
protocol RemotePairing.AnyOptional // 1 requirements
// getter
protocol RemotePairing.TunnelConnection // 3 requirements
// method
// method
// method
protocol RemotePairing.RSDRequest // 2 requirements
// class base protocol
// class base protocol
protocol RemotePairing.Request // 2 requirements
// class base protocol
// class base protocol
protocol RemotePairing.Response // 2 requirements
// class base protocol
// class base protocol
protocol RemotePairing.HashableByObjectIdentity // 1 requirements
// class base protocol
protocol RemotePairing.RichErrorCode // 4 requirements
// class base protocol
// getter
// getter
// class init
protocol RemotePairing.RichErrorBase // 8 requirements
// class base protocol
// class base protocol
// class base protocol
// class init
// getter
// getter
// getter
// getter
protocol RemotePairing.RichError // 5 requirements
// class base protocol
// class associated conformance access function
// class associated type access function
// getter
// class init
protocol RemotePairing.TunnelInterface // 8 requirements
// class getter
// class getter
// class getter
// getter
// getter
// class init
// method
// method
protocol RemotePairing.IPHeader // 8 requirements
// class getter
// class getter
// getter
// getter
// getter
// getter
// getter
// class init
struct __C.RPConnectableDeviceStateKey {
// Properties
var _rawValue : NSString
struct __C.RPPairingChallengeKey {
// Properties
var _rawValue : NSString
class __C.CFError {
struct RemotePairing.Defaults { }
enum RemotePairing.DefaultsDomain {
// Properties
case remotePairing
case coreDevice
struct RemotePairing.DefaultsBackedProperty {
// Properties
let key : String
let domain : DefaultsDomain
let defaultValue : A
enum RemotePairing.PairingSessionParty {
// Properties
case server
case client
enum RemotePairing.IdentityError {
// Properties
case unableToFindSelfIdentity
case unableToFetchIdentities
class RemotePairing._RSDDeviceInfoObjc : NSObject /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib {
// Properties
let name : String
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : '?
// ObjC -> Swift bridged methods
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7f0100021f98 (0x70100021f98) in binary!
0x90d85 @objc _RSDDeviceInfoObjc.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7ee900021f58 (0x6e900021f58) in binary!
0x90d75 @objc _RSDDeviceInfoObjc.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x78000000c (0x78000000c) in binary!
0x65cfffb99c8 @objc _RSDDeviceInfoObjc.(null) <stripped>
0x634fffba280 @objc _RSDDeviceInfoObjc. <stripped>
// Swift methods
class RemotePairing._ConnectableDeviceObjc : NSObject /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib {
// Properties
let _underlyingDevice : ConnectableDevice
// ObjC -> Swift bridged methods
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7fd000021f68 (0x7d000021f68) in binary!
0x90e54 @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7f6900021f40 (0x76900021f40) in binary!
0x90ded @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7fa800021f18 (0x7a800021f18) in binary!
0x90e38 @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7f9000021ef0 (0x79000021ef0) in binary!
0x90e30 @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7f2100021f90 (0x72100021f90) in binary!
0x90dad @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x48000000c (0x48000000c) in binary!
0x6ecfffaa470 @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc.(null) <stripped>
0x6ccfffaa594 @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc. <stripped>
0x47f00021e70 @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc. <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x21e5cfffb99c8 (0x65cfffb99c8) in binary!
0x47c00021e48 @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x21e34fffba280 (0x634fffba280) in binary!
0x6a100021e20 @objc _ConnectableDeviceObjc.(null) <stripped>
// Swift methods
0xe2f4 func <stripped> // getter
0xe3dc func <stripped> // getter
0xe520 func <stripped> // getter
0xe73c func <stripped> // getter
0xe914 func <stripped> // method
0xea10 func <stripped> // method
0xed44 func <stripped> // method
0xee6c func <stripped> // method
class RemotePairing.NetworkPairingPeer : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Properties
var state : State
let connection : NetworkPairingTCPConnection
// Swift methods
0xfd1c func <stripped> // getter
0xfd88 func <stripped> // setter
0xff04 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x10078 class func NetworkPairingPeer.__allocating_init(connection:) // init
0x10170 func <stripped> // getter
enum RemotePairing.State {
// Properties
case verifyManualPairing : CUPairingSession
case setupManualPairing : CUPairingSession
case authenticated : PeerIdentity
case ready
case unauthenticated
class RemotePairing.VirtualInterface : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Properties
let interfaceName : String
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let address : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let _viRef : ??
var _viQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
var _readPacketsCompletion : TunnelPacket
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _writeProtocols : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _writeBuffers : empty-list
var _writeBufferLengths : UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Int>
// Swift methods
0x106e0 class func VirtualInterface.__allocating_init(queue:address:netmask:mtu:maxPendingPackets:) // init
struct RemotePairing.VirtualInterfaceError {
// Properties
let code : Code
let message : String
let failureReason : String?
let recoverySuggestion : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ??
enum RemotePairing.Code {
// Properties
case unableToCreate
case unableToAddAddress
case unableToUpdateAdHocService
case unableToSetMTU
case unableToSetMaxPendingPackets
case unableToCopyName
case unableToSetReadHandler
class RemotePairing._RemotePairingClass : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Swift methods
class RemotePairing.SocketTunnelConnection : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib, TunnelConnection {
// Properties
let _io : OS_dispatch_io
let _queue : OS_dispatch_queue
let _logPrefix : String
// Swift methods
0x15db4 class func SocketTunnelConnection.__allocating_init(socket:queue:logPrefix:) // init
0x16300 func <stripped> // method
0x16768 func <stripped> // method
0x16ec0 func <stripped> // method
enum RemotePairing.PeerIdentity {
// Properties
case coreUtils : CUPairedPeer
case rapport : RPIdentity
enum RemotePairing.RSDPeerEvent {
// Properties
case pairingData : PairingData
case pairingRejected
struct RemotePairing.StreamEncryptedMessage: RSDRequest {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let encryptedData : ??
