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ricsonc/ Secret

Created August 10, 2020 02:35
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from aljpy import arrdict, dotdict
import torch
import pybbfmm
from ipdb import set_trace as st
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from munch import Munch as M
import imageio as ii
from time import time
import numpy as np'dark_background')
class Gravity:
def __init__(self, plummer = 1E-2, epsilon = 1E-12, **kwargs):
self.plummer = plummer
self.gconst = None #need to set....
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.chebN = 4
self.capacity = 12
self.correction = self.compute_correction(**kwargs)
def compute_correction(self, R = 30, resolution = 51):
xtarget = ytarget = torch.linspace(0, 0.5, resolution).cuda()
xyt = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(xtarget, ytarget), dim = -1).reshape(-1, 2)
# Tx2 correction points
xsource = ysource = torch.linspace(-R, R, 2*R+1).cuda()
xys = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(xsource, ysource), dim = -1).reshape(-1, 2)
M = (2*R+1)**2
# Mx2 source points
rval = torch.zeros(resolution**2)
for i, xy in enumerate(xyt):
diff = xys-xy #source minus target...
sqdists = (diff**2).sum(dim = -1)
mask = sqdists < (R-0.1)**2
mask[M//2] = False
xys_ = xys[mask]
sqdists_ = sqdists[mask]
diffx = diff[mask][:,0] #only care about x
forcex = diffx / sqdists_**1.5
rval[i] = forcex.sum()
#index by yx
rval = rval.reshape(1,1,resolution,resolution).permute(0,1,3,2)
# plt.imshow(rval[0,0].numpy());
return rval.cuda()
def brute_force(self, xy, R = 30): #this implementation is correct
#xy is ?x2
xoff = yoff = torch.linspace(-R, R, 2*R+1).cuda()
xyoff = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(xoff, yoff), dim = -1).reshape(-1, 2)
total = 0
for off in xyoff:
xy_ = xy + off
sqdist = (xy_**2).sum(-1)
total += torch.where(
torch.max(sqdist < self.epsilon, R-0.9 < sqdist), #if either of these...
-xy_[...,0]/( torch.sqrt(sqdist)*sqdist ),
return total
def direct(self, xy):
sqdist = (xy**2).sum(-1)
return torch.where(
sqdist < self.epsilon,
torch.zeros_like(sqdist), #0...
-xy[...,0]/( torch.sqrt(sqdist)*(sqdist + self.plummer**2) )
def indirect(self, xy):
#requires xy in [0,0.5]^2
if len(xy.shape) == 2: #needs to support rank 2
return self.indirect(xy.unsqueeze(0))[0]
return F.grid_sample(
(xy*4-1).unsqueeze(0), #needs to be rescaled to -1,1, NHW2
padding_mode='border', #shouldn't matter
align_corners = False,
def gravityx(self, a, b):
target = a
source = b
xy = (target-source) % 1 #get everything to top right quadrant...
x = xy[...,0]
y = xy[...,1]
# try:
# foo = (xy**2).sum(-1)[(xy**2).sum(-1) > 0].min()
# print(foo)
# if foo.item() < 0.02:
# st()
# except:
# pass
taking advantage of symmetry:
x must be in [-1,1]^2, in one of the four quadrants
we can always flip x over the horizontal axis for free (since we're computing x-force)
we can flip x over the vertical axis, and just flip the sign of the force
by this, we can always move x to be in [0,0.5]^2 of the top right quadrant
this fact will be used below
horflip = y > 0.5 #if y > 0.5, flip over horizontal
verflip = x > 0.5 #if x > 0.5, flip over vertical axis
y = torch.where(horflip, (1-y), y)
x = torch.where(verflip, (1-x), x)
sign = torch.where(verflip, -torch.ones_like(x), torch.ones_like(x))
xy = torch.stack((x, y), dim=-1)
return sign * ( + self.indirect(xy))
# return sign *
# return sign * self.brute_force(xy) #for debugging...
def gravityy(self, a, b):
#idea -- flip x and y coordinates, then the rest is the same
return self.gravityx(a.flip(-1), b.flip(-1)) #for some reason this looks very wrong...
def compute(self, points):
if points.shape[0] <= 4096:
return self.compute_brute(points)
prob = arrdict.arrdict(
#Nx2 output
return self.gconst * self.solve_multikernel(prob, [self.gravityx, self.gravityy])
# rval = self.gconst * self.solve_multikernel(prob, [self.gravityx, self.gravityy])
# gt = self.compute_brute(points)
# rval /= self.gconst
# gt /= self.gconst
# diff = rval-gt
# mags = torch.sqrt((gt**2).sum(-1))
# diffmags = torch.sqrt((diff**2).sum(-1))
# reldiff = diffmags/mags
# print(reldiff.max())
# st()
# return rval * self.gconst
def compute_brute(self, points):
return self.gconst * torch.stack(
(self.gravityx(points.unsqueeze(1), points.unsqueeze(0)),
self.gravityy(points.unsqueeze(1), points.unsqueeze(0))),
dim = -1
).sum(dim=1) #sum out the sources
def solve_multikernel(self, prob, kernels):
from pybbfmm import chebyshev, orthantree, scale
cheb = chebyshev.Chebyshev(self.chebN, prob.sources.shape[1], device=prob.sources.device)
prob.kernel = lambda a, b: None
scaled = scale(prob)
tree, indices, depths = orthantree.orthantree(scaled, capacity=self.capacity)
scheme = orthantree.interaction_scheme(tree, depths, PERIODIC=True)
outputs = []
for kernel in kernels:
scaled_ = M(**scaled) #copy scaled...
