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Created November 21, 2012 15:32
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class window.Application extends Page
bind: ->
@facebook_app_id = $("meta[property='fb:app_id']").attr('content')
@app_url = window.location.protocol + "//" +
@authenticity_token = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
new Cities
setTimeout () ->
new AppPusher
, 2000
if window.user
if user.is_seller
@topnavigation_el.append """
<div class="menu">
<a href="#/">Store Builder</a>
<a href="#{router.myBookingsPath()}">
<span class="bubble">
<div id="unreadCount"></div>
My Bookings
<a href="#{router.inviteBuddiesPath()}">Invite Friends</a>
<a href="#/my_profile">Preview</a>
<a el="submit_for_approval" class="lastElement">Publish</a>
# unread messages on right of the header
@unread_counter = new JSCounter.NumberCounter('unreadCount',{start:0})
setTimeout () =>
, 1
CurrentUser.onChange (e) =>
@assignNodes(".menu") =>
console.log "ciaooooooo"
question =
if user.profile_waiting_approval
'Really wish to cancel your request to publish your store?'
<p>We carefully review each store before it gets published.</p>
<p>Use the short statement and your bio to tell us your personal story; Why you do what you do and what makes you unique.</p>
<p>A picture is worth a thousand words. Take full advantage of the front cover by using a clear / high resolution photo.</p>
<p>Make your service cards look amazing with relevant pictures and good copy. Be descriptive and make people dream.</p>
<p>Ask your friends and clients for endorsements: it will make you look more personal and professional.</p>
<p>Steady, ready, go!</p>
question: question
ok: 'Submit'
width: 600
callback: (choice) =>
if choice == yes
(user) =>
window.user = new CurrentUser(user)
showUser: (user) ->
$(".whiteStripe .progressBar .bar").css("width", perc + '%')
setUnreadCount: (count)->
@unread_count = count
if count >= 0
$('#unreadCount').toggleClass('zero', count == 0)
showing_upon_visit = false
route: (path) ->
if window.user
unless showing_upon_visit
action = user.show_upon_visit
if !user.is_seller && path == '' && action
showing_upon_visit = true
@go action
@current_view.onHide =>
default: ->
if user.is_seller
return 'doer'
doer: ->
new DoersPage $('#pageContent')
feed: ->
new FeedView $('#pageContent')
invite_buddies: ->
new InviteBuddies $('#pageContent')
my_activity: ->
new MyActivity(document.body)
private_profile: ->
new PrivateProfile $('#pageContent'), user
public_profile: ->
new PublicProfile $('#pageContent')
my_profile: ->
if user.is_seller
new PublicProfile $('#pageContent')
new PosterProfile $('#pageContent')
wallet: ->
$('#pageContent').append(root = $("<div>"))
new Wallet(root)
requests: ->
$('#pageContent').append(root = $("<div>"))
new TasksStatus(root)
tasks: ->
new CallFunctionView () =>
@go 'requests'
showPrivateProfile: ->
@go 'private_profile'
user: ->
new UserView
showUserById: (id) ->
return unless id
@route "public_profile;id=#{id}/default"
showOffer: (offer, params = {}) -> = offer.permalink
@route ""
#@current_view.go "browse"
@current_view.current_view.current_view.go("offer", params)
showNewOffer: (offer) ->
params = {id:offer.permalink}
@route ""
v = @current_view.current_view.current_view
v.go("offer", params)
v.current_view.go 'just_posted'
openOfferForm: (offer) ->
Offer.findByPermalink offer.permalink, (offer) =>
unless offer.assigned_to
@go 'my_activity'
@current_view.go 'edit_offer', id: offer.permalink
@error "Can't edit task which is in progress."
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