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html body div#editor.syntax.notranslate.safari.doesWrap.loaded {
font-family: "Lucida Grande" !important;
font-weight: 700 !important;
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
text-rendering: auto !important;
letter-spacing: 0 !important;
riddle / hackpad-userlist.user.css
Created March 13, 2014 11:48
Better layout for’s user list in pad’s sidebar.
#friend-picker-div {
margin-top: 0 !important;
#sharingsettings {
margin-bottom: 10px !important;
padding-bottom: 0 !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd !important;
riddle / gist:11157344
Created April 21, 2014 21:33
Challenges config
SwitchTimeOffset: 586800
ListWeeksHeader: '&6ID &2START DATE &7STATUS [NEWLINE] &8---------------------------------'
ListWeeksEntry: '&6#<ID> &2<Date> &7<Status>'
ListLevelsHeader: ' [NEWLINE] &bChallenge #<ID> &7(<From> - <To>): [NEWLINE] &8---------------------------------'
ListLevelsEntry: '&e[<Level>] &7<Desc> &b<Points> points total'
ChallengeInProgress: Challenge in Progress
ChallengeEnded: Challenge ended
LevelCreated: <Number> levels created
FutureOnly: '&cYou can only edit future challenges!'
riddle / gist:11157419
Created April 21, 2014 21:36
MobLimiter config
GlobalChunkLimit: 30
GlobalViewDistanceLimit: 120
GroupPlural: Animals
NameSingular: Horse
NamePlural: Horses
ChunkLimit: 16
ViewDistanceLimit: 120
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN" packages="net.minecraft,com.mojang">
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss} [%level] %msg%n" />
<Queue name="TerminalConsole">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss} [%level] %msg%n" />
21 53 0
78 19 0
46 84 0
44 65 0
-55 43 0
36 98 0
5 11 0
28 35 0
-110 -58 0
62 31 0
riddle / gist:2ec76b73f11095193f8a
Created July 8, 2014 08:09
Challange Week 78
[Level 1] Earn 16 emerald of profit and put them in an empty chest where it can be locked until next week (where you don't plan on building). Submit the challenge near the chest.
+1 point
[Level 2] Put following items in a chest: a saddle, brand new, unenchanted chainmail boots and leather hat and a stack each of all cooked meats (pork, beef and chicken). Convert following units into imperial system: 0°C, 20°C, 36°C, 100°C, 1km, 1kg and 1l of water. Write that down on signs.
+1 point
[Level 3] Build a minuature US flag using 15 Quartz Blocks for stars, water for navy blue background and red/white wool for stripes. Size all parts accordingly. Flag should be laying flat on the ground. If you want, you can build a full scale flag with 50 Quartz Blocks and the rest being proportionally big. Bigger flags will get 1 bonus challenge point.
+2 points
[Level 4] Build Mt. Rushmore out of 30 stacks of cobblestone (or smooth stone or mixed), adding 4 faces of famous YouTubers who play Minecraft (or those you just like
-- Rule #1 --------
-- You must agree and follow our community guidelines
a. Public chat is English-only. Use private channels for other languages or friendly slang.
b. Don't spam or repeat yourself without cause.
c. Don't have fun at the expense of others.
d. Some profanity is okay. We're mature folks and profanity isn't taboo when used intelligently.
e. Hate speech, abuse, and rude behavior is never ok. Don't attack people, use slurs, racism, or sexism
f. You are responsible for your account. Alcohol or drugs can't be used as an excuse.
g. Listen to staff. We have a responsibility to maintain an open and welcoming community.
bind(player_interact, null, array(button: 'left', block: 133), @event,
if(or(array_contains_ic(sk_regions_at(ploc()), 'endspawncrystal'), array_contains_ic(sk_regions_at(ploc()), 'endlimbocrystal'))) {
assign(@player_name, @event['player'])
set_peffect(@player_name, 16, 0, 0)
sudo('/checkpoint clear')
if(array_contains_ic(sk_regions_at(ploc()), 'endspawncrystal')) {
console(colorize('&e' . @player_name . ' finished spawn tutorial'))
When we first set out to add our personal touch to what hMod offered the community 3 and a half years ago, none of us foresaw the success the Bukkit project would end up having. From a rocky start that wasn't of our own making (hMod suddenly disappeared without warning while we were just starting up the project, leaving us ill-prepared to fill the void left over), we stepped up to the challenge and managed to put together a usable, respectable alternative to other server mods. We even went so far as to improve on the Minecraft server itself. I can proudly and confidently say that Bukkit was and is a success: not only were we able to provide a platform for hundreds of thousands of Developers to build upon and make use of, we were also frequently providing our Server Admins with peace of mind knowing that the latest exploits and security holes were addressed in a timely and responsible manner.
From the get go we were plagued with issues and obstacles we needed to overcome, one of which we were sadly unable to