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Forked from weavejester/core.clj
Created November 5, 2010 19:51
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(ns demo.core
(:use [ring.adapter.jetty :only (run-jetty)]
[ring.middleware.session :only (wrap-session)]
[ring.middleware.flash :only (wrap-flash)]
[ring.middleware.stacktrace :only (wrap-stacktrace)]
[hiccup.core :only (html)]
[hiccup.form-helpers :only (form-to label text-field submit-button)]
[ :only (xhtml link-to unordered-list)]
[compojure.core :only (defroutes GET POST)]
[compojure.route :only (not-found)]
[ring.util.response :only (redirect)]))
(declare *flash*)
(defn wrap-flash-binding [handler]
(fn [request]
(binding [*flash* (:flash request)]
(handler request))))
(defmacro with-flash
"Use this to add a flash message to response being built,
as when there is an error processing a POST."
[flash & body]
`(binding [*flash* ~flash] ~@body))
(defn message [title & message]
(html [:h2 title]
[:p message]))
(defn html-doc
[title & body]
(xhtml {:lang "en"}
[:head [:title title]]
[:h1 (link-to "/" title)]
(if *flash*
(message "Flash" *flash*))
(defn index-resource [errors count num]
(html-doc "Demo"
(when count
(message "Count"
"The count is currently " (or count 0)))
[:h2 "A form"]
(form-to [:post "/"]
(if-let [msg (:num errors)]
[:p {:style "color:red"} msg])
(label :num "Number: ")
(text-field :num num)
(submit-button "Add"))))
(defn parse-int [n]
(try (Integer/parseInt n)
(catch NumberFormatException _ nil)))
(defn assoc-session [response key value]
(assoc-in response [:session key] value))
(defn flash [response message]
(assoc response :flash message))
(defn invalid-number [key]
{key "Please enter a number"})
(defn add-resource [{count :count :as session} num]
(if-let [n (parse-int num)]
(-> (redirect "/")
(assoc-session :count (+ n (or count 0)))
(flash (if count
(str "Added " n " to " count)
(str "Initial count is " n))))
(with-flash "Please fix the error below"
(index-resource (invalid-number :num) count num))))
(defroutes main-routes
(GET "/" {{count :count} :session {num "num"} :params}
(index-resource {} count num))
(POST "/" {session :session {num "num"} :params}
(add-resource session num))
(def app
(-> #'main-routes
(defn boot []
(run-jetty #'app {:join? false :port 8080}))
(defproject one-up "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Request Demo"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]
[ring/ring-core "0.3.3"]
[ring/ring-jetty-adapter "0.3.3"]
[compojure "0.5.2"]
[hiccup "0.3.0"]]
:dev-dependencies [[ring/ring-devel "0.3.3"]
[swank-clojure "1.2.1"]])
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