enum RemotePairing.StreamMessage {
// Properties
case startListener : StartListenerRequest
case startListenerResponse : StartListenerResponse
struct RemotePairing.UnauthenticatedRSDPeerInfoRequest: RSDRequest { }
struct RemotePairing.UnauthenticatedPeerInfo {
// Properties
let identifier : String
let name : String
let model : String?
struct RemotePairing.PairingData: RSDRequest {
// Properties
var startNewSession : Bool
var kind : Kind
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var data : ??
enum RemotePairing.Kind {
// Properties
case verifySameAccount
case verifyManualPairing
case setupManualPairing
struct RemotePairing.StartListenerRequest {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var key : ??
struct RemotePairing.StartListenerResponse {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var port : ??
class RemotePairing.RSDPeer : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Properties
var state : State
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let connection : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let remoteDevice : u?
// Swift methods
0x1acc4 func <stripped> // getter
0x1ad74 func <stripped> // setter
0x1af2c func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x1b0a8 class func RSDPeer.__allocating_init(connection:remoteDevice:) // init
0x1b244 func <stripped> // method
0x1b358 func <stripped> // getter
enum RemotePairing.State {
// Properties
case verifySameAccount : RapportIdentityVerificationSession
case verifyManualPairing : CUPairingSession
case setupManualPairing : CUPairingSession
case authenticated : PeerIdentity
case ready
case unauthenticated
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case port
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case key
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case startNewSession
case kind
case data
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case identifier
case name
case model
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys { }
enum RemotePairing.Raw {
// Properties
case startListener
case startListenerResponse
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case encryptedData
enum RemotePairing.Raw {
// Properties
case pairingData
case pairingRejected
class RemotePairing.ConnectableDeviceBrowser : NSObject /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib {
// Properties
var state : State
var onDeviceDiscovered : ConnectableDevice
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var onCancel : empty-list
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _connection : y?
let _targetQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
// ObjC -> Swift bridged methods
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x8c7f00021e70 (0x47f00021e70) in binary!
0x91b0b @objc ConnectableDeviceBrowser.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x8c7c00021e48 (0x47c00021e48) in binary!
0x90d3d @objc ConnectableDeviceBrowser.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7ea100021e20 (0x6a100021e20) in binary!
0x90d1d @objc ConnectableDeviceBrowser.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x7e8900021e70 (0x68900021e70) in binary!
0x25029232840 @objc ConnectableDeviceBrowser.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x6f6d65523a4d4152 (0x5523a4d4152) in binary!
0x75250202067 @objc ConnectableDeviceBrowser.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x746f6d65523a5443 (0x565523a5443) in binary!
0xa32312d @objc ConnectableDeviceBrowser.(null) <stripped>
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x4028000000000000 (0x0) in binary!
0x88e90 @objc ConnectableDeviceBrowser.(null) <stripped>
// Swift methods
0x1d68c func <stripped> // getter
0x1d900 func <stripped> // getter
0x1d91c func <stripped> // setter
0x1d938 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x1dacc func <stripped> // getter
0x1db2c func <stripped> // setter
0x1db90 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x1dbd4 class func ConnectableDeviceBrowser.__allocating_init(targetQueue:onDeviceDiscovered:onCancel:) // init
0x1e0ac func <stripped> // method
0x1e998 func <stripped> // method
0x1eb80 func <stripped> // method
0x1ecc8 func <stripped> // method
enum RemotePairing.State { }
enum RemotePairing.AuthenticationType { }
enum RemotePairing.AuthenticationState {
// Properties
case authenticated : AuthenticationType
case unauthenticated
case manualPairingInProgress
enum RemotePairing.AuthenticationStateInternal {
// Properties
case authenticated : AuthenticationType
case manualPairingInProgress : AuthenticationState
case unauthenticated
enum RemotePairing.Raw {
// Properties
case unauthenticated
case authenticated
case manualPairingInProgress
class RemotePairing.RapportIdentityVerificationSession : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Properties
let rpClient : RPClient
let pairingSession : CUPairingSession
var resolvedIdentity : RPIdentity?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var sessionCompletionHandler : empty-list
var dataProducedHandler : PairingDataOutput
// Swift methods
0x20d10 func <stripped> // getter
0x20d54 func <stripped> // setter
0x20d98 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x20f0c func <stripped> // getter
0x20f58 func <stripped> // setter
0x20fa8 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x21118 func <stripped> // getter
0x21174 func <stripped> // setter
0x211d4 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x21264 func <stripped> // getter
0x21288 func <stripped> // setter
0x212bc func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x21338 class func RapportIdentityVerificationSession.__allocating_init(for:dispatchQueue:) // init
0x21e90 func <stripped> // method
0x21ecc func <stripped> // method
0x21edc func <stripped> // method
0x21f7c func <stripped> // method
struct RemotePairing.PairingDataOutput {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var data : ??
var shouldStartNewSession : Bool
enum RemotePairing.PairingOutcome {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case failure : ??
case challenge : (lastAttemptIncorrect: Bool, throttleSeconds: Int?)
case success
enum RemotePairing.PairingError {
// Properties
case userRejectedPrompt
case nonInteractivePairingUnavailable
struct RemotePairing.ConnectableDeviceState {
// Properties
let connectionState : ConnectionState
let authenticationState : AuthenticationState
let untrustedDeviceInfo : RSDDeviceInfo
class RemotePairing.ConnectableDevice : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Properties
let _internalQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let _serviceConnection : }?
var identifier : String
let name : String
let model : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _lastSnapshotIdentifier : o?
