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Created September 15, 2016 01:08
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Structured Component for Cycle
* Component module to enforce model update view
import xs, {MemoryStream, Stream} from 'xstream';
import {DOMSource, VNode} from '@cycle/dom';
import {Record} from 'immutable';
export interface ComponentSource { DOM: DOMSource }
export interface Updater<Value, Model> {
from$: Stream<Value>,
by: (model: Model, value: Value) => Model
export interface ComponentSink {
model$: MemoryStream<any>,
DOM: MemoryStream<VNode>,
components: {
[key: string]: ComponentSink
export interface ComponentOptions<Model, Components> {
components?: {
[key: string]: ComponentSink
model?: Model,
update?: {
[key: string]: Updater<any, Model>
view: (model: Model, components: any) => VNode,
interface EventType<T> {
name: string
export const on = {
click: { name: 'click' } as EventType<MouseEvent>,
input: { name: 'input' } as EventType<UIEvent>,
submit: { name: 'submit' } as EventType<UIEvent>,
checkboxStateChange: { name: 'CheckboxStateChange' } as EventType<UIEvent>
export const to = {
value: (event: any) =>,
object: (event: any) => {
const inputs ='input')
).filter((elm: any) => as HTMLInputElement[];
const keyValues = => ({name:, value: elm.value}));
const inputsObject = keyValues.reduce((inputsObject: any, nameValuePair: any) => {
inputsObject[] = nameValuePair.value;
return inputsObject;
}, {});
return inputsObject;
export const domSelector = (sources: ComponentSource) => (
function dom<T> (
selector: string,
event: EventType<T>,
mapper?: (event: T) => any
) {
mapper || ((e: any) => e)
export default function Component<Model, Components> (
options: ComponentOptions<Model, Components>
) {
const { model, update, view } = options;
// get the components objects as a list of component tuples
const componentNames = /*if*/ options.components ? (
) : ([]);
const components = => ({
dom$: (options.components[name].DOM as xs<VNode>)
const ComponentsRecord = Record((function () {
let emptyComponents: any = {};
componentNames.forEach(name => emptyComponents[name] = null);
return emptyComponents;
* state record is an immutable type to hold the
* model state and the components view tree.
* these all get stored into one StateRecord.
const ModelRecord = Record({
thisComponent: model, components: new ComponentsRecord()
const component$s ={name, dom$}) => (
dom$.map(dom => (
(model: Immutable.Map<string, any>) => model.setIn(
['components', name],
const updaters = Object.keys(update || []).map(key => update[key]);
const updater$s = => {
const { from$, by } = updater;
const updater$s = from$.map(value => (model: Model) => by(model, value));
return updater$
updater => (
model: Immutable.Map<string, any>
) => model.update('thisComponent',updater)
const model$ = xs.merge(...updater$s, ...component$s).fold(
(state, update) => update(state),
new ModelRecord()
const view$ = model$.map(model => {
const componentArray =
name => ({
dom: model.getIn(['components', name])
const components = (function () {
let components: any = {};
componentArray.forEach(({name, dom}) => {
components[name] = dom;
return components;
return view(model.get('thisComponent'), components);
return {
model$: model$.map(model => model.get('thisComponent')),
DOM: view$,
components: options.components
import Component, {ComponentSource, domSelector, on, to} from '../Component';
import { div, h1, input, DOMSource } from '@cycle/dom';
export default function HelloComponent(sources: {
DOM: DOMSource
}) {
const dom = domSelector(sources);
return Component({
model: 'World!',
update: {
onInput: {
from$: dom(`.hello`, on.input, to.value),
by: (model, value) => value
view: (name) => div([
h1([`Hello, ${name}`]),
input(`.hello`, {attrs: {type: 'text', value: name}}),
import xs from 'xstream';
import {DOMSource, makeDOMDriver, div, h1, input, hr} from '@cycle/dom';
import {run} from '@cycle/xstream-run';
import Component from './Component';
import Hello from './components/Hello';
import {domSelector, on, to} from './Component';
import {Record} from 'immutable';
function main(sources: any) {
const dom = domSelector(sources);
const ModelRecord = Record({
clicks: 0,
message: ''
const helloNestedComponent = Hello(sources);
const component = Component({
components: { helloNestedComponent },
model: new ModelRecord(),
update: {
onClick: {
from$: dom('body',,
by: model => model.update('clicks', x => x + 1)
onInput: {
from$: dom('.message', on.input, to.value),
by: (model, message) => model.set('message', message)
view: (model, { helloNestedComponent }) => div([
h1(['clicks: ' + model.get('clicks')]),
h1([`message: ${model.get('message')}`]),
input('.message', {attrs: {type: 'text', value: model.get('message')}}),
return {
DOM: component.DOM
run(main, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#will-i-pass')
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i was playing around with cycle and i wanted to come up with a declarative api the enforces the elm architecture. i have a few problems with my own code. The biggest thing I see wrong is that I only save the view stream when nesting components together and this doesn't really save all the state in one store like redux which can lead to inconsistency when trying to implement things like undo/redo. i'll play with this more :)

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(Unfortunately) what I was trying with this Component module didn't really go along with the ideas of cycle so i'm now attempting to make my own frontend framework 😓 .

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