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Last active March 22, 2023 07:35
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PHP command line through Docker

PHP command line through Docker


in .bashrc on in .zshrc insert:

function php() {
    docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
        --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
        --volume "$(pwd)":/app \
        -w /app \
        php:8.2-cli-alpine php $@

then in the terminal you can user php as normal command line:

php -v


 » php -v
PHP 8.2.4 (cli) (built: Mar 16 2023 22:00:14) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.2.4, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies


function composer() {
    docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
            --volume "$PWD":/app \
            --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
            composer composer $@

then in the terminal you can user php as normal command line:

composer --version
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