var _onStateChange : ConnectableDeviceState
var _connectionState : ConnectionStateInternal
var _authState : AuthenticationStateInternal
var _untrustedRSDDeviceInfo : RSDDeviceInfo
// Swift methods
0x22f9c func <stripped> // getter
0x22fe4 func <stripped> // setter
0x23034 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x2339c func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x235a8 func <stripped> // getter
0x239ec func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x23b2c func <stripped> // getter
0x23bf4 func <stripped> // setter
0x23d98 func <stripped> // getter
0x248b8 func <stripped> // method
0x24dc0 func <stripped> // method
0x25370 func <stripped> // method
0x259d8 func <stripped> // method
0x25e30 func <stripped> // method
0x260fc func <stripped> // method
0x26b04 func <stripped> // method
0x27018 func <stripped> // method
0x27608 func <stripped> // method
0x27e04 func <stripped> // method
0x28278 func <stripped> // method
enum RemotePairing.PairingState {
// Properties
case pairingInProgress : PairingOutcome
case unpaired
case paired
enum RemotePairing.State {
// Properties
case connectionInProgress : (deviceAvailable: Bool)
case connected : RSDDeviceInfo
case unavailable
case available
enum RemotePairing.ConnectionState {
// Properties
case available : (attachedPhysically: Bool)
case connected : RSDDeviceInfo
case unavailable
enum RemotePairing.ConnectionStateInternal {
// Properties
case available : (attachedPhysically: Bool)
case connectionInProgress : ConnectionState
case connected : RSDDeviceInfo
case unavailable
enum RemotePairing.Raw {
// Properties
case unavailable
case available
case connected
struct RemotePairing.ConnectedDeviceInfo {
// Properties
let rsdDeviceInfo : RSDDeviceInfo
let attachedPhysically : Bool
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case rsdDeviceInfo
case attachedPhysically
enum RemotePairing.TunnelMessage {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case clientHandshakeRequest : ??
case serverHandshakeResponse : TunnelInterfaceParameters
enum RemotePairing.MessageType {
// Properties
case clientHandshakeRequest
case serverHandshakeResponse
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case type
case mtu
case clientParameters
case serverAddress
case serverRSDPort
class RemotePairing.TunnelEndpoint {
enum RemotePairing.State {
// Properties
case start
case clientSendingHandshakeRequest
case clientReceivingHandshakeResponse
case serverReceivingHandshakeRequest
case serverWaitingForRSDPort
case serverSendingHandshakeResponse
case receivedInterfaceParameters
case interfaceReady
case packetTransfer
case failed
enum RemotePairing.Event {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case establishClientTunnel : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case receivedServerRSDPort : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case sentMessage : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case receivedMessage : 3?
case createInterface : State
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case readyToReadPacketsFromInterface : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case receivedPacketDataFromConnection : ??
case establishServerTunnel
case startPacketTransfer
case readyToReceivePacketDataFromConnection
enum RemotePairing.ManualTunelListenerError {
// Properties
case missingEntitlement
case mustBeRoot
case functionalityNotEnabled
class RemotePairing.ManualTunnelListener : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _connection : ??
var _onStateChange : State
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _port : 3?
let _internalQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
var _state : State
// Swift methods
0x3dfa4 func <stripped> // getter
0x3e154 func <stripped> // getter
0x3e1a8 class func ManualTunnelListener.__allocating_init(port:) // init
0x3e3cc func <stripped> // method
0x3e670 func <stripped> // method
0x3ed24 func <stripped> // method
0x3edbc func <stripped> // method
enum RemotePairing.State {
// Properties
case inactive
case starting
case active
case accepted
case cancelled
struct RemotePairing.MachServiceNames { }
struct RemotePairing.RemoteServiceNames { }
class RemotePairing.NetworkTunnelManager : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Properties
let _connQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
let _workQueue : OS_dispatch_queue
let _onStateDidChange : State
var state : State
// Swift methods
0x3fb80 func <stripped> // getter
0x3fc10 func <stripped> // setter
0x3fd04 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x3fda4 class func NetworkTunnelManager.__allocating_init(onStateDidChange:) // init
0x4003c func <stripped> // method
0x40cc8 func <stripped> // method
0x414f8 func <stripped> // method
enum RemotePairing.State {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case connectionInProgress : 3?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case connectionEstablished : 3?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case tunnelInProgress : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case tunnelEstablished : ??
case inactive
case cancelled
struct RemotePairing.DeviceInfo: Response {
// Properties
var name : String
var model : String?
var identifier : String
var connectionState : ConnectionState
var authState : AuthenticationState
var untrustedRSDDeviceInfo : RSDDeviceInfo
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var monotonicIdentifier : o?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var _endpoint : ??
enum RemotePairing.ServiceEvent {
// Properties
case deviceFound : DeviceFoundCommand
case pairingChallenge : PairingChallengeEvent
struct RemotePairing.BrowseRequest: Request { }
struct RemotePairing.ManualTunnelListenerRequest: Request {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var port : 3?
struct RemotePairing.ManualTunnelListenerUpdate: Request {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var port : 3?
var state : State
struct RemotePairing.DeviceCheckInRequest: Request {
// Properties
let expectedConnectionState : ConnectionState
let expectedAuthState : AuthenticationState
let expectedUntrustedDeviceInfo : RSDDeviceInfo
struct RemotePairing.InitiatePairingCommand: Request {
// Properties
let requireNonInteractive : Bool
struct RemotePairing.AttemptPairingPinCommand: Request {
// Properties
let pinAttempt : String
struct RemotePairing.InitiateConnectCommand: Request { }
struct RemotePairing.DisconnectCommand: Request { }
struct RemotePairing.DeviceFoundCommand: Response {
// Properties
let deviceInfo : DeviceInfo
struct RemotePairing.EmptyResponse: Response { }
enum RemotePairing.ConnectOutcomeResult {
// Properties
case success : DeviceInfo
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
case failure : ??
struct RemotePairing.PairingChallengeEvent {
// Properties
let lastAttemptIncorrect : Bool
let throttleSeconds : Int?
struct RemotePairing.RSDDeviceInfo {
// Properties
let name : String
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let uuid : '?
