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Created October 20, 2010 18:26
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My busted use of wrap-flash
(ns one-up.core
(:use [ring.adapter.jetty :only (run-jetty)]
[ring.middleware.session :only (wrap-session)]
[ring.middleware.flash :only (wrap-flash)]
[ring.middleware.file :only (wrap-file)]
[ring.middleware.file-info :only (wrap-file-info)]
[ring.middleware.reload :only (wrap-reload)]
[ring.middleware.stacktrace :only (wrap-stacktrace)]
[one-up.view :only (main-routes)]
(def production?
(= "production" (get (System/getenv) "APP_ENV")))
(def development?
(not production?))
(def app
(-> #'main-routes
(wrap-file "public")
; (wrap-request-logging)
(wrap-if development? wrap-reload '[one-up.core one-up.middleware one-up.view])
(wrap-if production? wrap-failsafe)
(wrap-if development? wrap-stacktrace)))
(defn boot []
(let [port (Integer/parseInt (get (System/getenv) "PORT" "8080"))]
(run-jetty #'app {:join? false :port port})))
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Solution found: need to flip order of wrap-session and wrap-flash

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