scaled_.kernel = lambda a, b: kernel(a*scaled.scale, b*scaled.scale)
return torch.stack(outputs, axis = -1)
class Universe:
def __init__(self, uargs, debug = False):
self.debug = debug
self.uargs = uargs
self.gcomputer = Gravity()
self.history = []
def initialize(self, version=None):
N = self.uargs.nbodies
if version == 0:
self.pos = torch.rand(N, 2).cuda() * 0.3 + 0.4
self.vel = (torch.rand(N, 2).cuda()-0.5) * 0.0
elif version == 1:
M = int(N**0.5)
z = torch.linspace(0, (M-1)/M, M).cuda()
self.pos = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(z, z), dim = -1).reshape(-1, 2) + 0.0
self.vel = torch.zeros_like(self.pos)
M = int(N**0.5)
z = torch.linspace(0, (M-1)/M, M).cuda()
self.pos = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(z, z), dim = -1).reshape(-1, 2) + (0.5/M)
# self.pos += (torch.rand(N, 2).cuda()-0.5) * 1E-4 #grid spacing is 1E-4 so...
#density = np.load('init.npy')
#density = np.load('init_big.npy')
density = np.load('init_ms.npy')
grad = torch.Tensor(np.stack(np.gradient(density), axis = -1)).cuda().reshape(-1, 2)
self.pos += grad * 1E-4 #was 1E-3 before..., 1E-2 also works well
self.pos %= 1
#CHANGE to 0.5e-4
self.vel = torch.zeros_like(self.pos)
self.last_a = torch.zeros_like(self.pos)
self.time = 0
if self.debug:
self.initializing = False
self.initializing_steps = 0
def scale(self, t = None):
if t is None:
t = self.time
time = self.uargs.start_time + t * self.uargs.timestep
scale = 0.693 * np.sinh(time / 3.42E+17)**(2/3)
return scale
def step(self):
#1. compute gravitational constant
# current_size = self.scale() * self.uargs.size
current_size = self.uargs.size
ud_over_m = current_size
ut_over_s = self.uargs.timestep
um_over_kg = (self.uargs.density*self.uargs.size**2) / self.uargs.nbodies
gravity_u = self.uargs.gravity * (um_over_kg * ut_over_s**2) / ud_over_m**3
self.gcomputer.gconst = gravity_u
scale = self.scale()
self.gcomputer.plummer = self.uargs.plummer / (ud_over_m*scale) #<- scale on the bottom..
#not sure wtf is happening here...
self.pos += 0.5 * self.vel / scale**2
self.pos %= 1
rand_offset = torch.rand(1,2).cuda()
#should not be affected by random displacement of all points
a = self.gcomputer.compute((self.pos + rand_offset)%1)
self.vel += a / scale
self.pos += 0.5 * self.vel / scale**2
#2. update universe via leapfrog -- with dynamic stepping?
# self.vel += self.last_a/2 #v(+0.5)
# self.pos += self.vel #x(+1)
# self.pos %= 1
# a = self.gcomputer.compute(self.pos)
# if self.initializing:
# a = -a #reverse forces while initializing
# self.vel += a/2 #v(+1)
# self.last_a = a
speeds = torch.sqrt((self.vel**2).sum(-1))/scale**2
# forces = torch.sqrt((a**2).sum(-1))
# print('forces --', forces.mean(), forces.max())
# if forces.mean().item() < 1E-7:
# print('done initializing, starting to simulate...')
# self.initializing = False
# print(self.scale() / self.scale(self.time+1))
#speeds = torch.sqrt((torch.min(self.vel.abs(), 1 - self.vel.abs())**2).sum(-1))
print('speeds -- ', speeds.mean(), speeds.max())
if not self.initializing:
# self.vel *= self.scale() / self.scale(self.time+1) #scale velocity down to account for increased scale
self.time += 1
#only increment time and decrease velocity if not initializing...
self.vel *= 0.0
self.initializing_steps += 1
if self.debug:
if not self.debug and (self.time % 10 == 0):'out/{self.time:04d}', self.pos.cpu().numpy())
def plot_history(self):
hist = torch.stack(U.history, axis = 0).cpu().numpy()
for j in range(U.uargs.nbodies):
foo = plt.scatter(hist[500::1,j,0], hist[500::1,j,1], alpha = 0.2, s=1)
# plt.scatter([hist[-1,j,0]], [hist[-1,j,1]], c = foo[0].get_color())
def plot(self):
pos = self.pos.cpu().numpy() % 1
xs = pos[...,0]
ys = pos[...,1]
plt.scatter(xs, ys, s=1)
def go(self):
# self.plot()
for i in range(10000):
# if i % 10 == 0:
# self.plot()
t0 = time()
print(f'step {i} in {time()-t0:.2f} seconds')
# self.plot_history()
#tweak plummer as necessary...
uargs = M(
density = 0.02, #kg/m^2 <- obtained by projecting down 1E-26 kg/m^3 into one less dimension
size = 2E+24, #length of our cube, in meters
plummer = 2E+21, #plummer smoothing radius, same as in #5 good, 1 bad
gravity = 6.67E-11, #gravitational constant
hubble = 2.25E-18, #in hertz...
simtime = 5E+17, #seconds
timestep = 5E+13, #seconds
start_time = 5E+15, #seconds #the lower this is, faster webbing and bad shapes
nbodies = 2**22, #number of objects
#adaptive stepping needed..
U = Universe(uargs, debug = False)
# U.plot_history()
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