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case name
case uuid
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case lastAttemptIncorrect
case throttleSeconds
enum RemotePairing.Raw {
// Properties
case success
case failure
case challenge
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case raw
case error
case lastAttemptIncorrect
case throttleSeconds
enum RemotePairing.Raw {
// Properties
case success
case failure
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case raw
case newConnectionState
case error
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys { }
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case deviceInfo
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys { }
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys { }
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case pinAttempt
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case requireNonInteractive
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case expectedConnectionState
case expectedAuthState
case expectedUntrustedDeviceInfo
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case port
case state
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case port
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys { }
enum RemotePairing.Raw {
// Properties
case deviceFound
case pairingChallenge
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case name
case model
case identifier
case connectionState
case authState
case untrustedRSDDeviceInfo
case monotonicIdentifier
case endpoint
enum RemotePairing.RichErrorMessage {
// Properties
case string : String
case defaultWithContext : Any
case default
struct RemotePairing.GeneralError: RichError, RichErrorBase {
// Properties
let code : Code
let message : String
let failureReason : String?
let recoverySuggestion : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ??
enum RemotePairing.Code {
// Properties
case unknownError
case invalidState
case unableToExecute
case authentication
case invalidRuntime
case invalidDeviceType
case invalidResponse
case invalidSessionInfo
case unableToGetResource
case sessionTimeout
case unableToSetResource
case unableToProvision
case parameterError
case noProvidersFound
case invalidProvider
case unableToProvisionDevice
case unableToFindDevice
case requestTimedOut
case invalidRequest
case tooManyDevices
case networkError
case cancelled
struct RemotePairing.RemotePairingErrorCodingWrapper {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var wrappedValue : ??
enum RemotePairing.UnderlyingErrorType {
// Properties
case codable
case nserror
enum RemotePairing.Keys {
// Properties
case code
case message
case failureReason
case recoverySuggestion
case underlyingErrorType
case underlyingError
class RemotePairing.NetworkPairingTCPConnection : _SwiftObject /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let connection : 3?
let queue : OS_dispatch_queue
var stateChangeHandler : State
var messageHandler : Message
var state : State
// Swift methods
0x58dc4 func <stripped> // getter
0x58e20 func <stripped> // setter
0x58e80 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x58ff0 func <stripped> // getter
0x5903c func <stripped> // setter
0x5908c func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x59468 func <stripped> // getter
0x594a8 func <stripped> // setter
0x594e8 func <stripped> // modifyCoroutine
0x59554 class func NetworkPairingTCPConnection.__allocating_init(connection:queue:) // init
0x595b4 func <stripped> // method
0x59a70 func <stripped> // method
0x5a1d4 func <stripped> // method
0x5a33c func <stripped> // method
0x5a3cc func <stripped> // getter
enum RemotePairing.Message {
// Properties
case pairingData : PairingData
case basicInfoResponse : UnauthenticatedPeerInfo
case basicInfoRequest
enum RemotePairing.State {
// Properties
case uninitialized
case connecting
case ready
case invalidated
enum RemotePairing.Raw {
// Properties
case pairingData
case basicInfoRequest
case basicInfoResponse
struct RemotePairing.NetworkPairingError {
// Properties
let code : Code
let message : String
let failureReason : String?
let recoverySuggestion : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ??
enum RemotePairing.Code {
// Properties
case invalidData
case insufficientData
case invalidState
struct RemotePairing.TunnelPacket {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let protocolFamily : ??
let buffer : UnsafeRawPointer
let bufferLength : Int
struct RemotePairing.TunnelInterfaceParameters {
// Properties
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var address : ?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var netmask : ?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var mtu : ??
enum RemotePairing.CodingKeys {
// Properties
case address
case netmask
case mtu
enum RemotePairing.EnumAssociatedValueCodingKeys {
// Properties
case rawCase
case value
struct RemotePairing.IPv6Header: IPHeader {
// Properties
var headerLength : Int
var payloadLength : Int
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var ipProtocol : A?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var sourceAddress : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var destinationAddress : ??
struct RemotePairing.IPv4Header: IPHeader {
// Properties
var headerLength : Int
var payloadLength : Int
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var ipProtocol : A?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var sourceAddress : ??
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
var destinationAddress : ??
struct RemotePairing.IPHeaderError {
// Properties
let code : Code
let message : String
let failureReason : String?
let recoverySuggestion : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ??
enum RemotePairing.Code {
// Properties
case insufficientData
case invalidVersion
case invalidLength
struct RemotePairing.TunnelError {
// Properties
let code : Code
let message : String
let failureReason : String?
let recoverySuggestion : String?
WARNING: couldn't find address 0x0 (0x0) in binary!
let underlyingError : ??
