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Last active December 30, 2015 10:59
example code to blowfish encrypt/decrypt, using Go.
package main
import (
func blowfishChecksizeAndPad(pt []byte) []byte {
// calculate modulus of plaintext to blowfish's cipher block size
// if result is not 0, then we need to pad
modulus := len(pt) % blowfish.BlockSize
if modulus != 0 {
// how many bytes do we need to pad to make pt to be a multiple of blowfish's block size?
padlen := blowfish.BlockSize - modulus
// let's add the required padding
for i := 0; i < padlen; i++ {
// add the pad, one at a time
pt = append(pt, 0)
// return the whole-multiple-of-blowfish.BlockSize-sized plaintext to the calling function
return pt
func blowfishDecrypt(et, key []byte) []byte {
// create the cipher
dcipher, err := blowfish.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
// fix this. its okay for this tester program, but...
// make initialisation vector to be the first 8 bytes of ciphertext.
// see related note in blowfishEncrypt()
div := et[:blowfish.BlockSize]
// check last slice of encrypted text, if it's not a modulus of cipher block size, we're in trouble
decrypted := et[blowfish.BlockSize:]
if len(decrypted)%blowfish.BlockSize != 0 {
panic("decrypted is not a multiple of blowfish.BlockSize")
// ok, we're good... create the decrypter
dcbc := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(dcipher, div)
// decrypt!
dcbc.CryptBlocks(decrypted, decrypted)
return decrypted
func blowfishEncrypt(ppt, key []byte) []byte {
// create the cipher
ecipher, err := blowfish.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
// fix this. its okay for this tester program, but ....
// make ciphertext big enough to store len(ppt)+blowfish.BlockSize
ciphertext := make([]byte, blowfish.BlockSize+len(ppt))
// make initialisation vector to be the first 8 bytes of ciphertext. you
// wouldn't do this normally/in real code, but this IS example code! :)
eiv := ciphertext[:blowfish.BlockSize]
// create the encrypter
ecbc := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(ecipher, eiv)
// encrypt the blocks, because block cipher
ecbc.CryptBlocks(ciphertext[blowfish.BlockSize:], ppt)
// return ciphertext to calling function
return ciphertext
func main() {
var decryptedtext, encryptedtext, plaintext, paddedplaintext, secretkey []byte
plaintext = []byte("this is the plaintext string") // plaintext
secretkey = []byte("1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") // dat key
// check the size of plaintext, does it need to be padded? because
// blowfish is a block cipher, the plaintext needs to be padded to
// a multiple of the blocksize.
paddedplaintext = blowfishChecksizeAndPad(plaintext)
// lets encrypt
encryptedtext = blowfishEncrypt(paddedplaintext, secretkey)
// lets decrypt
decryptedtext = blowfishDecrypt(encryptedtext, secretkey)
// lets have a look-see
fmt.Printf(" plaintext=%s\n", plaintext)
fmt.Printf(" encryptedtext=%x\n", encryptedtext)
fmt.Printf(" decryptedtext=%s\n", decryptedtext)
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