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Created September 11, 2015 21:59
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MyQ Service Manager
* MyQ Service Manager SmartApp
* Author: Jason Mok
* Date: 2014-12-26
* Copyright 2014 Jason Mok
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
name: "MyQ",
namespace: "copy-ninja",
author: "Jason Mok",
description: "Connect MyQ to control your devices",
category: "SmartThings Labs",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: ""
preferences {
page(name: "prefLogIn", title: "MyQ")
page(name: "prefListDevices", title: "MyQ")
/* Preferences */
def prefLogIn() {
def showUninstall = username != null && password != null
return dynamicPage(name: "prefLogIn", title: "Connect to MyQ", nextPage:"prefListDevices", uninstall:showUninstall, install: false) {
section("Login Credentials"){
input("username", "text", title: "Username", description: "MyQ Username (email address)")
input("password", "password", title: "Password", description: "MyQ password")
section("Gateway Brand"){
input(name: "brand", title: "Gateway Brand", type: "enum", metadata:[values:["Liftmaster","Chamberlain","Craftsman"]] )
input(name: "polling", title: "Server Polling (in Minutes)", type: "int", description: "in minutes", defaultValue: "5" )
def prefListDevices() {
if (forceLogin()) {
def doorList = getDoorList()
def lightList = getLightList()
if ((doorList) || (lightList)) {
return dynamicPage(name: "prefListDevices", title: "Devices", install:true, uninstall:true) {
if (doorList) {
section("Select which garage door/gate to use"){
input(name: "doors", type: "enum", required:false, multiple:true, metadata:[values:doorList])
if (lightList) {
section("Select which light controller to use"){
input(name: "lights", type: "enum", required:false, multiple:true, metadata:[values:lightList])
} else {
def devList = getDeviceList()
return dynamicPage(name: "prefListDevices", title: "Error!", install:true, uninstall:true) {
paragraph "Could not find any supported device(s). Please report to author about these devices: " + devList
} else {
return dynamicPage(name: "prefListDevices", title: "Error!", install:false, uninstall:true) {
paragraph "The username or password you entered is incorrect. Try again. "
/* Initialization */
def installed() {
def updated() { initialize() }
def uninstalled() {
def deleteDevices = getAllChildDevices()
deleteDevices.each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) }
def initialize() {
// Get initial device status in
state.polling = [
last: now(),
runNow: true
] = [:]
// Create new devices for each selected doors
def selectedDevices = []
def doorsList = getDoorList()
def lightsList = getLightList()
def deleteDevices
if (settings.doors) {
if (settings.doors[0].size() > 1) {
selectedDevices = settings.doors
} else {
if (settings.lights) {
if (settings.lights[0].size() > 1) {
settings.lights.each { selectedDevices.add(it) }
} else {
selectedDevices.each { dni ->
def childDevice = getChildDevice(dni)
if (!childDevice) {
if (dni.contains("GarageDoorOpener")) {
addChildDevice("copy-ninja", "MyQ Garage Door Opener", dni, null, ["name": "MyQ: " + doorsList[dni], "completedSetup": true])
if (dni.contains("LightController")) {
addChildDevice("copy-ninja", "MyQ Light Controller", dni, null, ["name": "MyQ: " + lightsList[dni], "completedSetup": true])
//Remove devices that are not selected in the settings
if (!selectedDevices) {
deleteDevices = getAllChildDevices()
} else {
deleteDevices = getChildDevices().findAll { !selectedDevices.contains(it.deviceNetworkId) }
deleteDevices.each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) }
//Push status to devices after installation
// Schedule polling
schedule("0 0/" + ((settings.polling.toInteger() > 0 )? settings.polling.toInteger() : 1) + " * * * ?", refresh )
/* Access Management */
private forceLogin() {
//Reset token and expiry
state.session = [
userID: 0,
brandID: 0,
brandName: settings.brand,
securityToken: null,
expiration: 0
state.polling = [
last: now(),
runNow: true
] = [:]
return doLogin()
private login() {
if (!(state.session.expiration > now())) {
return doLogin()
} else {
return true
private doLogin() {
apiGet("/api/user/validatewithculture", [username: settings.username, password: settings.password, culture: "en"] ) { response ->
if (response.status == 200) {
if ( != null) {
state.session.userID =
state.session.brandID =
state.session.brandName =
state.session.securityToken =
state.session.expiration = now() + 150000
return true
} else {
return false
} else {
return false
// Listing all the garage doors you have in MyQ
private getDoorList() {
def deviceList = [:]
apiGet("/api/userdevicedetails", []) { response ->
if (response.status == 200) { { device ->