enum RemotePairing.Code {
// Properties
case invalidData
case insufficientData
case invalidState
case handshakeFailed
case interfaceCreationFailed
case packetTransferFailed
enum RemotePairing.NetworkPairingKeys { }
@protocol NSObject
// instance methods
-[NSObject isEqual:]
-[NSObject class]
-[NSObject self]
-[NSObject performSelector:]
-[NSObject performSelector:withObject:]
-[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:]
-[NSObject isProxy]
-[NSObject isKindOfClass:]
-[NSObject isMemberOfClass:]
-[NSObject conformsToProtocol:]
-[NSObject respondsToSelector:]
-[NSObject retain]
-[NSObject release]
-[NSObject autorelease]
-[NSObject retainCount]
-[NSObject zone]
-[NSObject superclass]
// instance methods
@protocol ROCKMemoizable <NSObject>
// instance methods
-[ROCKMemoizable memoizableSerializerQueue]
@protocol ROCKImpersonatable <NSObject>
@protocol NSObjectROCKDeserializable <NSObject>
// class methods
+[NSObjectROCKDeserializable rockDecodeWithXPCObject:sessionManager:error:]
@protocol NSObjectROCKSerializable <NSObject>
// instance methods
-[NSObjectROCKSerializable rockEncodeWithSessionManager:error:]
@protocol ROCKForwardingInterposable
// class methods
+[ROCKForwardingInterposable forwardingInterposerClass]
@protocol ROCKImpersonatableCategory <ROCKImpersonatable>
@protocol ROCKImpersonateable <ROCKImpersonatable>
@protocol ROCKImpersonateableCategory <ROCKImpersonatableCategory>
@protocol ROCKInvocationInterposable <NSObject>
// instance methods
-[ROCKInvocationInterposable invokeWithInvocation:completionHandler:]
@protocol ROCKSessionXPCAuthenticatable
// instance methods
-[ROCKSessionXPCAuthenticatable authenticateConnection:]
@protocol ROCKInvocationCustomization
// instance methods
-[ROCKInvocationCustomization rock_invocationFlags]
// instance methods
-[ROCKInvocationCustomization rock_invocationQueue]
@protocol OS_dispatch_object <NSObject>
@protocol OS_dispatch_data <OS_dispatch_object>
@protocol OS_dispatch_queue <OS_dispatch_object>
@protocol OS_xpc_object <NSObject>
@protocol ROCKRemoteInvocationInterface
// instance methods
-[ROCKRemoteInvocationInterface remoteInvocation:sessionManager:invocationHandler:]
0x00000052060 ROCKRemoteBlockProxy : ROCKRemoteProxy
// class methods
0x00000006069 +[ROCKRemoteBlockProxy blockProxyWithSessionManager:xpcDictionary:]
// instance methods
0x000000061c1 -[ROCKRemoteBlockProxy initWithSessionManager:xpcDictionary:]
0x000000067a7 -[ROCKRemoteBlockProxy signature]
0x000000067e9 -[ROCKRemoteBlockProxy stret]
0x0000000682c -[ROCKRemoteBlockProxy methodSignature]
0x0000000683d -[ROCKRemoteBlockProxy setMethodSignature:]
0x000000521f0 ROCKImmutableProxy : ROCKImpersonator <ROCKMemoizable>
// class methods
0x00000006b3f +[ROCKImmutableProxy immutableProxyWithInstance:error:]
// instance methods
0x0000002afb2 -[ROCKImmutableProxy conformsToProtocol:]
0x0000002b0c7 -[ROCKImmutableProxy forwardInvocation:]
0x0000002b0d9 -[ROCKImmutableProxy methodSignatureForSelector:]
0x0000002b54e -[ROCKImmutableProxy respondsToSelector:]
0x0000002a5ca -[ROCKImmutableProxy _forwardStackInvocation:]
0x00000007c5b -[ROCKImmutableProxy initWithProtocols:properties:]
0x00000007dd9 -[ROCKImmutableProxy protocols]
0x00000007dea -[ROCKImmutableProxy setProtocols:]
0x00000007dfe -[ROCKImmutableProxy properties]
0x00000007e0f -[ROCKImmutableProxy setProperties:]
0x00000007e23 -[ROCKImmutableProxy xpcDictionary]
0x00000007e34 -[ROCKImmutableProxy setXpcDictionary:]
0x000000523b0 ROCKSessionManager : NSObject
// class methods
0x0000000c23a +[ROCKSessionManager forwardingProxyWithInstance:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x0000000c254 +[ROCKSessionManager forwardingProxyWithInstance:xpcAnonymousConnection:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x0000000c27c +[ROCKSessionManager forwardingProxyWithBlock:xpcAnonymousConnection:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x0000000c2a4 +[ROCKSessionManager forwardingProxyWithInstance:machServiceName:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x0000000c2cc +[ROCKSessionManager remoteProxyWithXPCConnection:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x0000000c2e6 +[ROCKSessionManager remoteProxyWithServiceName:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x0000000c300 +[ROCKSessionManager remoteProxyWithMachServiceName:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x00000007f73 +[ROCKSessionManager sessionManagerWithOptions:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x00000008001 +[ROCKSessionManager forwardingProxyWithInstance:options:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x000000081bf +[ROCKSessionManager forwardingProxyWithInstance:xpcAnonymousConnection:options:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x000000084a3 +[ROCKSessionManager forwardingProxyWithBlock:xpcAnonymousConnection:options:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x00000008663 +[ROCKSessionManager forwardingProxyWithInstance:machServiceName:options:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x00000008879 +[ROCKSessionManager remoteProxyWithXPCConnection:options:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x00000009099 +[ROCKSessionManager remoteProxyWithServiceName:options:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x000000091f9 +[ROCKSessionManager remoteProxyWithMachServiceName:options:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
// instance methods
