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Last active September 19, 2019 05:12
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React.memo but it ignores functions changes
import React, { memo, useMemo, useLayoutEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import objectHash from 'object-hash';
import _partition from 'lodash/partition';
import _fromPairs from 'lodash/fromPairs';
* an HOC that uses `React.memo` to memoize component expect it ignores changes
* to functions while also keeping those functions up-to-date somehow
function memoIgnoringFunctions(Component, propsAreEqual) {
// call React.memo first
const MemoedComponent = memo(Component, propsAreEqual);
// the resulting component this HOC returns
function MemoIgnoringFunctions(props) {
const propEntries = Object.entries(props);
const [functionPropEntries, nonFunctionPropEntries] = _partition(
entry => typeof entry[1] === 'function',
const nonFunctionProps = _fromPairs(nonFunctionPropEntries);
const functionPropKeys =[key]) => key);
// this ref is used to hold the most current values of the functions.
// the layout effect runs before any other effects and is ideal for updating
// `currentFunctions` ref with new function references
const currentFunctionsRef = useRef({});
useLayoutEffect(() => {
const currentFunctions = currentFunctionsRef.current;
for (const key of functionPropKeys) {
currentFunctions[key] = props[key];
// the `preservedFunctions` is a memoed value calculated from a hash of the
// `functionPropKeys`. this `useMemo` will return a new set of
// `preservedFunctions` when those function key changes
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
const preservedFunctions = useMemo(() => {
return functionPropKeys.reduce((functionCache, functionKey) => {
functionCache[functionKey] = (...args) => {
// this is the real trick:
// we can get away with wrapping the functions because the functions
// can simply lazily pull the latest function value from our ref.
// the layout effect keeps the values in sync
const currentFunction = currentFunctionsRef.current[functionKey];
return currentFunction(...args);
return functionCache;
}, {});
}, [objectHash(functionPropKeys)]);
return <MemoedComponent {...nonFunctionProps} {...preservedFunctions} />;
return MemoIgnoringFunctions;
export default memoIgnoringFunctions;
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { act, create } from 'react-test-renderer';
import memoIgnoringFunctions from './memoIgnoringFunctions';
it("memoizes components but doesn't consider different function references", async () => {
const childEffectHandler = jest.fn();
const parentEffectHandler = jest.fn();
const done = new DeferredPromise();
function Child({ onStuff, foo }) {
useEffect(() => {
childEffectHandler({ onStuff, foo });
return null;
const Memoed = memoIgnoringFunctions(Child);
function Parent() {
const [reRender, setReRender] = useState(false);
const [foo, setFoo] = useState('foo');
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (reRender) {
}, [reRender]);
useEffect(() => {
if (foo === 'bar') {
}, [foo]);
const handleStuff = () => {
return foo;
return <Memoed onStuff={handleStuff} foo={foo} />;
await act(async () => {
create(<Parent />);
await done;
expect( => args[0])).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
Array [
Object {
"foo": "foo",
"onStuff": [Function],
Object {
"foo": "bar",
"onStuff": [Function],
const first = childEffectHandler.mock.calls[0][0].onStuff;
const second = childEffectHandler.mock.calls[1][0].onStuff;
// these will both be the _latest_ value due to the layout effect updating them
// this a promise that you can `.resolve` somewhere else
class DeferredPromise {
constructor() {
this.state = 'pending';
this._promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = value => {
this.state = 'fulfilled';
this.reject = reason => {
this.state = 'rejected';
this.then = this._promise.then.bind(this._promise);
this.catch = this._promise.catch.bind(this._promise);
this.finally = this._promise.finally.bind(this._promise);
[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Promise';
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The real trick here is the layout effect + ref + some laziness:

by nature of functions, we can defer getting the latest function value by pulling it at the time of invocation in the function wrappers and then use a layout effect with a ref to keep those values updated with every render.

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