// 2 = garage door, 5 = gate, 7 = MyQGarage(no gateway)
if (device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 2||device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 5||device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 7) {
def dni = [, "GarageDoorOpener", device.DeviceId ].join('|')
device.Attributes.each {
if (it.Name=="desc") {
deviceList[dni] = it.Value
if (it.Name=="doorstate") {[dni] = [
status: it.Value,
lastAction: it.UpdatedTime
return deviceList
private getDeviceList() {
def deviceList = []
apiGet("/api/userdevicedetails", []) { response ->
if (response.status == 200) { { device ->
if (!(device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 1||device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 2||device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 3||device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 5||device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 7)) {
deviceList.add( device.MyQDeviceTypeId.toString() + "|" + device.TypeID )
return deviceList
// Listing all the light controller you have in MyQ
private getLightList() {
def deviceList = [:]
apiGet("/api/userdevicedetails", []) { response ->
if (response.status == 200) { { device ->
if (device.MyQDeviceTypeId == 3) {
def dni = [, "LightController", device.DeviceId ].join('|')
device.Attributes.each {
if (it.Name=="desc") {
deviceList[dni] = it.Value
if (it.Name=="lightstate") {[dni] = [
status: it.Value
return deviceList
/* api connection */
// get URL
private getApiURL() {
if (settings.brand == "Craftsman") {
return ""
} else {
return ""
private getApiAppID() {
if (settings.brand == "Craftsman") {
return "eU97d99kMG4t3STJZO/Mu2wt69yTQwM0WXZA5oZ74/ascQ2xQrLD/yjeVhEQccBZ"
} else {
return "NWknvuBd7LoFHfXmKNMBcgajXtZEgKUh4V7WNzMidrpUUluDpVYVZx+xT4PCM5Kx"
// HTTP GET call
private apiGet(apiPath, apiQuery = [], callback = {}) {
// set up query
apiQuery = [ appId: getApiAppID() ] + apiQuery
if (state.session.securityToken) { apiQuery = apiQuery + [securityToken: state.session.securityToken ] }
// set up parameters
def apiParams = [
uri: getApiURL(),
path: apiPath,
query: apiQuery
//log.debug "HTTP GET request: " + apiParams
// try to call
try {
httpGet(apiParams) { response ->
//log.debug "HTTP GET response: " +
} catch (Error e) {
log.debug "API Error: $e"
// HTTP POST call
private apiPut(apiPath, apiBody = [], callback = {}) {
// set up body
apiBody = [ ApplicationId: getApiAppID() ] + apiBody
if (state.session.securityToken) { apiBody = apiBody + [securityToken: state.session.securityToken ] }
// set up final parameters
def apiParams = [
uri: getApiURL(),
path: apiPath,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
body: apiBody
//log.debug "HTTP PUT request: " + apiParams
try {
httpPut(apiParams) { response ->
//log.debug "HTTP PUT response: " +
} catch (Error e) {
log.debug "API Error: $e"
// Updates data for devices
private updateDeviceData() {
// automatically checks if the token has expired, if so login again
if (login()) {
// Next polling time, defined in settings
def next = (state.polling.last?:0) + ((settings.polling.toInteger() > 0 ? settings.polling.toInteger() : 1) * 60 * 1000)
if ((now() > next) || (state.polling.runNow)) {
// set polling states
state.polling.last = now()
state.polling.runNow = false
// Get all the door information, updated to
def doorList = getDoorList()
def lightList = getLightList()
if (doorList||lightList) {
return true
} else {
return false
return true
} else {
return false
/* for SmartDevice to call */
// Refresh data
def refresh() {
state.polling = [
last: now(),
runNow: true
//log.debug "state: " +
//update device to state data
def updated = updateDeviceData()
//log.debug "state update: " + updated
//force devices to poll to get the latest status
if (updated) {
// get all the children and send updates
def childDevice = getAllChildDevices()
childDevice.each {
log.debug "Polling " + it.deviceNetworkId
//instead of polling, update the status directly
if (it.deviceNetworkId.contains("GarageDoorOpener")) {
// Get Device ID
def getChildDeviceID(child) {
return child.device.deviceNetworkId.split("\\|")[2]
// Get single device status
def getDeviceStatus(child) {
// Get single device last activity
def getDeviceLastActivity(child) {
// Send command to start or stop
def sendCommand(child, attributeName, attributeValue) {
if (login()) {
def apiPath = "/api/deviceattribute/putdeviceattribute"
def apiBody = [
DeviceId: getChildDeviceID(child),
AttributeName: attributeName,
AttributeValue: attributeValue
//Send command
apiPut(apiPath, apiBody)
// Schedule a refresh to verify it has been completed we give it 45 seconds
runIn(45, refresh, [overwrite: false])
return true
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