0x0000000935b -[ROCKSessionManager init]
0x00000009374 -[ROCKSessionManager initWithOptions:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
0x0000000b960 -[ROCKSessionManager dealloc]
0x0000000bf72 -[ROCKSessionManager serviceConnection]
0x0000000bf7c -[ROCKSessionManager setServiceConnection:]
0x0000000bf8d -[ROCKSessionManager eventQueue]
0x0000000bf97 -[ROCKSessionManager setEventQueue:]
0x0000000bfa8 -[ROCKSessionManager eventHandler]
0x0000000bfb9 -[ROCKSessionManager setEventHandler:]
0x0000000bfc8 -[ROCKSessionManager connectionQueue]
0x0000000bfd2 -[ROCKSessionManager setConnectionQueue:]
0x0000000bfe3 -[ROCKSessionManager invocationQueue]
0x0000000bfed -[ROCKSessionManager setInvocationQueue:]
0x0000000bffe -[ROCKSessionManager instancesQueue]
0x0000000c008 -[ROCKSessionManager setInstancesQueue:]
0x0000000c019 -[ROCKSessionManager connectionManager]
0x0000000c023 -[ROCKSessionManager setConnectionManager:]
0x0000000c034 -[ROCKSessionManager stateQueue]
0x0000000c03e -[ROCKSessionManager setStateQueue:]
0x0000000c04f -[ROCKSessionManager impersonatableProxies]
0x0000000c059 -[ROCKSessionManager setImpersonatableProxies:]
0x0000000c06a -[ROCKSessionManager impersonatedObjects]
0x0000000c074 -[ROCKSessionManager setImpersonatedObjects:]
0x0000000c085 -[ROCKSessionManager pendingForwardingProxies]
0x0000000c08f -[ROCKSessionManager setPendingForwardingProxies:]
0x0000000c0a0 -[ROCKSessionManager checkedInForwardingProxies]
0x0000000c0aa -[ROCKSessionManager setCheckedInForwardingProxies:]
0x0000000c0bb -[ROCKSessionManager serializers]
0x0000000c0c5 -[ROCKSessionManager setSerializers:]
0x0000000c0d6 -[ROCKSessionManager classesToProtocols]
0x0000000c0e0 -[ROCKSessionManager setClassesToProtocols:]
0x0000000c0f1 -[ROCKSessionManager protocolsToMethodSignatures]
0x0000000c0fe -[ROCKSessionManager setProtocolsToMethodSignatures:]
0x0000000c10f -[ROCKSessionManager xpcProtocolsToClasses]
0x0000000c11c -[ROCKSessionManager setXpcProtocolsToClasses:]
0x0000000c130 -[ROCKSessionManager objCTypesToMethodSignatures]
0x0000000c13d -[ROCKSessionManager setObjCTypesToMethodSignatures:]
0x0000000c151 -[ROCKSessionManager useMainThreadChecker]
0x0000000c15b -[ROCKSessionManager setUseMainThreadChecker:]
0x00000052528 ROCKForwardingProxy : ROCKImpersonatableProxy
// class methods
0x0000001112a +[ROCKForwardingProxy forwardingProxyWithSessionManager:instance:error:]
0x00000011556 +[ROCKForwardingProxy forwardingProxyWithInstance:options:eventQueue:eventHandler:]
// instance methods
0x00000023b52 -[ROCKForwardingProxy forwardInvocation:]
0x00000023c0a -[ROCKForwardingProxy forwardingTargetForSelector:]
0x00000023ca1 -[ROCKForwardingProxy respondsToSelector:]
0x00000023a74 -[ROCKForwardingProxy _forwardStackInvocation:]
0x000000118ed -[ROCKForwardingProxy initWithSessionManager:impersonatableProxyUUID:instance:protocols:error:]
0x00000011e7a -[ROCKForwardingProxy initWithSessionManager:impersonatableProxyUUID:instance:error:]
0x0000001237b -[ROCKForwardingProxy instance]
0x0000001238c -[ROCKForwardingProxy setInstance:]
0x000000123a0 -[ROCKForwardingProxy protocols]
0x00000052578 ROCKRunLoopBlockSource : NSObject
// instance methods
0x00000013b81 -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource init]
0x00000013d3c -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource dealloc]
0x00000013e1e -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource enqueueInRunLoopMode:block:]
0x00000013fc9 -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource perform]
0x00000014231 -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource source]
0x0000001423b -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource setSource:]
0x00000014245 -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource modes]
0x0000001424f -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource setModes:]
0x00000014260 -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource queuedBlock]
0x00000014271 -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource setQueuedBlock:]
0x00000014280 -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource queuedBlocks]
0x0000001428a -[ROCKRunLoopBlockSource setQueuedBlocks:]
0x000000525c8 ROCKImpersonatableProxy : ROCKImpersonator
// instance methods
0x00000017e29 -[ROCKImpersonatableProxy initWithSessionManager:impersonatableProxyUUID:]
0x000000181d5 -[ROCKImpersonatableProxy xpcDictionary]
0x0000001829d -[ROCKImpersonatableProxy impersonatableProxyUUID]
0x000000182ae -[ROCKImpersonatableProxy setImpersonatableProxyUUID:]
0x000000182c2 -[ROCKImpersonatableProxy sessionManager]
0x000000182d3 -[ROCKImpersonatableProxy setSessionManager:]
0x000000182e7 -[ROCKImpersonatableProxy setXpcDictionary:]
0x00000052618 ROCKMessageQueue : NSObject
// class methods
0x0000001a487 +[ROCKMessageQueue messageQueueWithConnection:invocationMode:]
// instance methods
0x0000001a5cd -[ROCKMessageQueue initWithConnection:invocationMode:]
0x0000001a898 -[ROCKMessageQueue dealloc]
0x0000001a97c -[ROCKMessageQueue connection]
0x0000001a986 -[ROCKMessageQueue setConnection:]
0x0000001a997 -[ROCKMessageQueue invocationMode]
0x0000001a9a1 -[ROCKMessageQueue setInvocationMode:]
0x0000001a9ab -[ROCKMessageQueue messageFlushQueue]
0x0000001a9b5 -[ROCKMessageQueue setMessageFlushQueue:]
0x0000001a9c6 -[ROCKMessageQueue messageHandlerQueue]
0x0000001a9d0 -[ROCKMessageQueue setMessageHandlerQueue:]
0x0000001a9e1 -[ROCKMessageQueue semaphore]
0x0000001a9ea -[ROCKMessageQueue setSemaphore:]
0x0000001a9f3 -[ROCKMessageQueue messages]
0x0000001a9fd -[ROCKMessageQueue setMessages:]
0x0000001aa0e -[ROCKMessageQueue notifiers]
0x0000001aa18 -[ROCKMessageQueue setNotifiers:]
0x00000052668 ROCKDispatchQueueProxy : ROCKImpersonator
// class methods
0x0000001f56d +[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy dispatchQueueProxyWithUUID:qosClass:relativePriority:rockConnection:remoteQueue:]
// instance methods
0x0000001f678 -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy initWithUUID:qosClass:relativePriority:rockConnection:remoteQueue:]
0x0000001f9b3 -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy qosClass]
0x0000001f9f5 -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy relativePriority]
0x0000001fa37 -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy makeQueue]
0x0000001faa9 -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy rockConnection]
0x0000001faba -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy setRockConnection:]
0x0000001face -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy remoteQueue]
0x0000001fadf -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy setRemoteQueue:]
0x0000001faef -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy xpcDictionary]
0x0000001fb00 -[ROCKDispatchQueueProxy setXpcDictionary:]
0x000000526b8 ROCKConnection : ROCKIncomingConnection
// class methods
0x0000001fb4f +[ROCKConnection connectionWithUUID:handlerQueue:xpcHandler:]
0x0000001fd39 +[ROCKConnection connectionWithUUID:xpcEndpoint:handlerQueue:xpcHandler:]
// instance methods
0x0000001ffe0 -[ROCKConnection initWithConnectionUUID:handlerQueue:xpcHandler:]
0x0000002027b -[ROCKConnection initWithConnectionUUID:xpcEndpoint:handlerQueue:xpcHandler:]
0x0000002055d -[ROCKConnection dealloc]
0x000000205bb -[ROCKConnection connectionUUID]
0x000000205cc -[ROCKConnection setConnectionUUID:]
0x000000205e0 -[ROCKConnection xpcEndpoint]
0x000000205f1 -[ROCKConnection setXpcEndpoint:]
0x00000052708 ROCKConnectionManager : NSObject
// class methods
0x00000020a60 +[ROCKConnectionManager connectionManagerWithHandlerQueue:handler:]
// instance methods
0x00000020bb8 -[ROCKConnectionManager initWithHandlerQueue:handler:]
0x00000020f1a -[ROCKConnectionManager dealloc]
0x00000021084 -[ROCKConnectionManager connectionManagerHandler]
0x00000021095 -[ROCKConnectionManager setConnectionManagerHandler:]
0x000000210a4 -[ROCKConnectionManager enableMessageQueueSending]
0x000000210ae -[ROCKConnectionManager setEnableMessageQueueSending:]
0x000000210b7 -[ROCKConnectionManager messageQueueInvocationMode]
0x000000210c1 -[ROCKConnectionManager setMessageQueueInvocationMode:]
0x000000210cb -[ROCKConnectionManager managedConnectionsQueue]
0x000000210d5 -[ROCKConnectionManager setManagedConnectionsQueue:]
0x000000210e6 -[ROCKConnectionManager managedRemoteConnectionsQueue]
0x000000210f0 -[ROCKConnectionManager setManagedRemoteConnectionsQueue:]
0x00000021101 -[ROCKConnectionManager managedConnections]
0x0000002110b -[ROCKConnectionManager setManagedConnections:]
0x0000002111c -[ROCKConnectionManager nextAvailableManagedConnectionIndex]
0x00000021126 -[ROCKConnectionManager setNextAvailableManagedConnectionIndex:]
0x00000021130 -[ROCKConnectionManager managedRemoteConnections]
0x0000002113a -[ROCKConnectionManager setManagedRemoteConnections:]
0x0000002114b -[ROCKConnectionManager managedServiceUUIDs]
0x00000021155 -[ROCKConnectionManager setManagedServiceUUIDs:]
0x00000021166 -[ROCKConnectionManager handlerQueue]
0x00000021170 -[ROCKConnectionManager setHandlerQueue:]
0x00000052780 ROCKForwardingBlockProxy : ROCKForwardingProxy
// class methods
0x000000241a0 +[ROCKForwardingBlockProxy forwardingProxyWithSessionManager:block:error:]
// instance methods
0x00000024323 -[ROCKForwardingBlockProxy initWithSessionManager:impersonatableProxyUUID:instance:error:]
0x000000528b8 ROCKForwardingInterposer : NSObject
// class methods
0x00000025d0e +[ROCKForwardingInterposer forwardingInterposerWithRemoteObject:]
// instance methods
0x00000026129 -[ROCKForwardingInterposer rockEncodeWithSessionManager:error:]
0x000000057ca -[ROCKForwardingInterposer conformsToProtocol:]
0x000000058da -[ROCKForwardingInterposer forwardInvocation:]
0x00000005a09 -[ROCKForwardingInterposer forwardingTargetForSelector:]
0x00000005b2c -[ROCKForwardingInterposer methodSignatureForSelector:]
0x00000005c08 -[ROCKForwardingInterposer respondsToSelector:]
0x00000025dd7 -[ROCKForwardingInterposer initWithRemoteObject:]
0x00000025eb5 -[ROCKForwardingInterposer forwardCallWithInvocation:completionHandler:]
0x000000260fe -[ROCKForwardingInterposer remoteObject]
0x00000026108 -[ROCKForwardingInterposer setRemoteObject:]
0x00000052908 ROCKForwardingHybridProxy : ROCKForwardingProxy <ROCKMemoizable>
// instance methods
0x0000002bc51 -[ROCKForwardingHybridProxy initWithSessionManager:impersonatableProxyUUID:instance:protocols:error:]
0x00000052958 ROCKIncomingConnection : NSObject
// class methods
0x0000002d590 +[ROCKIncomingConnection connectionWithXPCConnection:handlerQueue:xpcHandler:]
// instance methods
0x0000002d77a -[ROCKIncomingConnection initWithXPCConnection:handlerQueue:xpcHandler:]
0x0000002dc4c -[ROCKIncomingConnection xpcConnection]
0x0000002dc56 -[ROCKIncomingConnection setXpcConnection:]
0x000000529d0 ROCKInvocation : NSInvocation
// class methods
0x00000030ae1 +[ROCKInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:invocationQueue:returnHandler:autoreleasingHandler:]
// instance methods
0x00000030cc5 -[ROCKInvocation invoke]
0x00000031607 -[ROCKInvocation invocationQueue]
0x00000031618 -[ROCKInvocation setInvocationQueue:]
0x0000003162c -[ROCKInvocation returnHandler]
0x0000003163f -[ROCKInvocation setReturnHandler:]
0x00000031650 -[ROCKInvocation autoreleasingHandler]
0x00000031663 -[ROCKInvocation setAutoreleasingHandler:]
0x00000052bb0 ROCKRemoteProxy : ROCKImpersonatableProxy <ROCKRemoteInvocationInterface>
// class methods
0x000000318b9 +[ROCKRemoteProxy remoteProxyWithSessionManager:xpcDictionary:]
// instance methods
0x0000001f3d3 -[ROCKRemoteProxy forwardInvocation:]
0x0000001f3e5 -[ROCKRemoteProxy methodSignatureForSelector:]
0x0000001f4ab -[ROCKRemoteProxy respondsToSelector:]
0x0000001f2e2 -[ROCKRemoteProxy _forwardStackInvocation:]
0x00000031a56 -[ROCKRemoteProxy initWithSessionManager:xpcDictionary:]
0x00000032247 -[ROCKRemoteProxy checkIn]
0x0000003276a -[ROCKRemoteProxy dealloc]
0x00000032d39 -[ROCKRemoteProxy remoteInvocation:sessionManager:invocationHandler:]
0x00000032edc -[ROCKRemoteProxy protocols]
0x00000032eed -[ROCKRemoteProxy invocationFlags]
0x00000032efe -[ROCKRemoteProxy setInvocationFlags:]
0x00000032f0f -[ROCKRemoteProxy connectionUUID]
0x00000032f20 -[ROCKRemoteProxy setConnectionUUID:]
0x00000032f34 -[ROCKRemoteProxy selectorsToMethodSignatures]
0x00000032f45 -[ROCKRemoteProxy setSelectorsToMethodSignatures:]
0x00000052d08 ROCKBlockProxy : NSBlock <ROCKRemoteInvocationInterface, ROCKImpersonatable>
// class methods
0x000000338e2 +[ROCKBlockProxy blockProxyWithRemoteBlockProxy:]
// instance methods
0x00000018cee -[ROCKBlockProxy forwardInvocation:]
0x00000018d00 -[ROCKBlockProxy methodSignatureForSelector:]
0x00000018bd7 -[ROCKBlockProxy _forwardStackInvocation:]
0x000000347fb -[ROCKBlockProxy remoteInvocation:sessionManager:invocationHandler:]
0x000000349c3 -[ROCKBlockProxy remoteBlockProxy]
0x000000349d4 -[ROCKBlockProxy setRemoteBlockProxy:]
0x00000052df8 ROCKRemoteHybridProxy : ROCKRemoteProxy <ROCKMemoizable>
// class methods
0x00000034d40 +[ROCKRemoteHybridProxy remoteProxyWithSessionManager:xpcDictionary:]
// instance methods
0x0000002b644 -[ROCKRemoteHybridProxy conformsToProtocol:]
0x0000002b752 -[ROCKRemoteHybridProxy forwardingTargetForSelector:]
0x0000002b863 -[ROCKRemoteHybridProxy methodSignatureForSelector:]
0x0000002b98b -[ROCKRemoteHybridProxy respondsToSelector:]
0x00000034edd -[ROCKRemoteHybridProxy initWithSessionManager:xpcDictionary:]
0x0000003522c -[ROCKRemoteHybridProxy memoizedInstance]
0x0000003523d -[ROCKRemoteHybridProxy setMemoizedInstance:]
0x00000052e48 ROCKRunLoop : NSObject
// class methods
0x00000035264 +[ROCKRunLoop sharedRunLoopMode]
0x00000035271 +[ROCKRunLoop sharedRunLoop]
// instance methods
0x00000035344 -[ROCKRunLoop initWithTimeOut:runLoopMode:]
0x00000035698 -[ROCKRunLoop dealloc]
0x0000003571a -[ROCKRunLoop runWithInvocationHandler:]
0x000000357ed -[ROCKRunLoop runLoopSource]
0x000000357f7 -[ROCKRunLoop setRunLoopSource:]
0x00000035806 -[ROCKRunLoop runLoopMode]
0x00000035810 -[ROCKRunLoop setRunLoopMode:]
0x0000003581f -[ROCKRunLoop forwardInvocationHandler]
0x00000035830 -[ROCKRunLoop setForwardInvocationHandler:]
0x00000052ec0 ROCKImpersonator : NSObject <ROCKImpersonatable>
// instance methods
0x0000004e350 NSObject(ROCKRemoteInvocationInterface)
// instance methods
0x00000017674 -[NSObject(ROCKRemoteInvocationInterface) remoteInvocation:sessionManager:invocationHandler:]
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSArray
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSAssertionHandler
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSBlock
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSBundle
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSData
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSDate
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSDictionary
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSError
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSFileHandle
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSHashTable
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSInvocation
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSMapTable
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSMethodSignature
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSMutableArray
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSMutableDictionary
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSMutableSet
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSNull
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSNumber
0x00000000000 01 00 0200 /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib: NSObject
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSPointerArray
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSPointerFunctions
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSSet
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSString
0x00000000000 01 00 0400 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation: NSURL
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSUUID
0x00000000000 01 00 0100 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation: NSValue
0x00000000000 01 00 0200 /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib: Protocol
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